Busted :( The second you know its over :(


Active Member
Yep it happened. The day we never want to see come :(

So I was asleep on my couch when I hear a knock at the door, I look out the window and see a fed ex truck and two fed ex guys. Odd....a bit but maybe someone in training. I open the door and step outside closing the door behind me. The fed ex driver holds a package out while asking me if I am so and so. I say yes I am and hold my hand out for the package. He pulls it back a bit and opens the top and tilts the package towards me while saying "I am detective ------- from the ------ county police department and we recieved an anonomous phonecall that their are illegal narcotics at this location" I try to act surprised but the damn world stopped spinning as I tried to figure out if someone was messing with me and could not help the shakes as I relized it was real.

I told him no, he asked why I was so nervous and I responded "Because your dressed up like a f-ing fedex worker with a badge in a box talking about narcotics in my house, that isnt normal man". He suggests going in and taking a look inside to dispell any rumours.

I figured I would be ok at this point being if he had any evidence he would have had a warrent. I tell him No you can not look inside and I dont have anything to say without my attorney present in and am I under arresst because if not I am leaving. He reads me my miranda rights and tells me to have a seat. Calls a judge and tells him when I opened the door he smelled marijuana in which the judge tells him is probable cause. He opens my door walks directly where my stuff was opens that door looks inside comes back out and calls the judge and tells him "Yes, sir I will need that warrent" an hour later he gets a call the warrent is ready and I am shipped off to jail as everycop in the county goes in my house.

I was charged with manufactering with the intent to distibute scedule 1 narcotic first offense. On the evidence sheet it says a clear plastic bag with 297 grams of green plant material and all my equipment :( bond was $5500.

Sucks........never seen it coming. People remember the golden rule - dont even let your f-ing dog know what your doing. I do not know how they found out but obvisouly I messed up somewhere. I guess I will find out who or what when my lawyer files a discovery.

Monday was a shitty day. Only good thing is the bondsman told me he had 8 calls before my bond was even set with people trying to get me out, you find out who your real people are when the shit hits the fan :( :(

Something is fishy about the whole search process and I am praying my lawyer tells me dont worry about anything this shit will be thrown out for illegal search and seziure when I go see him tomorrow.

Just thought I would share and put an extra word of caution out to people.

Wish me luck, hopefully I get thru it all without any jail time. It is my first drug offense and the only other time I was charged with a felony was 20 years ago.
Shit dude - am real sorry to read that man! Sounds like a fucking pain in the ass - i hope it gets fixed & back to normal soon for u. And glad to hear u got people trying help at home already - its having them there that means it sounds like u'll be alright to me man - u just gotta ride it out for abit sadly. Best of luck dude!
Damn two RIu members down in one month , they could have an account here , just try and not give that much info on your grows, these damn cops have nothing to do they must be bored nuff to pay some one to surf Mj sites
I got busted and convicted for trafficking marijuana over 8 oz/under 5 lbs back in 1999 when I was 18. They showed up at my crib on graduation day, and I waas out and about already that day. But my parents were at home when they showed up in plain clothes and regular Ford Explorer and Ford Thunderbird. They had a search warrant though, so they were at my house for hours before I finally came home to the shock of 30 police officers going through my house and the woods behind my house. I got caught with about 3 1/2 pounds and about $5,000 cash. I still ended up getting away with about $11,000 after I got all the money that I had fronted out and that they didn't find. They locked my parents up too and charged them with complicity, so they had the same charges as me. Talk about a bad day. I felt horrible. I missed my graduation and the rest of my family was there waiting for me to walk to get my diploma, but I was in jail and noone new. I lived in a dead end court, and every car that drove down my street got pulled over and searched. They ended up arresting 3 different friends that drove down my street being nosy with roaches in their car and ended up going to jail over it too. I ended up taking a rocket docket plea where I pleaded guilty to a class d felony with 1 year on the shelf and probation for 5 years. But they dropped the charges against my parents which was my main concern. It was the first time I had ever been arrested. A few years later 2 of the narcotics agents got in trouble for forging search warrants, so I was able to get my motion of discovery years after the fact, and I finally got to see how they got the warrant for my house. It was all lies. They said they looked in my window and saw hand scales and weed laying around when I lived in the basement. They also had an informant whos name wasn't on the papers. I had digital scales and my weed was always put up. I wasn't messing with small bags. I was getting at least 10 lbs every week of compressed weed. My point is that they can lie and lie and lie to get search warrants and there really isn't shit you can do. How can you prove that they didn't smell weed? You can't and that is how they fuck you. Plus they are police officers and the judges take their words as the truth when most the time it clearly isn't.

Good luck with your case and make sure you don't catch any other charges while this case is pending. That could be detrimental to you in the end. And do whatever you can to keep from getting a felony conviction. It will follow you the rest of your life. Trust me I know!
im sorry to hear that. hope all goes the best for you. but yeah if cops wanna get you they will find a way. ehter fake warrent, fake info for warrent, or false smell of mj. i know forsure if i open my door you will smell weed. but that is because i smoke right in my living room which is next to my door.... if i didnt do that it wouldnt smell to bad but you might still smell it. weed smells alot for a non-smoker
Yep it happened.

Sucks........never seen it coming. People remember the golden rule - dont even let your f-ing dog know what your doing. I do not know how they found out but obvisouly I messed up somewhere. I guess I will find out who or what when my lawyer files a discovery.

Monday was a shitty day. Only good thing is the bondsman told me he had 8 calls before my bond was even set with people trying to get me out, you find out who your real people are when the shit hits the fan :( :(
How in hell did 8 people know about this before bond being set? How many folks knew about your operation?

Something is fishy about the whole search process and I am praying my lawyer tells me dont worry about anything this shit will be thrown out for illegal search and seziure when I go see him tomorrow.
From your description it sounds that the S&S sounds pretty legit.

What boggles me is why you even opened the door, if you were expecting a package then let them leave the little fedex slip and pick that shit up at the nearest depot, if you were not expecting a package you should have thrown on a movie and have them fuckers wait at the door all fuckin day and night as there is no requirement to open your door to anybody, not even the police if they identify themselves.

Wish me luck, hopefully I get thru it all without any jail time. It is my first drug offense and the only other time I was charged with a felony was 20 years ago.
best of luck.

I keep two cans of air freshener next to my door. If someone I don't recognize is outside I start by spraying at the door and move back so that I've sprayed about a 5 foot area around the door before opening it and stepping outside. I've had everyone from neighbors to the local Sheriff come to my door and never had a problem with smell.
Can you disprove it in a court of law? That he did not smell it?

Because you are innocent until proven guilty, the onus lies with the prosecution to prove that the smell did exist and that it was actually MJ causing the smell.

Another way of looking at it would be:
If a skunk in a neighbourhood sprayed and smelled up a block or two, does that give the cops the right to search every home in the area just because a smell was interpreted as possibly being cannabis?