The non-repping but still want to spread the love thread!!


Well-Known Member
I just noticed all the dueling inflated egos that have arisen since the recent closing of certain threads. So I just wanted to start one where the rest of us who didn't want to be involved in all that negative energy could at least still practice the same spreading of love and positive vibes. I don't need rep to want to spread love and create a nice environment for people to enjoy our hobby and the people that are involved in it.

Thanks and Welcome Home!:joint:


Active Member
Good observational skills :) People get WAY to worked up on all of this- I'm not here to get into arguments, just to... hmmm... well learn really, and I find myself chit chatting to for no apparant reason.
Well I for one do not want any negative energy. So spread the love! And spread the love not just on here (where there is limited interaction) but where it really impacts, with the people we meet everyday- the guy who cuts us off on the pm commute, our mother nagging us, and our lovers and friends who mean well, but sometimes get on our nerves. Lets give off posative energy instead of negative.
PS-Hobby- that's a clever one. :)


Well-Known Member
You can do whatever you wish here (within the rules of the forum, as its not mine I cannot condone thinking outside the forum box)....dirty talk is certainly allowed and encouraged. And if anyone post something that is not inline with our energy than we can just ignore them.


Well-Known Member
lol, hey, I'm down with love!

In one of the other threads talking about the whole rep whore thing, someone said something about reporting to fdd at the principals know, if I could report to fdd fo a spanking, I don't think I'd mind the loss of the rep threads as much.....

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
No home for the refugees... :confused:

I'll miss all the crazy dirty talk, but oh well...

... it's still fun to help the newbies and some of their questions really crack me up! But I figure they need somebody that's gonna be nice to them, no matter how dumb the situation is that they are posing... lol

Farewell to the Reps that I love...



Well-Known Member
its ok to talk just don't who're out reps. Thats what the prob is :-).
people have been here a long time and worked for reps. "Look at top "right each persons join dates there. Most of the rep whores are really new. It just makes the rep system a popularity (sp????) contest