The Great God Pan is Alive

no, you didn't. you touched on a few myths that cranky soreheads and internet gaylords like to bandy about.

i'm just wondering when the hell all of your relentless spamming is going to pay off.

I already answered your question in the quote below.

Now can you answer my questions?
I am seriously interested in if you have a real life, or if I'm the pinnacle for you.


All day you tell everyone/Bump what I've got going on?
Whether or not you believe I will be doing them these are the things I AM doing. And the one you just mentioned has already been done (earned, just has to be mailed)

What's going on in your life? I am really interested?
Just spamming forums, and mooching off of your wife? Is talking about what I have going on the "meaning" in your life right now?
I'm glad I can at least help ONE person with just about 100% of my threads
That's the thing.. me AND a friend BOTH decided to get some mushrooms. My dog hasn't decided to trip.
I wouldn't force my dog to trip on mushrooms dude. And I've seen my dog sniff wild mushrooms without eating them, so that tells me he wouldn't want magic mushrooms. Acid, am I supposed to force it on his tongue?

I don't treat my dog like property, I let him do what the hell he wants. I'm always getting him out of the pound and arguing with neighbors since he gets into trouble (I do try to keep him out of it though). They tell me to lock him up and I just say fuck off and go back to my house. He's like my best friend.

I don't force shit on anyone. Offer him some dip-shit (TREAT THEM LIKE PEOPLE), put it on the floor and see if they are interested.
Alright.. Let me tell you this then.. It ISN'T pan. There is no such thing as pan :dunce:.

There is only components of life. That's like me (metaphorically meaning you) saying oxygen isn't oxygen.. it's a god named zakaladeous or some shit. Then you (metaphorically meaning me) saying "no it's not it's just oxygen". Then I say "no, oxygen IS zakaladeous".. Then of course I add the :dunce:.

You're almost there.

Except for you would have to incorporate how "oxygen god" reacts with others "gods" and how he reacts with humans.
I'm not telling you to worship a god.
I'm telling you to OBSERVE natural phenomenon.

Why does :dunce: make you feel so bad man, sorry to get you butt hurt. Didn't mean it like that.

It's not too hard to understand dude, you're almost there.
Looks like Bidy Buck is afraid of a few little questions. :lol: :dunce:

Poor guy. :(
I'll try thinking of a new thread to post today so you can troll and make your ego feel better. :)
I already answered your question in the quote below.

Now can you answer my questions?
I am seriously interested in if you have a real life, or if I'm the pinnacle for you.

you didn't answer my question at all.

i want to know when your relentless spamming is going to net you something other than universal disdain from the members of RIU.

post a date when you'll get that first $100 spam check that's been years of annoyance in the making.
you didn't answer my question at all.

i want to know when your relentless spamming is going to net you something other than universal disdain from the members of RIU.

post a date when you'll get that first $100 spam check that's been years of annoyance in the making.

IN another THREAD :dunce:
June 7th my check gets mailed out

That's why I said "I ALREADY answered your questions" :dunce:

Read again, and answer.

All day you tell everyone/Bump what I've got going on?
Whether or not you believe I will be doing them these are the things I AM doing. And the one you just mentioned has already been done (earned, just has to be mailed)

What's going on in your life? I am really interested?
Just spamming forums, and mooching off of your wife? Is talking about what I have going on the "meaning" in your life right now?
I'm glad I can at least help ONE person with just about 100% of my threads :lol:
IN another THREAD :dunce:
June 7th my check gets mailed out

That's why I said "I ALREADY answered your questions" :dunce:

Read again, and answer.

i'll believe it when i see it. you'll have a new excuse, not a check.

you also said you were getting a check back in february. how'd that work out?


spam on, failspammy. you'll make it to mexico one day, and then go to oregon and go bigger than the dispensaries, then go back to texas and legalize weed for everyone!

just as soon as you raise enough money by selling dog poop hash on craigslist...:clap:
i'll believe it when i see it. you'll have a new excuse, not a check.

you also said you were getting a check back in february. how'd that work out?


spam on, failspammy. you'll make it to mexico one day, and then go to oregon and go bigger than the dispensaries, then go back to texas and legalize weed for everyone!

just as soon as you raise enough money by selling dog poop hash on craigslist...:clap:

So basically you have no life.

Following my life is the pinnacle of your existence.

I answered your questions.
And you answer by doubting what I really am doing, and bumping my threads for everyone.

I guess thanks.
If I ever get publicly noticed for anything, it will be due to your lifelessness, and persistence.
I'm glad to have a lifeless troll like you. Thank you Buck.

Now let's continue.

I'm coming to Oregon one day. Don't worry.
You're just impatient, and too excited for my arrival. Calm down. :D It'll be ok lil' mama
So basically you have no life.

Following my life is the pinnacle of your existence.

I answered your questions.
And you answer by doubting what I really am doing, and bumping my threads for everyone.

I guess thanks.
If I ever get publicly noticed for anything, it will be due to your lifelessness, and persistence.
I'm glad to have a lifeless troll like you. Thank you Buck.

Now let's continue.

I'm coming to Oregon one day. Don't worry.
You're just impatient, and too excited for my arrival. Calm down. :D It'll be ok lil' mama

you could just shut off my internet like you said you might do, mr. internet tough guy.

you could just shut off my internet like you said you might do, mr. internet tough guy.



Sounds like someone's in a corner.
Why not just answer the question Buck?

And why would I turn off your internet, when you haven't answered my questions yet?
Where's the logic in that?
Plus, I don't mind the trolling.

Like I said. It's getting me ranked higher on Google, and bumping my thread on the site.
you tell me, you're the one who threatened to do it the other day.

you're welcome for your higher google rank, i'm sure one day that year in the making $100 check will arrive. maybe.

Are you going to keep letting everyone know where I have a little shit going on (not even bad shit, good shit is happening for me) for you to cling to?

Or are you going to answer my questions?

Do you have a life to talk about?
Or are these answers of yours evidence that no, you don't. If I wasn't here you would be really bored.
Are you going to keep letting everyone know where I have a little shit going on (not even bad shit, good shit is happening for me) for you to cling to?

Or are you going to answer my questions?

Do you have a life to talk about?
Or are these answers of yours evidence that no, you don't. If I wasn't here you would be really bored.

i'm still pretty bored, hence why i'm enjoying a little snack of troll food. all caught up on my chores, so i figured i'd help you out with some bumps and inquire about your spam checks and dog poop hash and walmart thieving.

and of course the legalizing weed for all of texas, showing us oregonians how it's done, becoming king of the internet, and so on and so forth.
A summary for anyone just Joining:

The announcement of Pan's death was a mistake.

I am here to announce that pan is alive.
The mountains are roaring, and the prairies are dancing. Feel the presence.

Embrace the best and worst about yourself as one.
Listen to the wilderness, and it can not be mistaken.

The Great God Pan is Alive!!
The world is calling to us. LISTEN

The Wilderness.
Go outside, and not just on the sidewalk... REAL woods or some shit. Listen.
Do it a few times while getting stoned maybe, to help your perception be deeper.

Then go back to the sidewalk/to your yard, listen.

Think about yourself, the things you WOULD change and the things you LOVE about yourself. Accept them as impossible without each other.

Scratch a dog/cat on its head, behind its ears. Sit with your pet for a while, and try to understand who you are with it/to it. Try to understand who your pet is to HIMSELF.

THEN repeat steps 1 and 2. (True outdoor observation, followed by false outdoor observation)

Pan is there.
His death was a lie.

This isn't me believing in a diety.
It's me telling you what's up with natural phenomenon.

This is ALL true in EVERYONES lives whether they "believe in it" or not.
Just like how people say "The Bible has some good lessons" and "It will make my children good people." But they don't REALLY believe in god.
Other religions have lessons about shit too, we just don't have buildings where people can tell us about them.

That's what the woods/mountains and weed/mushrooms are for.

Pan is kinda "The Laws of Nature"
But if that is your understanding of him, you are missing a lot.

I'm not suggesting you think of it as a god.

I'm suggesting you try to understand how it works, and what it is doing.
Things are happening, Pans been quiet for a long time. But not anymore.

Talk to plants and animals. They know.

Like Imagine humans DIDN'T know everything (hard to do right).
What if plants know about the planets, the same way they know it's night and day. What if things like the 2012 event aren't for humans, but for the whole PLANET.
What if we lived on a ball, that was full of billions of ecosystems, and we we're the only ones.

Like, why are we trying to contact aliens. Let's talk to a dog first.

Pan is a grouping of natural phenomenons that DO exist, Pan can be seen, felt, heard, and I can even tell you when YOU have been "Pan".

Do you have children?
If so, have you ever spanked or yelled at them and felt bad about it? Congratulations, you were reflecting upon your "Dark Self" or "Dark Pan". In the moment of regret, you were looking back on what it could do.
We all have "Day/Light" or "Dark/Night" Pan phenomenons occurring inside of us, same as the world has both occurring within it (Example: Without war and struggle, there is no concept of peace and community). No one is perfect. But you should try to Balance the good and the bad.
Ok, that's all I wanted.

An answer to confirm my questions.

Now you may continue trolling.

i don't need your permission to troll, actually.

in fact, if my trolling were deemed unacceptable by you, you would just turn off my internet.

at least, that's the delusion you've created in your own mind.