The Seed Collectors Thread

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
Hellraizer what KOS are u gonna run first? Do u have their c99 too?

Ive got two packs of a bunch of their gear. Two iron Cindy's for sure


Well-Known Member
besides the fact that KOS gear is getting such GREAT reviews

TheRev is super fucking chill. that guy gives me soil tips all the time. like i ask him a dumb ass fucking question and the FOOL answers it, like honestly and with effort.. lol that kinda shit alone will make me buy their gear. I'm popping GrapeHeads just because supernatural is such a chill dude and he has helped/shot the shit with me WAY less the TheRev..

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
This is why i use a pre paid credit card ,It is just to easy to have your info stolen online attitude may not have even been aware it happened .The hackers out there nowadays are extremely good hell pentagon can't even block them

I was using a pre-paid credit card the 2nd time, and they still tried to make additional purchases with it.
Most seedbanks will no longer accept pre-paid credit cards from overseas anyways now, as I found out the hard way earlier this year.
The Attitude was well aware of what happened both times, bunches of people got their info stolen, that's why they issued a bogus apology and went right back to doing business as usual.

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
Agreed cerberus. On both points. Supernatural is way chill, his gear is affordable and everyone seems to be getting great results with his gear.
I can wait to get revs TLO book. Already got it preordered. The two KOS strains I ran did awesome.


Rebel From The North
Im not geting a warm and fussy about a cash only payment for cz :( so im going to wait for the new
site to open and use bank tranfer as payment. The tude lost all my bis due to there system being jacked


Well-Known Member
It happened to me twice with Attitude, I will not buy from them again.
I buy some beans, they start making purchases from the Apple store with my credit card.
Attitude gave a blanket apology to everyone involved, and claimed that they beefed up their security.
I waited a year, tried my luck with them again, and the exact same thing happened.
There have been numerous threads about this happening and I was apart of many of them.

So far Herbies and Sea of Seeds have given me no problems with my orders.
I lean toward Sea of Seeds because their prices are the cheapest, they do have some good deals (from time to time), and they use crush proof plastic viles for any loose seeds.
Example, You can pick up a 5 pack of TGA gear from Sea of Seeds for over $8 less then the Attitude (11% off promo code: rollitup).
That wins me over, freebies or not, I'd rather save money.
Damn that blows. Ive had 3 successful orders through them with no problems what so ever.
How long ago this shit take place?


Well-Known Member
Hey yall
keep all barter INFO in your emails!!!
potroast ain't fucking around.
Not a word on his board of trades, sales ect to cover his ass!!!!!!
Keep it all in youre private emails,an Off his forum.
No bullshitz!!!!


Well-Known Member
I don't think it'll make it it got chopped so close to the node that I dontt know how the leaf is still attached. Just barely. There was a tiny growth tip emerging from that node already and it gott cut off too


Well-Known Member
But I don't rly get em to cure. I get em to keep buds moist as I open there containers... they can help cure tho if your buds already mostly dry, id cure a few days to a week before throwin one in.


Well-Known Member
You shoulda PM'd that Warning straight to Kenny and MJ....LoL

I agree 100% on Super and TheRev....I had his book pre-ordered about half a sec. after i found out about it...LoL

Hey Hell, were you able to stay away from the 'Tude for the Bodhi drop tonight..

Watch your pms.
Somthing I said got my pms banned?
Dont know it was my email address or the words "sw@p or tr@de"
But tha AI bot fucked with me...
The same thing happened to me a lil while ago, it was a specific e-mail addy that got me pm-banned for "recruiting"....LoL
Happened in fvking minutes... Got it reveresed quick tho....

Wait so we cant say "trade" in a pm anymore?


Well-Known Member
The big ones cost quite a bit more but there turnin out to be worth it. A tuperware with 2 oz in it will suck the small packs dry after a few weeks. I like to smoke something different every day so I cycle thru them and I hate going back to a dry one. The big ones are like an ice pack. Full of that liquid shit. So far there working great and even rehydrate dried out buds.


Well-Known Member
not trying to stir up shit, just honestly curious... what is the difference between people in here talking about swapping goodies as opposed to people like RD, Bodhi, Subcool, KensGDP telling you to buy up their gear in their own special threads? technically, legally, is it not the same exact thing?

like i said, honestly curious about that, not trying to stir up anything :dunce:


Well-Known Member
I guess because there goods are sold in a Store, from a location where its Legal to do so.. Or atleast in a "Grey Area"...

Trading is Legal/Illegal...
(depending on location.../\)


Well-Known Member
I guess because there goods are sold in a Store, from a location where its Legal to do so.. Or atleast in a "Grey Area"...
Trading is Legal/Illegal...
ok but then based on that logic, any person living in a country where its "grey area'd" shouldnt get in trouble for PMs.

and isn't Sub based out of colorado? its still illegal in america, as federal law super cedes state law.

i just think its strange is all. - i mean if i offer you goodies in a PM or post, i'd get in trouble, ok. - but if i start a web page that deals with goodies and start an advertising thread, that would be ok? what if someone or a group of someones from here started a page that acted as an online canna farmers market? could they talk about it on here then?

obviously mr JKahn, i'm not directing this all at you :p i'm really just thinking out loud and rambling on.

ho hum. doesn't really matter i guess. just sitting here puffing on some burgundy and rambling on i think. its just i see a lot of things that dont quite make sense in my own head.


Well-Known Member
ok but then based on that logic, any person living in a country where its "grey area'd" shouldnt get in trouble for PMs.

and isn't Sub based out of colorado? its still illegal in america, as federal law super cedes state law.

i just think its strange is all. - i mean if i offer you goodies in a PM or post, i'd get in trouble, ok. - but if i start a web page that deals with goodies and start an advertising thread, that would be ok? what if someone or a group of someones from here started a page that acted as an online canna farmers market? could they talk about it on here then?

obviously mr JKahn, i'm not directing this all at you :p i'm really just thinking out loud and rambling on.

ho hum. doesn't really matter i guess. just sitting here puffing on some burgundy and rambling on i think. its just i see a lot of things that dont quite make sense in my own head.
You couldn't just allow trades for some and not for others, policing it would be impossible to control..
So just doing away with it is the only option...

No starting another "CannaCommunity" site and advertising isnt allowed because its "recruiting"... (i read again, and see thats not what you said.. Im "puffin too..LoL)
But starting a Canna Merchant site on UK/Dutch whatever servers and advertising on a "CannaCommunity" site would be allowed..

Sub is based out of CO but doesn't sell TGA in CO..LoL
But does sell in other States but abides by the State law.. But if he never mentions any shop in the states specifically and/or mentions UK shops, that would be ok...