The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
howdy people

i just want it noted i was the 1st to call out unlucky the 1st to 4give her so if them pics are real can i please still have that blow job lmao

seems i missed the whole unlucky unraveling but i got news of it.

in cape town now bitchs looking out the hotel window table mountin on 1 side the waterfront the other, had a lovely bit of grub last night down at the waterfront it was fucking nice and the cocktails where goooood long island ice teas but with redbull instead of coke......

me grow is looking niiiiice to my sitter has done a good job 4exo under 1200 3wk veg with the full 1200 and now just been flipped 3days ago they gonna be big..........
think it was mugy cunt your pet name for me if i remember right...............:-/


morning uk hope all is well can someone take a look at pic and see if im close to cropping shes 4weeks into flower today just my 1st grow and alot to learn and wanted to know when to stop feeding and start flushing thanks again sorry about pic not the best IMG_2807.JPGIMG_2832.jpg


Well-Known Member
jealous lad, wish I was down there as a bit of Larney action down the Waterfront, lol...
its actually pretty cold m8 but as you no the waterfront is very niiiiiice, im just in a net cafe me m8 has some invoices or some shit thats gotta be sent.

fuck table mountin tho i hate hights, and all the silly fucker do the walk up then being robbed on the way back down lololol

i no il never see it but would love to take a tour of the cape flats in a armoured truck mind with that semi auto shotty by me side lol


Well-Known Member
god thats me just on from yesterday,got some beans yesterday
1x the docter
1x bubblishis
the guys sells singles for £6 so ill get a few different each week


Well-Known Member
its actually pretty cold m8 but as you no the waterfront is very niiiiiice, im just in a net cafe me m8 has some invoices or some shit thats gotta be sent.

fuck table mountin tho i hate hights, and all the silly fucker do the walk up then being robbed on the way back down lololol

i no il never see it but would love to take a tour of the cape flats in a armoured truck mind with that semi auto shotty by me side lol
i hadnt seen you on for a bit mate. i thought you'd been eaten by a lion lol


Well-Known Member
I climbed up the back of Table Mountain and never saw a soul until I got to the top. Place called Skeleton Gorge we climbed. It's only victims that get robbed, lol.

Here is the mountain that has a cloud table cloth that provide the moisture and breeze that makes Cape Town what it is. (as well as the old canals with similar names to the ones in Amsterdam, Herengracht for example.) Most of the water runs underground now and a lot of the buildings have water pumps that pump the excess back up the mountain at the end of the day.

View from our apartment in CapeTown to Tafelberg.


hay guys, need some advice plz
im going to be setting up a grow in my attic soon, its going to be around 3000w total, and im a little worried about the "eyes in the sky". if i kept the room temp at 27c and vented back into my house do you think it'll still be hot?? how can i hide??


Well-Known Member
A m8 of mine has a couple of them doctors on the go gaz, there about 8-10 inches tall, great lookin wee plants, there in a wilma system, bushy as fuck with reli tight spaces between branches


Well-Known Member
you get the sheating like the black/white thats meant to be just for the job but...........................?

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
@ unlucky if you have questions just ask love some of us on here will try and help the best we can.

@the uk thread, come on lads give the girl a break it's the internet and if she upsets you that badly just put her on ignore it's not like she's kicking your door of it's hinges at 3am and assaulting you in your beds, In real life men are supposed to be men and not let a little banter get to them, shit your supposed to be able to smile after having an hiding never mind crying over a few insults off a young lass!!! she's one of ours and should be treated like it, she's apologised and given you her reasons for being an ass and needing a distraction from real life. we've forgiven others on here after they've been a dick and dragged the thread down, belittling a young girl and giving her shit makes us look worse than her as were supposed to be men!