White hairs but no "buds", 3 weeks flowering under cfl's.


Well-Known Member
Yea I have lefty all the cfls in there except one. I think I need to lower the hps a little or raise the plants some. Its just tbat afraid the light is to hot...im gonna have to get a stronger fan I think.
The hand test isn't a bad guideline. If your hand can be kept at a certain distance from the light without it burning, then it should be good.


Active Member
It really doesnt feel too hot under it, but with the closet door shut it gets up to 90 degrees. So I just leave it open.


Well-Known Member
That heat in the room isn't going to change much based on light height. So, the closer you can get it, the better.


Well-Known Member
looks like the light.how far away is it?might wanna try a post in plant problems for people who have dealt with this before,might be an easy fix


Well-Known Member
sstttrrreeetttccchhheeeddd to he max!

hopefully wen u get your hps ul get lots of new node points and theyl all join up on another note,id leave the cfls in ther as side lighting wen ur hps arrives give them ther best shot


Active Member
they were looking bad before the hps tho. The taller one is about 6inch from top, and the sjorter one about a foot maybe 14" f tr om top.


Well-Known Member
ive had the same thing happen with one of my gorls but never got to the bottom of it,her leaves on the cola were identical to the way yours are and she finished just fine and lookin pristine.i know "wait and see" is not the best advice but when i couldnt figure out how to help her w/o messing her up in the process it worked for me.took about a week to get normal leaf/bud production back, slowed her down a little but not much in the grand scheme


Active Member
I thought that too, but I waited till it was super dry to water...at the very top it does look like some healthy small leaves are growing. Like they just grew in the last day or so. I guess ill just keep watching.