trayvan martin

if your living in a communtity that has a possible 1.1% black population yet you perceive a 50% population of blacks then yeah your either racist and seeing "teh blacks" coming out of the woodwork or schizophrenic
Are you not able to read? I was going by a statistic I heard. If its wrong then who cares, ultimately the point is Iv nothing against blacks, yellows, greens, reds, oranges, purples or pinks (if I left anyone out I'm deeply sorry).

Your implication is way far fetched, and I think shows you're way more "racially sensitive" than I.
Are you not able to read? I was going by a statistic I heard. If its wrong then who cares, ultimately the point is Iv nothing against blacks, yellows, greens, reds, oranges, purples or pinks (if I left anyone out I'm deeply sorry).

Your implication is way far fetched, and I think shows you're way more "racially sensitive" than I.

i've "heard" it said that the royal family are reptilians i dont believe it and i certainly wouldn't repeat it where people might ask me to back it up

now you obviously believe it as it speaks of the place where you live however any statistics that i can find fall well short of being anywhere near close to 50%

by the statistics even if you put all the black people in dublin into just north dublin your still wrong by a factor of 10 (pro tip here thats not an insignificant amount)
i've "heard" it said that the royal family are reptilians i dont believe it and i certainly wouldn't repeat it where people might ask me to back it up

now you obviously believe it as it speaks of the place where you live however any statistics that i can find fall well short of being anywhere near close to 50%

by the statistics even if you put all the black people in dublin into just north dublin your still wrong by a factor of 10 (pro tip here thats not an insignificant amount)
So I'm racist because I believe a statistic that black skinned people would tend to gather near the source of work, infrastructure, etc just like the white skinned people tend to?

Dude youre tripping.
Lol, all I said was he shot a kid and that I don't think anyone should be shot over something so trivial. I also said I think Zimmerman would get away with it. I havnt taken a side, just regardless it's a bit sad an innocent kid is dead and the shooter will likely walk. He may have stolen shit and sold a bit of weed, but the death penalty for that?
But you have taken a side. Claiming Martin was an "innocent kid" implies Zimmerman's defense is invalid, making him guilty. Claiming he was shot for theft or weed implies Zimmerman's claim of self defense, once again, is invalid. I think you are filtering what you see and hear to fit preconceived ideas. When I watch the news, I constantly see people who have no direct knowledge of the event expressing opinions or outright falsehoods as facts. I see both sides white washing or condemning one party or the other. NBC "edited" the 911 tape to make it appear Zimmerman was a racist, publishing photos of Martin as a 10 year old instead of how he appeared at the time of the event. Martin's father telling the cops it wasn't his son calling for help and changing his story. A politically ambitious DA charge murder 1 when the evidence only supports a murder 2 charge. To me, this implies this is all political grandstanding. That people would play with the very lives of people for political gain is a said commentary on how low we have fallen.
So I'm racist because I believe a statistic that black skinned people would tend to gather near the source of work, infrastructure, etc just like the white skinned people tend to?

Dude youre tripping.

how can you make that mistake about the place you are living? if i heard on the radio that 50% of the people where i lived were black but the reality was it was 1.1% should i believe the radio or my own fucking eyes?

for you to believe the radio without any critical thought suggests to me that all the radio did was confirm a previously held bias

again i'll ask for any sort of source from you. if the black population has risen by 1000% in the last 10 years then it would have been documented at least somewhere
But you have taken a side. Claiming Martin was an "innocent kid" implies Zimmerman's defense is invalid, making him guilty. Claiming he was shot for theft or weed implies Zimmerman's claim of self defense, once again, is invalid. I think you are filtering what you see and hear to fit preconceived ideas. When I watch the news, I constantly see people who have no direct knowledge of the event expressing opinions or outright falsehoods as facts. I see both sides white washing or condemning one party or the other. NBC "edited" the 911 tape to make it appear Zimmerman was a racist, publishing photos of Martin as a 10 year old instead of how he appeared at the time of the event. Martin's father telling the cops it wasn't his son calling for help and changing his story. A politically ambitious DA charge murder 1 when the evidence only supports a murder 2 charge. To me, this implies this is all political grandstanding. That people would play with the very lives of people for political gain is a said commentary on how low we have fallen.
trayvan was
A. a kid
B. innocent (zimmerman only said he looked suspicious(thats not a crime))
Sad that the child lost his life, sad for the family. With that said evidence is eveidnce. ABC got all of you fired up for something that happened. Do any of you realy beleive that Zimmerman woke up that morning and said, hey honey im going to go kill a child and lose my life. He was getting the crap beat out of him and used his gun. He was on neighborhood watch, he had a gun, it is America that is ok. Had Zimmerman been a woman, and women do neighborhood watch and she was getting the shit kicked out of her ABC would have convinced all of you to go and buy a gun.
trayvan was
A. a kid
B. innocent (zimmerman only said he looked suspicious(thats not a crime))
Thank you...and at the same time I'm a racist even tho I said Trayvon was innocent.

Suppose I hate Hispanics now? Lol. Not many Spanish in Ireland either, that means I hate them, right?

*rolls eyes*
Thank you...and at the same time I'm a racist even tho I said Trayvon was innocent.

Suppose I hate Hispanics now? Lol. Not many Spanish in Ireland either, that means I hate them, right?

*rolls eyes*

look man i wasnt the one pulling highly unrealistic demographics of my area out of my arse now was i?

it really isnt hard to tell if every other person you see on the street (50%) is black or not is it?
look man i wasnt the one pulling highly unrealistic demographics of my area out of my arse now was i?

it really isnt hard to tell if every other person you see on the street (50%) is black or not is it?
I'm not taking the bait anymore, if you're not gonna listen and just live in your own head then fine, believe what you want about the guy online called Harrekin, but if the only thing in your repertoire is to call people racist, then you'll fit right in with the other lefties on here ;)
I'm not taking the bait anymore, if you're not gonna listen and just live in your own head then fine, believe what you want about the guy online called Harrekin, but if the only thing in your repertoire is to call people racist, then you'll fit right in with the other lefties on here ;)
trayvan was A. a kid B. innocent (zimmerman only said he looked suspicious(thats not a crime))
See, there's the filter. Here's another filter A. a 6'2" 17 YO teenager B. probable burglar casing area You just don't see your filter. Can you see how your perceptions are subject to your preconceived ideas?
See, there's the filter. Here's another filter A. a 6'2" 17 YO teenager B. probable burglar casing area You just don't see your filter. Can you see how your perceptions are subject to your preconceived ideas?
So Trayvons a burgler now? And we're the ones making assumptions?

That is ass backwards brother.
Thank you...and at the same time I'm a racist even tho I said Trayvon was innocent. Suppose I hate Hispanics now? Lol. Not many Spanish in Ireland either, that means I hate them, right? *rolls eyes*
Technically, few Hispanics are Spanish. Zimmerman is Hispanic, but not Spanish. I understand the confusion, tho.
You're only an hour away, fly over for a few joints and I'll prove it to you ;)

what borough of dublin are you talking about? its 2012 theres got to be some sort of webcam available for the shopping centre part i can check it tomorrow to see if every other person is black or not. :-P
So Trayvons a burgler now? And we're the ones making assumptions? That is ass backwards brother.
Sorry, I guess that was over your head. Just pointing out how preconceived ideas alter perception. I don't know how to dumb it down any more for you.
See, there's the filter. Here's another filter A. a 6'2" 17 YO teenager B. probable burglar casing area You just don't see your filter. Can you see how your perceptions are subject to your preconceived ideas?

A.17 isnt an adult ergo a kid even at 6'2"

B.innocent till proven guilty not innocent "probably" guilty

me thinks your projecting a bit there with your "filters"
Technically, few Hispanics are Spanish. Zimmerman is Hispanic, but not Spanish. I understand the confusion, tho.
I know the difference, however all Spanish speaking folks are Hispanic, thus Spanish people are Hispanic.

The only major Hispanic people in this part of the world are Spaniards...from Spain...hence my reference to Spanish people.

So hold up, according to you; Martin is a burglar, a thief and he attacked Zimmerman (with no "actual" evidence to prove it) ...yet because we said Martin was innocent we're the ones making assumptions?

Put the bong down buddy, you're out of your element.