

Well-Known Member
The point being to piss off whoever your target is under any circumstances.

Why is trolling so prevalent on the internet, and specifically, message boards like this one?

I've met one troll in person, in real life, which was in middle school, age 12-14. What is it about the internet, about anonymous human interaction, that seems to breed this type of person?

What do you think about trolling? Good, bad, indifferent? What about the laws that have been proposed due to 'trolling'? Do you think they limit free speech?

Finally, what is the purpose of a troll?

If you're a troll or you enjoy trolling, what do you find to be the most appealing aspect of it? Why do you do it? What is the point?


Well-Known Member
I read every thing you just posted but you never once stated what a troll is ...What is a troll ?


Well-Known Member
The point being to piss off whoever your target is under any circumstances.

Why is trolling so prevalent on the internet, and specifically, message boards like this one?

I've met one troll in person, in real life, which was in middle school, age 12-14. What is it about the internet, about anonymous human interaction, that seems to breed this type of person?

What do you think about trolling? Good, bad, indifferent? What about the laws that have been proposed due to 'trolling'? Do you think they limit free speech?

Finally, what is the purpose of a troll?

If you're a troll or you enjoy trolling, what do you find to be the most appealing aspect of it? Why do you do it? What is the point?
I read every thing you just posted but you never once stated what a troll is ...What is a troll ?
You still up, bro? haha, what's for dinner?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
The point being to piss off whoever your target is under any circumstances.

Why is trolling so prevalent on the internet, and specifically, message boards like this one?

Not true, trolls existed way before the internet. It's just assholes called them stalkers. :(

I've met one troll in person, in real life, which was in middle school, age 12-14. What is it about the internet, about anonymous human interaction, that seems to breed this type of person?
I find it quite the opposite. Those who spend too much time online don't breed.

What do you think about trolling? Good, bad, indifferent? What about the laws that have been proposed due to 'trolling'? Do you think they limit free speech?
I say bring it on! They haven't come up with a new noun to go to war against in quite some time. It has been quite boring.

Finally, what is the purpose of a troll?

If you're a troll or you enjoy trolling, what do you find to be the most appealing aspect of it? Why do you do it? What is the point?
I found this video which explains it quite well.


Well-Known Member
I Couldn't sleep I've been trying to since my last post in "that other thread"
My brain is thinking about rolling one up , but my body won't let me do it lol
Man, I'm sorry. I hate trying to go to sleep, only to get up an hour or two later out of frustration from not being able to sleep.


Well-Known Member
Some trolls are funny some aren't its as simple as that. They're here to stay cause its legal. Until they put a ban on trolling ,trolling is just something were gonna have to deal with. Sadly.

Ignoring a troll is the only way to kill them


Active Member
Someone else mentioned on a diff thread that hey used to do it on online games without even realizing it was trolling (many years ago). It occured to me that a friend of mine used to do this alot, but less and less as he got older. He found it hilarious when people got upset, and it would make him troll even harder. He isnt a bad person, but he does have a particuarly sick sense of humour and a few issues going on. I think most trolls are probably very unhappy people.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i think everyone appreciates a good trolling once in a while. some people are quite funny, however annoying they may be. a lot of people just take it too far and ruin good vibes. it's no different than the obnoxious jock/class clown or whoever in high school who paintballed one too many students. everyone thinks it's funny until it goes too far, happens to them, or just plain gets old. everyone's threshold is different.

in real life, people who are popular, feared, respected, or loved can "troll" without consequence, and they do. the internet just puts everyone in the position to troll without consequence. it doesn't have to be a bad thing. the internet is also heavy on butthurt, so the label of troll is subjective anyway.


Well-Known Member
gee... speaking of which... glad you brought it up as well padawan... ;)

ummm... i think that RIU at this point is undergoing some major trolling right now... like some kind of "troll clusterfuck" to our beloved site...

so is it just me??? or are we being fucked with lately???


Active Member
yup. it is the soulless ginger... and i'm gonna fly him to riu headquarters to take care of all the trolls on here....

hahaha j/k