Why is Racism Bad?


Well-Known Member
I think it is more the hardships may person may have to grow up dealing with if they were born in Eastern Europe...and I think surviving those hardships would make most people one bad mamma Jamma that I don't wanna mess with...


Well-Known Member
8) Hybrid vigor
Until the diseases get wise and catch up...but yes...kind of..more of a huge widening of the gene pool...I mean getting rid of 3 fatal birth defects is a good idea...but what would have to come about to keep up with the extra population...? I think we'll find out soon

The Mantis

Well-Known Member
It's not bad, per se.

It's ignorant. But it's a form of defense for anything different than us. We all think we are better than another group for our own ego.

Regardless, we are all the same and we will all turn into fine fertilizer one day for some lucky plant :leaf: We are all descended from black africans. And we will all turn into black dirt. Learn it, love it, live it

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
i love russian women, buffalo was full of them, i knew a few...they are waaay passionate about who or what they care about, and woe to the fool who pisses them off.

Oscar Zeta Acosta

Active Member
I find it funny how people say we are all equal, but in truth we are not, and that is more down to genetics. But that doesn't mean we have anyone more superior than others as each race has its qualities. Plus the thing is most different races are known or stereotyped in some fashion, when it's not down to the color of skin, but down to the surroundings they are in. But surroundings aside you can't quite focus on that and ignore the possibility that statistically some races might react quite differently to eachother if put in the same situation, meaning that some might be more suited to tasks than others. You might be able to see this simply by looking at some economies or political directions that the various chunk of the worlds countries take.

You know thing that interests me is genetics and the traits that come with them. This all spawned from a documentary that covered small and obscure communities around the world that were immune to some diseases and also physically stronger. The final conclusion was a brief discussion about breeding and improving the human race. Now you can do this by force which could have happened to some extent if Germany won the war, or it could happen through a thousand years or so after every race has bred themselves out into an extremely mixed being.

Just image in the future everyone having the same skin, build and hair as eachother. Chances are it won't happen due to humanities desire for destruction, but it's still kind of neat in a weird way.


Well-Known Member
I find it funny how people say we are all equal, but in truth we are not, and that is more down to genetics. But that doesn't mean we have anyone more superior than others as each race has its qualities. Plus the thing is most different races are known or stereotyped in some fashion, when it's not down to the color of skin, but down to the surroundings they are in. But surroundings aside you can't quite focus on that and ignore the possibility that statistically some races might react quite differently to eachother if put in the same situation, meaning that some might be more suited to tasks than others. You might be able to see this simply by looking at some economies or political directions that the various chunk of the worlds countries take.
I think when people say "we're all equal" it's more a dust-to-dust type of thing.


Well-Known Member
Until the diseases get wise and catch up...but yes...kind of..more of a huge widening of the gene pool...
Isn't that pretty much the goal with hybrids? Same meaning different words maybe? :)

I mean getting rid of 3 fatal birth defects is a good idea...but what would have to come about to keep up with the extra population...? I think we'll find out soon
Extra population? The average American family has 2-3 kids. I highly doubt that people have their regular "pure" babies and then do extra hybrid breeding on the side.

There's always gonna be disease as long as we keep fucking up the planet.


Well-Known Member
Because the babies are coming from orphanages where someone goes through and hands out cold bottles a couple of times a day whether you are 2 or 6 you get a bottle of weirdo Russia Baby Vitamin Mix, Warning:Russia Baby Vitamin Mix may cause loss of soul and consequent loss of emotions...They say some of the babies just roll over and die...with no human interaction it can't bode too well...
What a buzz kill..


Well-Known Member
Warning: Russian Baby Vitamin Mix may cause loss of soul and consequent loss of emotions lmao!! Ohhh goodness I needed that. That was awesome.


Well-Known Member
It could lead to murder, rape, kidnapping, etc..

Racism lead to the Holocaust and American slavery

Whole shit load of reason why racism bad.

How is it good ????
Being racist makes it easier to choose music and food for my ethnic guests. By adhering to stereotypes, I make them more comfortable in my home. :)

Would you like a toasted tea cake in yorkshire butter? Maybe some cod and chips? :)


Well-Known Member
Being racist makes it easier to choose music and food for my ethnic guests. By adhering to stereotypes, I make them more comfortable in my home. :)

Would you like a toasted tea cake in yorkshire butter? Maybe some cod and chips? :)
no that leans more toward a bigot. A racist would not invite ethnics into their home and wine and dine them.


Well-Known Member
Being racist makes it easier to choose music and food for my ethnic guests. By adhering to stereotypes, I make them more comfortable in my home. :)

Would you like a toasted tea cake in yorkshire butter? Maybe some cod and chips? :)
I had never really been around anyone of color...and I met this fellow and we started hanging and he was always like I don't like this movie, or this movie, or this movie...did I have anything black at all? Like what do you mean black? Do you watch movies differently than I do? So was he being racist towards me?...I mean I am sorry...jeez, do I look like I am serving concessions? Are you at the theater right now?


Well-Known Member
So a bigot is someone who enjoys racially stereotypical activities with other people that statistically enjoy racial stereotypical activities of the same race? Like ok....how many black people play hockey--is that bigotry, or do the majority of black men, just not wish to play hockey?
I think some people expect us all to act blind to the differences between the races...I think it is super freaking cool to study all the differences between some races...but often times people act like pointing out natural differences are there is racist...and I don't think it is...I mean we can still be friends, and have a good time...I don't care, but we aren't going to wear the same color make-up, or our hair is not the same...so what if you aren't very tall, or you have a really nice tan or disappear in the dark...just don't act like a dumbass and we can be friends...color doesn't make you stupid...