trayvan martin

You keep referring to "they" as if the whole goddamned state and every police officer in Sanford wanted to charge him, but in actuality only one fucking person out of the lot recommended such action be taken, and his superior shot him down like a toothless hooker on Sunday morning because they had shit and fuckall for evidence.

again, if petty semantics is all you have, work it girl!
super expensive, but since i switched to it months ago, i feel better than ever. my poop is solid again.

Ok, so you eat like that for solid poop, that's strange, but whatever. You want solid shit? Eat cheese. Less expensive. You certainly couldn't be doing it for the health benefits.
What's your point? That water was designed to kill?

Sugar kills people.
Knives kill people.
Cars kill people.

But that is not their sole purpose.

Again, I'm waiting for someone to tell me, "I use my rifle as a broom." or ,"I use my side arm as a paper weight."

You should SEE what I can do with some of my paperweights. cn
again, if petty semantics is all you have, work it girl!

Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth.
zimmerman says he ran. witnesses describe a chase. go cry in your corn flakes.
The "chase" with all the screaming and shouting may have been Zimmerman fleeing as he was being attacked by Martin. Martin's own father said it was not Martin crying for help. Zimmerman tried to retreat but was overcome by the younger, faster, stronger Martin. Martin scratched his hand in his assault on Zimmerman, the only wound other than the gunshot wound. Zimmerman had multiple injuries, consistent with being assaulted. Your attempts to cloud the facts by attaching inflammatory and inappropriate labels such as "chase","innocent child","profiling","fairness","social justice", blah, blah influence no one but other simplistic ideologues as your self. go cry in your corn flakes.
You should SEE what I can do with some of my paperweights. cn
Some people use guns for marksmanship competitions, some use them to put food on the table, some use them to shoot ropes over the bow of a ship in the maritime to get supplies across, some use them as a visual deterrent, others collect them for their beauty and precision.....Poor afrawfraw just doesn't have any imagination.
some people use guns for marksmanship competitions, some use them to put food on the table, some use them to shoot ropes over the bow of a ship in the maritime to get supplies across, some use them as a visual deterrent, others collect them for their beauty and precision.....poor afrawfraw just doesn't have any imagination.

Nope wrong, its all for killing!!!!!!!!
The "chase" with all the screaming and shouting may have been Zimmerman fleeing as he was being attacked by Martin. Martin's own father said it was not Martin crying for help. Zimmerman tried to retreat but was overcome by the younger, faster, stronger Martin. Martin scratched his hand in his assault on Zimmerman, the only wound other than the gunshot wound. Zimmerman had multiple injuries, consistent with being assaulted. Your attempts to cloud the facts by attaching inflammatory and inappropriate labels such as "chase","innocent child","profiling","fairness","social justice", blah, blah influence no one but other simplistic ideologues as your self. go cry in your corn flakes.
UB wouldn't be caught dead eating Corn Flakes, he eats only pure organic Nature's Path corn flakes. Only $22 a box.
so it's not possible that zimm grabbed martin by his hoodie to try to detain? didn't otherwise try to grab him? you have no idea what happened, but are trying to act like you do. :dunce: it is entirely possible that zimm tried to grab and detain martin, after all, these assholes were always getting away and zimm told dispatch to have the police call him for location, not meet him at a specific spot.
you have no idea what happened, but are trying to act like you do. :dunce:
Nope wrong, its all for killing!!!!!!!!
The guns are the ones doing the killing. When no one is looking they form into firearm teams, usually it's just all the revolvers trying to be some kind of cool gang and all but the Rifles and the shotguns got their own to worry about. They get ammunition and load themselves, then, when no one is looking, BLAMMO they kill some poor innocent toddler who was playing with her dolls on the front stoop of her home in the area of Brewster-Douglas or Watts.
UB wouldn't be caught dead eating Corn Flakes, he eats only pure organic Nature's Path corn flakes. Only $22 a box.

if i have breakfast, it consists of chicken or duck eggs that i pulled out that day. neighbors get the older ones. but i don't eat breakfast that often, especially with my new sleep schedule (rippers are coming for the GH already, lol).
So the admitedly poor investigation done on the scene is acceptable because, but the more complete investigation done after the fact is crap. again, we have to make quite a few leaps of faith to buy into the conspiracy. The original investigation was done with assumption of Martin being guilty, they (police) obviously didn't believe Martin was from the area. the second one was not.

this isn't about left and right, but there seems to be this blind defense of Zimmerman that is served with a side of "there tryin to take our guns" BS which this also isn't about.

I'm not anti gun and believe we have enough gun laws on our books on both sides of the argument, so I don't believe we need shoot first ask later laws to enhance a gun owners rights, I don't believe they should be allowed in bars or alchohol serving establishments. Do a little research on how we came to ban guns in bars, why the fuck would they be trying to change that?

It's no doubt a tragedy for both families but it's also abvious which family is suffering more.
His wife told him she needs BC for "lady problems" after he had his vasectomy. He believed her. Ha, Ha, Ha!

har har har! you have to resort to infantile lying and insinuation! i almost forgot to laugh. you and i should buy a van and tour the nation. you pack the stadiums full for comedy shows, i'll solicit treadmills.

match made in heaven.
The guns are the ones doing the killing. When no one is looking they form into firearm teams, usually it's just all the revolvers trying to be some kind of cool gang and all but the Rifles and the shotguns got their own to worry about. They get ammunition and load themselves, then, when no one is looking, BLAMMO they kill some poor innocent toddler who was playing with her dolls on the front stoop of her home in the area of Brewster-Douglas or Watts.
it take someone to pull the trigger and man made guns so man can kill from a distance.
They didn't "take his word for it". They looked at all the evidence and took all the witness accounts and THEN decided they had jack squat for evidence of anything other than self defense. Once the media and the Feds and the president got involved it became an entirely different thing. If zimm was not arrested and charged there would have been riots from the black community. A black president does not look good when black people are rioting all over the nation, so the spin was brought in and anyone with even the daintiest idea of somehow finding Zimm guilty will be tried and heard, but ultimately he is going to walk. Then a few days later some asshole will probably kill him.
While I agree there is no case against Zimmerman, I do not share your confidence that he will walk. Imagine a jury of 9,11,12? UncleButts. It would not be the first time justice has been denied by ideology.