Epiphany most recently Realized


Undercover Mod
In college my Philosophy teacher told me "Possessions own you" They burden your soul. You work for your car and your house. ( I think what set this off is the fact that my job is leaving state and there are no real prospects here, so I'm moving no matter what by next year. I might be in Colorado this time next year.)

I recently realized the meaning of this and have spent the last few months recognizing this. I started thinning my possessions.

I'm trying to maintain the stuff I use on a regular basis and ridding myself of unnecessary objects. used the money to pay bills.

I sold thousands of dollars worth of stuff I've had sitting around. I gave away even more stuff I couldn't sell.

Whats the point of having stuff that you don't use when someone else can cherish it....

Anyone else had any realization in their lives?


Well-Known Member
are you raggamuffin one out too, welcome to the club (started by someone else, welcome anyway brother?)


Undercover Mod
The worst part is they offered me a 15G Bonus to relocate to Oklahoma.

First thing I did was look up the laws down there.

Any amount (first offense)not classified1 year$ 0
Any amount (subsequent offense)felony2 - 10 years$ 0

Thats just for possesion

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Been to OK and didn't appreciate it all that much.

And yes, I've reduced what I own by about half and have about another 1/4 to go. Lots and lots of things that had no meaning hit the highway. It feels very good to be rid of the stuff that was just hanging around. I sold, auctioned or gave away. I had a fishing pole it was worth $75 and I was going to throw it away, it felt like found money!


Well-Known Member
When I found something of mine was covered with dust on a regular basis it usually ended up
going to someone I knew would make good use of it. Can not tell you how many times I have paid
full price and almost if not given it away. Not that I`m a great person but I agree that possessions
can own you. Now I do not need to buy every whim and I run with very little but it was a hard habit to break.
How many guitar pedals does one guy really need under his bed. 6million of course, that way instead of making music
you can spend 6 hours trying to dial in a tone you can really only get by cranking a tube amp with 1 fuzz box. lol


Undercover Mod
Even stuff that is worthless. Like I had old pairs of shoes with big holesi n them and clothes I hadn't worn in years.

Anything I cant give away or sell, I donated. I've been doing this every couple of weeks.

I got through all of my belongings and try to decide what I don't need.

But I got some stuff I have no use for but my dad gave to me and I just cant bare to get rid of it. Idk....


Well-Known Member
I see people squabble over the possessions of relatives that have passed away
and I get it but I have none of these and I think I`m lucky. I almost feel like I have only the memories
and the others have reduced their bond to trinkets. Maybe they are healthy enough to separate the two.
Its like "I used to have a companion and now I have a camera?" I don't know its too early for these kind of thoughts.
You have brought out the weirdo in me in public. Thanks. lol


Undercover Mod
I see people squabble over the possessions of relatives that have passed away
and I get it but I have none of these and I think I`m lucky. I almost feel like I have only the memories
and the others have reduced their bond to trinkets. Maybe they are healthy enough to separate the two.
Its like "I used to have a companion and now I have a camera?" I don't know its too early for these kind of thoughts.
You have brought out the weirdo in me in public. Thanks. lol
I think that is always about the money. But I get what ur saying. They are just trinkets that my dad gave me, but they are things that he saw that made him think of me and he got it for me. now they make me think of him.


Active Member
I live frugal. I work a part time and full time. I pay 300 a month in rent. I eat breakfast lunch and dinner at my work free. I am able to save 16,000 a year and this is minimum wage. If I keep this up I will be able to buy a condo or something in a few years. Maybe I might relocate myself when I save up. Hopefully i can get a better paying job soon so I can work less. We shall see what's ahead. I don't own a car. I walk to both jobs. It is good exercise as well.

Thinking about starting a cleaning business in a couple months or so. My friend owns one in las Vegas and started five years ago. He now makes 80k a year and he doesn't do any cleaning himself. I want to be like him.

Sorry about the life story, back to topic.

I refuse to buy expensive clothes and shoes and what not. I play free games on my computer to occupy my time. My computer I "rent" from Walmart because I hate the idea of depreciation at this time in my life.


Active Member
I've been on this road for a few years now. My goal is to be able to fit my "life" in a single pickup truck load. I had an epiphany several years ago when I moved three times in two years. Most of what I moved the last time were boxes that hadn't been unpacked from the first move. It was less of an "aha" moment than a "screw this" moment!

I'm facing a challenge now as some of my family, realizing that time is growing short, are passing things onto me that have significance to them, but not to me. Funny, I find it easier to dispense with my own sentimentality than that of the folks who pass these things onto me. I suppose I'll wait until their passing to shed their gifts.

In the meantime, I've found that there are lots of folks thinking in a similar vein. One link worth sharing is The Minimalists blog. You'll find enough related links to waste a perfectly good morning. LOL


Well-Known Member
I have never lost anyone as close as a parent or child. I know I would struggle getting rid of anything.
Honestly I would prolly keep it even if it reminded me that I was sad. Maybe that`s why I don`t like the idea of having
reminders around to blindside me.


Well-Known Member
True story, Once my wife kicked me out and I called an uncle to come get me.
We had lived together for a long time so he was shocked when he arrived to move me
with a flatbed truck and I walked out with one box. It looked ridicules plus he broke an axle on his way to get me
and my box.


Active Member
if only i had more things to sell, you see, i have already realized that i need no material possession to be happy.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I grew up with Depression Era parents. They. Save. Everything. We have two sheds full of stuff. Everything is neatly wrapped or covered in some way to prevent damage. When they give up the ghost (god forbid anytime soon), I will spend months emptying those damn sheds out.


Undercover Mod
I grew up with Depression Era parents. They. Save. Everything. We have two sheds full of stuff. Everything is neatly wrapped or covered in some way to prevent damage. When they give up the ghost (god forbid anytime soon), I will spend months emptying those damn sheds out.
Maybe you'll find some treasures who knows.


Well-Known Member
I give to the goodwill on a monthly basis

Yesterday I saw a kid across the street from me playing basketball with a soccer ball so I gave him a brand new basketball and shot around with him for a while.

Gave my other neighbors kid a bike

I save cans and bottles for a local homeless man.

I don't have much but I realized some people would kill to be in my shoes,
So I'm always helping when I can

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I give to the goodwill on a monthly basis

Yesterday I saw a kid across the street from me playing basketball with a soccer ball so I gave him a brand new basketball and shot around with him for a while.

Gave my other neighbors kid a bike

I save cans and bottles for a local homeless man.

I don't have much but I realized some people would kill to be in my shoes,
So I'm always helping when I can
I love you, dude. (no homo)


Active Member
I can fit everything I own in a pickup. It's a great feeling, but even this amount feels like a burden sometimes. I hate "stuff"...it serves no purpose.


Undercover Mod
I can fit everything I own in a pickup. It's a great feeling, but even this amount feels like a burden sometimes. I hate "stuff"...it serves no purpose.
This is what I would like to be able to do.

Most the things I do have are expensive