Is It Just Me? Or...

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Does it seems that too many thread seem to be posted by LEO?

What do you look like?

What do you wear?

What kind of jobs?

Pics of yourself?

What do you drive?

What is the price?


Well-Known Member
same threads with different titles have been posted before every now and then but it is kinda odd they all pop up at the same time this time.


Well-Known Member
That's why I never reply to them, the fuck you wanna know what I drive, or wear fucking cock sucking ass eaters!!!!


Well-Known Member
I don`t think its the LEO. Doing risky things on the net makes people feel like a badass :D

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
What do you look like? A desperate lonely man.

What do you wear? Diapers. It saves a lot of time.

What kind of jobs? Blo...err... umm... odd jobs?

Pics of yourself? So soon? We just met. I'm shy. Plus the rash hasn't cleared up, yet....

What do you drive? Men crazy. But not the good kind of crazy. They're usually jumping out windows to get away.

What is the price? Depends on what you want, big boy. My prices start at 100.00.

Oh wait, this wasn't a survey? You're just a cop? Really? I thought it was true love. By the way. I'm legal in this state. Have a nice day officer. :D


Well-Known Member
Well, all the growers are pretty good about staying away from information that's too identifying. The rest of us are just distracting the LEO from the real "targets".


Active Member
Carne Seca:7532907 said:
What do you look like? A desperate lonely man.

What do you wear? Diapers. It saves a lot of time.

What kind of jobs? Blo...err... umm... odd jobs?

Pics of yourself? So soon? We just met. I'm shy. Plus the rash hasn't cleared up, yet....

What do you drive? Men crazy. But not the good kind of crazy. They're usually jumping out windows to get away.

What is the price? Depends on what you want, big boy. My prices start at 100.00.

Oh wait, this wasn't a survey? You're just a cop? Really? I thought it was true love. By the way. I'm legal in this state. Have a nice day officer. :D
Are u a gay dude or a girl?


Well-Known Member
i was wondering the same thing.

im also wondering who keeps resurrecting all these dead threads from 07 and 08