The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i use most of the house and garden range with AN cal mag (which has made a big difference) and monster bloom on flower, even though i had problems with the 3 in nft i still ended up with 15 o with another o of popcorn
where do you get the cal mag from? ive had a little look on ebay and they had a choise of grow and bloom. i wasnt sure if that ment it had veg and flower nutes mixed in


Well-Known Member
i think i am going to get rid of the pen. ive been looking at the ph lock out chart and it says mag is cut out about 5.7 but ill get a bit of epsom salt to bump the mag up a bit
Good lad im sure your luck will change shortly after u do so just stick with it read ya plants correctly and it ll pay at the end bro for sure :-)


Well-Known Member
i got in to nft growing as it was meant to be easy and as im only 5ft3, me getting sacks of dirt or coco up in a loft......... :neutral:


Well-Known Member
A few words of advise !! Scrap the nft and go get sum cocco why because its easier than soil more forgiving the dwc nft ect ect do it and your half way there to growin some nice simple plants and yes i do mean simple its the best medium out there imo and it amazes me why u tried those nft trays anyway lollipoppin fimmin toppin lst supercroppin sog scrog and the rest of the techniques will become second nature once you know how to grow these simple plants properly with no hick ups along the way
i can't do that just yet,i have to master it or get very close. im slowly getting better and im sure as time passes i will be able to do well at growing...if i can only stop messing with them and wanting to be with them giving them food lol ;-),being stoned in the room don't help .......... hhhhmmm


Well-Known Member
chill out i do be thinking........... ;-)



Well-Known Member
good morninuk growers ;-)
<span style="color:#ff0000;"><font size="7">[video=youtube;m5TwT69i1lU][/video]


yeah just been lazy and for some reason didnt want a car with sunroof and ended up with one it leaked on drivers side now it changed to passenger lol