Marijuana a Gateway Drug?

First Drug You Ever Used

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You've all heard the stupid DARE line... "Marijuana is a gateway drug that leads to bigger and harder drugs." Bullshit.

I believe Alcohol to be the so called gateway drug. I remember being a kid and sneaking sips out the liquor cabinet or fridge. I'm pretty sure if you think back to your first time getting messed up, alcohol was probably your first "DRUG" you used.

DARE says "people who smoke marijuana are 50 times more likely to use harder drugs" or something like that. Of course we are...You tell us our whole life that marijuana is this deadly, addictive plant.... then we find out it's the fucking eutopia.... of course we are gonna try some of the other stuff you said was supposed to be deadly and bad... you lied to us all this time, why the fuck should I believe you now.

If the govt does consider it a gateway drug, it's cause their lies and deception about marijuana made it a gateway drug. If your gonna lie to us about that, how do we know your telling the truth about the other drugs? We don't! So that's half the reason we need to experiment cause the govt doesn't want to give us a straight answer

The point my high ass is trying to make is marijuana is not a gateway drug....Alcohol is. :spew:

I'm guessing 9/10 of us started with some kind of alcohol. I may be wrong. What was your first drug. Alcohol or Bud? :confused:
They tell me to take Prozac and Ritalin. Its good for me.

Pot.... Not so much. It'll destroy my life.

They tell me to take Prozac and Ritalin. Its good for me.

Pot.... Not so much. It'll destroy my life.


I'm saying! In my first thread on rollitup I ranted on how they could call marijuana dangerous and alcohol is fine. If alcohol is so fine how come It makes me have to beat up a friend every now and then. you know the friend... one too many and he thinks he superman.
I had my first adult drink/smoke in the same night. But I don't attribute either one as being a gateway drug. I've tried 4 other substances(coke, mdma,E, salvia) one time each. I guess smoking made me more comfortable with experimentation, but in no way did it encourage my use. I smoke weed. Thats my thing, and I don't think I'll deviate. People who become addicted to stronger things were destined for that lifestyle.They had addictive personalitites from birth. Although I would like to try shrooms.
Used to be spnosrd blader..... and well the other guy's all smoked it...

i was 8, so i was like, can i try ???? They were all pretty cool about and told me if they see me ever smoking again they would kill me... i was like cool..

And then i was 15... and to be honest alcohol didnt interest me. It's legal here for 16 years olds... ^^ so its no big deal....
^^ hehehe, i went to prison for ALC !

I have been smoking off and on for the last twenty years, when am I supposed to walk through that gateway?
Although I would like to try shrooms.

Shrooms are my #2 drug. I've only done them 6-7 times but every time I did I had a awesome trip. Drop those fuckers in the morning on a beautiful day and just kick it outside in a safe non cop park or even nice backyard. Nature is fucking awesome on shrooms.... you'll see!
^^ hehehe, i went to prison for ALC !


We need more people like this in our society. Seriously.

I have been smoking off and on for the last twenty years, when am I supposed to walk through that gateway?

haha. I don't know but they should put up signs at least.:mrgreen:
If pot is a gateway drug then why the hell am i still smoking weed instead of other drugs? its bullshit i smoke weed cause its the high of choice. fuck all those other drugs hell i don't really consider weed as a drug because when i think of drugs i think of overdoses and side affects which isn't a problem with weed. its fucking propaganda put out by the government.
I mean, probably everybody who uses hard drugs smoked weed at some point, but that doesn't mean that weed CAUSED them to move on to hard drugs: it's just temporal antecedence, there's no causality here.
I don't think weed is a gateway drug either. I have been smoking for years now and have no desire or urge to use something harsher. I do drink alcohol sometimes too. I don't think either lead to harder drugs myself. It is the what that person wants to do and what kind of personality they have. :mrgreen::peace:
hell i don't really consider weed as a drug because when i think of drugs i think of overdoses and side affects which isn't a problem with weed. its fucking propaganda put out by the government.

Couldn't agree more...Well put my friend...well put.:blsmoke:

I mean, probably everybody who uses hard drugs smoked weed at some point, but that doesn't mean that weed CAUSED them to move on to hard drugs.

Thank You. I find it hard to believe that if someone is sitting there smoking a joint and all the sudden he's like "Man this weed makes me want to go out and buy some meth, and heroine.":roll:

I don't think either lead to harder drugs myself.
I hear ya. I don't believe in the gateway crap either but if their gonna start accusing things of being gateway drugs...they could at least accuse the right drug.