What is the most altered state of mind you've ever had?


Well-Known Member
ugh how is the taste?
IDC much for it, I think people just exagerate.. It tastes very earthy like eating grass and soil. You can just toss it on some food like in a peanut butter and banana sandwhich or throw it on some pizza.


Well-Known Member
fuck so im doing some research and i am pretty stoked.
Don't forget to take at least 30 mins and just close your eyes.. Closed eyed visuals are amazing. Get a good playlist going just for fun. It may seem lame but the beatles were meant for tripping.


Well-Known Member
Back in the day had an excellent connect for awesome liquid. Myself and 2 friends decided to down the rest of the vial. After we dosed we cut the vial open and licked it clean. There was alot more left than initially thought. Most of the night is a blur but at one point we sat on the steps of a local hot dog shoppe saying "We've got to get ahold of ourselves hehehehehehehehe" for literally what felt like an hour. I also remember a water tower, a high school football game, a haunted house and the trunk of a car.


Well-Known Member

Yup, we used to get it in liquid. A friend spilled some one winter and for christmas I recieved a mason jar filled with paper towels. I said what the fuck? and he said "put the blacklight on". You shone blue on the paper towels, was free and good. The above experience was not induced by the bounty quicker picker upper, just a few sugar cubes at that time.


Well-Known Member
yeah my friend wanted to do them at night, but i wanted to do during the day, in my house, where i dont have to trip about anything or anyone.
For a first time doing it at night would be a good idea. The colors, oh the colors of bight daylight:shock:


Well-Known Member
Back in the day had an excellent connect for awesome liquid. Myself and 2 friends decided to down the rest of the vial. After we dosed we cut the vial open and licked it clean. There was alot more left than initially thought. Most of the night is a blur but at one point we sat on the steps of a local hot dog shoppe saying "We've got to get ahold of ourselves hehehehehehehehe" for literally what felt like an hour. I also remember a water tower, a high school football game, a haunted house and the trunk of a car.
Thank You. I just remembered that's where I went wrong, so to speak, on my trip I described. I licked the breathe assure bottle after cutting it open. I forgot all about that part, was like 10 years ago...


Well-Known Member
LSD - Took 4 x blotters when I was 21, yup.. four of the fuckers.. was out of my mind for a good 24 hours, the first 8 hours were very hectic, thought I was gonna die when I initially came up, but when it all eventually leveled out - My local town turned into 16th Century Tudor buildings, the cars turned into horse & carts, and the public were all peasants dressed in rags, the roads turned into country tracks but all my friends I was tripping with turned into Royalty (princes, princesses etc) I was dressed in rich robes with gold, crown & a long cloak & other royal regalia.. it was so real I marched up to the local bank with my 'royal family' & apparently demanded all the money from the bank as I was the king & entitled to it!..

The scariest, funniest, & most surreal 24 hours of my life.


Well-Known Member
And how did it happen?

Did you take a massive amount of drugs and just ride it out, did your best friend commit suicide and you've never gotten over the grief, did you have a profound religious experience, did your wife deliver a healthy child? What was it? Tell me!


Mine had to be this time I took a double dose of MDMA. I had gone through the connect before, so I knew how powerful it was and what to expect. I was at my house and my ex girlfriend asked me to come over for something, I forgot what it was, but it was something at the time I estimated would take 25-30 minutes, and having experienced the exact makeup of the MDMA before, I knew it would likely hit me in 35 minutes! So, having 2 pills left, the pills being the capsule sized everyday rx type prescriptions you'd find housing most medications, I don't remember the exact weight, but it was a considerable amount, but not enough for two separate trips, so I thought "fuck it, let's take em both and see what happens" (knowing it wouldn't be enough to OD). Turned out to be the best experience ever! I was juuuust about to leave her house and it started to kick in. Normally I'd like to be around people when tripping, but I knew I was in for a ride, so I decided to say goodbye and take off. The drive, I will never forget. I live 3 blocks from her house, but it seemed like pure bliss. Like I was riding on the most silky road you could imagine. I was totally aware and completely under control of my motor functions, if you've ever taken MDMA you know it's a lot different from other substances. I reach my house and trip my balls off for the next 2 hours. I remember just laying down and enveloping in my blankets, being the absolute most comfortable experience of my life, so soft, like I was snuggling into a spot meant for me. It's impossible to sleep when your mind is racing so fast, so I just laid there for an hour to ride out the most pronounced effects. And it was absolutely amazing. Possibly rivals the time the shit WOKE ME UP! lol. Good times...

What do you have?!

As far as I can remember,It was when I didnt do any drugs for a while,I had been on a tolerance break from everything..,drinking, smoking.It was about a year ago I was sitting on my roof stargazing,When i felt like the air itself was a cushion on all sides of my body,and a tremendous feeling of gratitude washed over me,just for being alive.It was a great night.The funny thing was is that I had been completely sober for a month,Yet it felt like i took a hell of a dose of something good!Maybe it was a sort of flashback effect,I dont know but it felt profoundly awesome.


Well-Known Member
Stayed up for many moons and ended up giving cpr to a dead snake for 3 hours instead of being at work.
When I was a young-in I did a ton of high shit that could be construed as bizarre.


Well-Known Member
Peyote+Cocaine mix. I became an artist and produced a really good piece on the wall.

There is a bit more to it which I need to include. The way I was living my life, the people I was mixing with and where I was all played a major roll in the experience.


Well-Known Member
my roomate and I also played a game called 'Digital DreamWare' on the old 3DO system. It was a game set to music that you used the controllers to 'play' with fractals and tyedye type shapes and colors. Twisting 'down' and 'up' into the shapes on the game using the controller as well as speeding them up and down, inversions etc. After so long everywhere we looked had the images imprinted upon them.


nothing for me yet, but my friend and I are supposed to shroom sometime next week. what can i expect
is it possible for you to have a third person with you to remain sober and kind of babysit? when my boyfriend does them, i like to be with him, because last time he decided it would be a good idea to take the paddle boat out on the lake around 2am. i was so scared he was going to drown. so i gave him a long rope and tied his paddle boat to the dock so i could watch him and at least i knew the water was only about 5 ft deep. :) i agree with previous posters, make it a happy environment, be with people you trust and that will share your happy mood. i don't care for shrooms, i like pot better as i need to have the control, i think.

as for my most altered state of mind... the day i had my baby. after 26 hours of labor, and an hour of pushing, my doctor says my baby is stuck. so it's off for an emergency c-section. lying on that operating table, totally paralyzed, couldn't feel my hands although i could see them. it was hard to breath, like my lungs didn't even want to work. i could feel my body shaking as they were pulling the baby out. it was the most unreal experience of my life. fortunately, everything turned out well, we had a beautiful baby girl :)


Well-Known Member
Erm thanks for that, I'm waiting for my wife to pop sometime this week....