HELP hermaphrodite???? NOW WHAT TO DO??!?!?


Help First time growing I have two Tahoe O.G into there 3 week of flowering, there was stress during week one of Flowering Due to transplanting into bigger pots. and adjusting there watering schedule. Started noticing today little sacs on a few branches of one plant. What to do? kill the whole plant cut off only the sac branches? or am i just trippin, I love you all out there on this site and need help! I cut a few branches off for the pics


Well-Known Member
just take them off and keep an eye on it and if you get more pull them off again...if it gets out of hand...remove the plant full stop ;-)


Well-Known Member
Well you dont mention if you have other females around. If these are the only plants you have, you dont have to worry about pollinating the good females. I dont know if they're stress related though based on what you did to them. Its probably hermied through its genetics. Grow them out anyway, man has been cleaning seeds out of his bud since the Indian days. They may not get as big or quite as potent but that strain should provide a decent enough smoke.


Well-Known Member
Just call yourself a breeder and sell the seeds. All the cool kids are doing it these days.
Thats a good idea, I had a Herijuana go hermie on me and I saved a hundred or so seeds from it, now lo and behold the website that sells 'em are out of stock on those beans. I can probably make some cabbage on some of them ,its only THE strongest pot on the planet. Dont take my word for it, look it up yeself.


True it is one of the strongest strains, it was my first bud i bought at the Club with my Med Rec lol..... but yes I only have two, going strong. I Just bought Dutch Master Reverse " female hormone spray" using tonight r tmrw....


Well-Known Member
True it is one of the strongest strains, it was my first bud i bought at the Club with my Med Rec lol..... but yes I only have two, going strong. I Just bought Dutch Master Reverse " female hormone spray" using tonight r tmrw....

Yeah buddy that shit will put you horizontal real quick. I used Reverse on mine too for one that hermied on me. If your not too far into flowering the Reverse does a real nice job.


Ok this is a perfect thread for my problem. I was looking up that reverse you guys are talking about but do i have to use saturator with it? im 14 days into flower and am noticing what appear to be the "claw" indicator of a male. I was considering just moving it and putting it under a few fluoros at my sisters house nextdoor because I kinda would like some feminised woody OG seeds but my budget is like $40 and i dont know if i can get good enough lights for that price. Does anybody know if i can get good enough lights for that price or if i use the reverse will it still likely have one or two seeds?


Well-Known Member
the reverse is suppose to stop seed production. what ever damage is already done, is done. its supposed to send energy back into making flowers. call the dutchmaster number they have well informed people and will tell you everything you need to know.. definitely use the saturator, or something like it, an spray with the lights on..

^ that claw you are talking about, are you referring to your leaves? a claw on the leaves is over nutes with nitrogen i think, doesnt have anything to do with a hermi. if you see sacks, or bananas, get some reverse


No the "claw" i spoke of is coming out of the nearly the same location relative to the nodes that the pistols are coming from (right behind the stipule) and i have seen many threads where they say the claw is a male preflower and considering that it has no pistols protruding from it i was assume they were right. Ok so yes i need the saturator, next question, do I wait until the balls pop out or should I just get the reverse now and try to prevent the male flowers from ever forming?


Well-Known Member
seed plant or clone? Hell I'm trying to hermi one and can't do it. :lol:
You wanna make some all female seed? If your female just won't turn hermie you simply have the perfect candidate but the wrong method. Get some colloidal silver and spray it on one plant it will do the job she will produce male flower that you can use to pollinate an other female & get 100% all female seeds. Silver thiosulfate also work (it's apparently even better ) if you can find it.


Well-Known Member
Hosing one with colloidial silver now to try. I''l end up with a Headband / Hawaiian Rush strain.. Hawaiian Headband I guess.


Active Member
reverse is all hype..Ive used the shit out of it. It does slow down the process but it does not change anything. Just grow them out and keep plucking


Well-Known Member
Kill it with fire.

Seriously I know losing a crop or plant is hard.. but the reality is it's a failure already.. Start over and improve the environment

If you plan on adding plants to the room, mid-way or right after.. Kill it now & don't listen to the people saying "Pluck" them.. That is BS.. you will have Pollen all over your room by harvest. Meaning your next run could get screwed by having kept this one alive so long.

My advice is, Get a new plant in the grow room.. If you wanna keep that 1 alive,,, keep it alive outside the grow area.. use sunlight or regular home lights.. Don't Keep HERMI's in your Main grow area.. waste of space for a failure plant.


Active Member
Yea,I was having a run in with hermies..I had a grow a month or so ago and they threw bananas and was 3 weeks in...I said fuck it and chopped them. It sucked at the time but looking back I'm glad I tossed them..It sucks growing something so long thinking about what could or should have been for the next 4 weeks..But if you only have 2 girls and that's all you got,grow em out.