rubbermaid mini flowering room?


Active Member
I was thinking about doing some miniplants with a short veg. Could I use an upside down something like 20gal rubbermaid container for a mini flowering room? place my plants on the ground and put the rubbermaid over it for 12 hours? while trying to seal out light of course. The container is square and like 2ft tall. or what other options are there?

sizes are roughly the same as this one i googled. Turned on its side would be good enough yeah? no? lol

  • Capacity: 20 gal
  • Height: 15-1/8"
  • Width: 17-3/8"
  • Length: 27-7/8"
Well, let me just tell/show you my method.

I start my seeds in peat pellets that are easy to transplant into any other medium really.
You can see my progress in my 1st grow in my signature.
But yes, the seeds would germ in that situation.

In my germ situation, I had lights on the peat pellets for warmth, then as it emerged it exploded in growth.
Well, let me just tell/show you my method.

I start my seeds in peat pellets that are easy to transplant into any other medium really.
You can see my progress in my 1st grow in my signature.
But yes, the seeds would germ in that situation.

In my germ situation, I had lights on the peat pellets for warmth, then as it emerged it exploded in growth.

I've already got a plant at day 2 of vegging. 9 days since sprouting from the ground.
What I'm looking for is a Flowering room set-up that I can use for 2-4 mini plants to bud out without having to worry about light leaks.
I'm thinking a decent sized Rubbermaid Tote i have here in my room. I was thinking, lid on the ground and then put the plants on that, then the container upside down into the lid and maybe sealed around with towels or something like that. Would ventilation be an issue? D:
If it's too short that way. Could I set it up longways for more height and figure out another way to seal off where the lid goes?
Im super unfamiliar with how to flower plants. Hopefully someone with experience chimes in.

I am a proponent of trial and error. So I wish you luck, and I hope you learn well and are able to spread your knowledge :)
No one seems to care for Rubbermaid grows. However I've got a veg and a flower of each. I would suggest rather than what your saying by sitting the lid on the ground and putting the bottom over it for light protection, to sit it upright, and attach a powerstrip with zipties then using cfl's for light inside on a timer for the dark period. Cut a few inch hole in the side to hang a PC fan for exhaust, then cut a 5 inch long by 1 inch tall hole for passive intake to keep temps down.

Let me know if you need any more help. Search youtube and google for rubbermaid stealth grow for more specific designs.
My grow isn't rubbermaid but is Sterilite...feel free to check it out if you want. Also ^^^^ is right. You would def need put a reg tote on them upside down and they'll probably die. Plants need air just like we do.
i don't like the idea of rubbermaid because it traps the heat, is also not practical for cutting holes and will not hold the lights well, also you will have to remove it altogether to check on your plants. if building a wooden box is hard for you, you can line a sturdy cardboard with wood and glue and cut in it doors vents and what else or buy a small wooden closet or something
i don't like the idea of rubbermaid because it traps the heat, is also not practical for cutting holes and will not hold the lights well, also you will have to remove it altogether to check on your plants. if building a wooden box is hard for you, you can line a sturdy cardboard with wood and glue and cut in it doors vents and what else or buy a small wooden closet or something

It's not wise to knock something, or give advice about it, if you've never tried it.

"...traps heat..."


"...not practical for cutting holes..."




"...will not hold the lights well, also you will have to remove it altogether to check on your plants."



Again, don't knock something until you try it. :D
It's not wise to knock something, or give advice about it, if you've never tried it.

"...traps heat..."


"...not practical for cutting holes..."




"...will not hold the lights well, also you will have to remove it altogether to check on your plants."



Again, don't knock something until you try it. :D
well is it not easier to have a regular wooden box? and doesnt plastic trap heat? and then you need to lightproof it and regular paint doesnt stick to plastic. + this grow is not close to being stealthy lol it looks funny and is probably more costly. I dont like the rubbermaid idea, not at all, doesnt make sense but since you went through with it, it s hard for you to admit it.
well is it not easier to have a regular wooden box? and doesnt plastic trap heat? and then you need to lightproof it and regular paint doesnt stick to plastic. + this grow is not close to being stealthy lol it looks funny and is probably more costly. I dont like the rubbermaid idea, not at all, doesnt make sense but since you went through with it, it s hard for you to admit it.

No, it's not easier to have a regular wooden box because I wanted something that would move around easily. I keep it in my living room, but move it to a bedroom when someone comes over. It's a lot more difficult to do that with a wooden box. I showed a picture of my temps and it even shows the range, does it look like it's trapping heat to you? Look at my plants, do you think they got that far with heat stress? You don't need to paint to light proof something, open your mind! You can use Mylar, duct tape, reflective tape, or water proof tape, car windshield sun reflectors...and I never claimed it was stealthy, stealth isn't a concern for me because it's my apartment. If I want to stealth it, I can put it in my closet. Somehow I don't think a wooden box of the same dimensions would have been any less inconspicuous in my living room. It cost me less than 100 dollars to set up the grow area. I spent much more money on seeds and nutes. Lol I'm not going to admit that it doesn't make sense because it's not true. My grow is going great, I have no problems, it fits in my space, I can move it where I want, and it's cheap. How does that not make sense? There is nothing wrong with trying a rubbermaid grow, especially if it works for you. Just because you personally don't like it doesn't mean that it doesn't make sense or that it's a bad idea. The pics are proof that it works.

Edit: By the way, I live in the South East, it's hot and humid as hell...yet I still maintain temps. You never really know about something unless you try it for yourself. Even though many people hate on these grows, I decided to try for the hell of it...I'm not disappointed ;)
:) anyway Lady, bottom line is that it should grow you good buds, and if your rubbermaid satisfies you, then good luck with it, it does have the touch of a neat person, which is a great thing in growing, so good luck with it ;)
My buddy had a 6 plant grow inside Rubbermaids, using a 400w HPS light too. Basically he stacked two of the large containers on top of each other, normal with the lids on, and then cut the lid of the bottom container out to match the same size hole in the bottom of the top container. Then sealed it with some caulk and painted the inside of the containers before lining with mylar. Looked really legit and gave him like a QP of yield.
you could also check out my grow. serilite box too (same as rubbermaid). I grew 5 small plants in mine. veg and flowering. I tried to put in as much as I could of what I did along the way. Check it out.
well is it not easier to have a regular wooden box? and doesnt plastic trap heat? and then you need to lightproof it and regular paint doesnt stick to plastic. + this grow is not close to being stealthy lol it looks funny and is probably more costly. I dont like the rubbermaid idea, not at all, doesnt make sense but since you went through with it, it s hard for you to admit it.

PS - Paint sticks fine to Sterelite and Rubbermaid containers. Didn't even scuff the plastic on the one I painted. 2 coats of black and 2 coats of flat white, works fine. Doesn't scratch off, and it's not like I'm using a fork to rake the side of the container to test it either.

Rubbermaid costs more? Power strip - $3.50, Timer -$6, Lights - ~$16, Potting medium, nutes, containers - $20. What were your costs again? Oh wait, I forgot zipties - $2.

Right about $50, I'm ok with that, PS take out the powerstrip cost and half of the lights cost as I already had those.
PS - Paint sticks fine to Sterelite and Rubbermaid containers. Didn't even scuff the plastic on the one I painted. 2 coats of black and 2 coats of flat white, works fine. Doesn't scratch off, and it's not like I'm using a fork to rake the side of the container to test it either.

Rubbermaid costs more? Power strip - $3.50, Timer -$6, Lights - ~$16, Potting medium, nutes, containers - $20. What were your costs again? Oh wait, I forgot zipties - $2.

Right about $50, I'm ok with that, PS take out the powerstrip cost and half of the lights cost as I already had those.
you forgot to mention the prices of the paint + the price of the rubbermaid containers... the timer medium and others, are regular costs for every grower. I'd shoot myself in the foot, before I grow under CFL, anything but clones. I cannot imagine the oven you create in that plastic box filled with CFL's but then again to each his own...
P.S. did you know that CFL give out MORE heat per watt and LESS lumen per watt than HPS? this last grow, I got close to 20 Oz with 2 400w lights
Finding your information to be I said before, you can see my temps and see that it's not an oven...I've seen people with wooden boxes run higher temps than me. CFLS do NOT put out more heat than HPS and CFLs actually put out the same amount (maybe even more) of USEFUL light that HPS does. Before you argue with me, check out this post by Roseman...the CFL and Bubbleponics master:

Plants use mostly red and blue light. Yellow and green light is of little use to them, so light that is emitted in these spectrums is wasted energy. Most of the light emitted by HPS lamps is in the yellow spectrum. Only a small amount of the emitted light is is in the orange or red spectrums, which plants use efficiently. Warm white fluorescents (2700 Kelvin) emit a greater portion in the red and orange sectors.

Although fluorescents produce only about 75% of the light per watt that the HPS does, the amount of light usable by the plant is equal or probably higher with the fluorescents. You may wish to experiment to see if adding a single cool white CFL to replace one warm white results in shorter, stouter stems and more vigorous growth. The reasoning is that warm whites don't emit much blue light, which the plants use for photosynthesis and to regulate their growth. The cool white bulb supplies the blue light.

My call for your unit would be to use several (three to five) CFLs with a total input of between 120-160 watts. Although the 150 watt HPS is a bit more efficient that the CFLs in total output, watt for watt the fluorescents provide as much useful light as the HPS lamp. Heat is another consideration. The HPS runs much hotter and emits more heat than the flourescents.

By the way, Roseman pulls 3-4 ounces off one plant. That's not bad for small growers who don't want to invest in the ventilation and electrical costs of running a an expensive lighting system in a small area. Hell, an HPS won't even fit in most micro grows. It's easier to use CFLs.