1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
naa, theres a load of peeps done grows of the QQ, cindy has a corking pheno drips with crystal. i've run a few myself Mad Dog Bark lost a 10 pack, the last to run a cross was Dura but he's AWOL with the rest of the scots. think there's some coast to coast busting going on at the minute so their on the mattresses lol

i really want some testers for the dog x qq, it's on my list to do in the near future, need to run through a few find a winner.

christ this hangover is till kicking

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
how do all. lost a ten pack? i got mine tucked up for me xmas grow. thinking qq ,ed and the psycho killer.
dog to follow the grow after so i got plenty dog on my bday.
somehow gotta fit some chronic crosses in also so mayb need another light yet. time will tell

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
must have been someone else, i can't think now, it was the lad who's a bouncer if memory serves lol which it clearly does not.

dog on your birthday eh haha there's no way i could toke that and be sociable. easiest way to fit plants in i to just pop the seeds and worry about it when they get big. my tried and tested tech right there ;) i always tell myself i'll just lollipop them to SOG if they get too big then never do.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
i will b 31 matey so at this stage of my life im not to bothered about being sociable, feel like ive earned the right b a grumpy old stoner now hahaha.
bouncer ent that the dude who in uk thread begings with a s, mates with sambo. got a loft grow going

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well your grey cells are in better nick than mine! aye it was saerimner

I turn 30 in august. i'm grumpy as fuck as is. is 30 the official turning point i wonder??

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
defo man. i started to notice the front my hair thinning on 30th b day. u may b lil lucky tho and b slower on the bolding haaha as my kids stress me out at times. but i got the c1 shampoo and regain hair mouse so im ready for the battle haha caught it in nick time.
well least im blonde so greys wont show yet haha i ent growing old with grace as i cant even take me socks with any grace haha.


Well-Known Member
I had grey coming through before i was 20.....

On the Wayne Rooney Gel MDB? lol

defo man. i started to notice the front my hair thinning on 30th b day. u may b lil lucky tho and b slower on the bolding haaha as my kids stress me out at times. but i got the c1 shampoo and regain hair mouse so im ready for the battle haha caught it in nick time.
well least im blonde so greys wont show yet haha i ent growing old with grace as i cant even take me socks with any grace haha.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
cant afford the hair transplant yet. hoping time i need it i will b quids in by then haha.
woodnt mind going bold if i didnt look a nutter with a skin head. dont wanna freak out the kids n show the head scars off haha.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
fortunately my dome isn't lumpy so i'm not too fussed on going bald. my lass can't wait for me to go grey. chicks dig a silver fox apparently lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
haha na dst rather grey then bold anyday the week man. i ent that bad yet , mrs says it cos i smoke to much weed n paranoid by hair haha she prob right but rather b careful wth hair then bold before my time, dads 50 odd n got full head hair but my half bro is bold as fuck and has been since mid twentys haha the unlucky swine. i admit im alil vain.
so how did the de seeding go don? much salvageable or u was hashing it up?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i dunno i think it's a bit weird. i mean blokes don't really go for the grey haired chicks usually lol. it's the fashion of late for young lasses to dye their barnet grey. i really am getting old... thinking the younguns and their fashion sense is all wack

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
grey shows age or maturity, so women see grey n think sugar daddy, u no cash n sorted fiances in life.#same for blonde means youthfulnes hense y us oldies cant get enough them young busty blondies, reminds us off our past days n young chicks haha


Well-Known Member
Oh bollox what am i on with ment the cheese quake thingys noy QQ thick twats seen um loads like ya say lol mind is mush!!
I started turnin before i was twenty aswell not even reciedin a little tho so least theres that mrs always says she loves the grey cloony look lol think shes full a shit haha shaved the fucker off other day.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ah man i reckon it's just the hand your dealt. i'll never be able to grow a beard. looks ridiculous if i try.

got in to find my tomato's had fallen over in the porch. :(

the cheesequake x ak48, cindy grew out 1 a while back. ive not even done one myself


Well-Known Member
ah man i reckon it's just the hand your dealt. i'll never be able to grow a beard. looks ridiculous if i try.

got in to find my tomato's had fallen over in the porch. :(

the cheesequake x ak48, cindy grew out 1 a while back. ive not even done one myself

Can remember that now aswell mate haha gotta sort me head out lol
Bad luck with the toms you end up with krtchup lol got all sorts on the go ant ya you still do the chillies?