PROOF that GOD Exists......

I highly disagree...while final fantasy 7 is a very good game, the legend of zelda cannot, in me estimation, be trumped.

You may have your differing beliefs in other matters, but I will not stand by while the greatness of FF7 is questioned!
I highly disagree...while final fantasy 7 is a very good game, the legend of zelda cannot, in me estimation, be trumped.

...and after all the heavy flow in these threads lately, this one makes me think the most :) You might have a point. But, early Zelda and early Final Fantasy are just too close to call, imo.

"Tsimtsum is defined as withdrawal. God had, so to speak, withdraw so that a space for independent creatures could come into being."

Makes sense from an 'uncreated' point of view. If a person holds the view that God is the 'un-create, or unmoved mover, etc.', an opening would have to be present for the 'garden' to materialize.

Then, it becomes man's responsibility to 'allow' the presence of God.
"The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct."
-Marcus Tullius Cicero

There are way too many average people, all too many stupid people, and far too many brutes on this planet.
i didnt play oblivion unfortunately, this game has made me eager too. theres so much attention to detail, its like zelda on acid hahahaha

HAHAHA! I recently heard someone say, "Mario Bros. is like D&D on Acid."

It is a really polished game, with sand box and story line. You will see a lot of this game in others that came shortly after.
Your pain, no one else's. I admit my limitations, and you scoff. Funny how no one else comments on my posts as "Ignorant" or "misguided" though. :blsmoke:

Not scoffing at ya bro, just giving you a little tweak, didn't realize you were that sensitive...i do believe some others have tried to point out the provincial aspects of your posts as well, but i'm fine taking the brunt.
be easy
Not scoffing at ya bro, just giving you a little tweak, didn't realize you were that sensitive...i do believe some others have tried to point out the provincial aspects of your posts as well, but i'm fine taking the brunt.
be easy

Not that I read. A couple people felt our recent arguments were irrelevant. I just fail to see how your logic seems reasonable. This is my failure, more than yours.
"We must respect the other fellow's religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart."
-- H. L. Mencken
HAHAHA! I recently heard someone say, "Mario Bros. is like D&D on Acid."

It is a really polished game, with sand box and story line. You will see a lot of this game in others that came shortly after.

hahaha makes sense. i like games that have more to em, deus ex is sorta like that too, every choice you make changes the whole game pretty much. but i like skyrim more, i like finding crazy shit to look at, saving it, then going back to it when im on shrooms haha.