Winter Woman
Well-Known Member
Get inline with everyone else. What about that don't you understand?
I'm in line lol. I'm a legal citizen and so is my dad.Let me put in a manner you'll understand.
If I wouldn't let someone take cuts in line at the movies or at the DMV, why would I let them take cuts in line for something more important like immigration?
Get in the back of the line!
Again, shoul I turn myself in because I smoke cannabis?
Heph, you cannot win this one.
Smoking cannabis is illegal, but it isn't wrong.
Driving around in a car with a stereo that deliberately and cheerfully breaks noise ordinances is illegal (if almost unenforced) and it is wrong. It impinges on people around the rat with the thumpin' system.
Hiring illegals expressly in order to exploit their cheapness, which is based on subverting things such as the tax code, is also illegal and wrong ... and it's a bigger wrong, since it a) exploits the illegals, even though they consent, and b) cheats (harms) honest businessmen, as WW has patiently explained.
You're focusing exclusively on legality. Please also consider right/wrong in this instance. whatever else you like or dislike about your dad, he is being a thief and a cheat in this instance. The "hardworking decent guy" overlay does not in any way mitigate the deliberate misuse of the system. My opinion. cn
Yeah fine, my dad is a theif and a cheat. So you're saying he should just not give these people jobs to support their families?
I'm suggesting he should do it right, or not at all. The attitude "I can make this work if I buy into a widespread social cheating mechanism" should really mean "I cannot make this work honestly". I realize that when livelihood is at stake, especially in this sustained bad economy, the moral calculus becomes consequential, but no more right. Make of it what you will. But that is my firm opinion. How do you feel about a society whose prime directive becomes "don't get caught"? Doesn't that effectively define corruption? My opinion. cn
CN, I think you just described Mexico
Is this your only rebuttal?Again, shoul I turn myself in because I smoke cannabis?
Yes, he is an abuser. $10/hr average for construction work are you kidding me! Carpenters make $25 and up. Your dad is a thief.
no one forced those workers to sign up with his dad.
a hose is a great way to remove sand from delicate lady parts.
Get inline with everyone else. What about that don't you understand?
Hiring illegals expressly in order to exploit their cheapness, which is based on subverting things such as the tax code, is also illegal and wrong ... and it's a bigger wrong, since it a) exploits the illegals, even though they consent, and b) cheats (harms) honest businessmen, as WW has patiently explained.
You're focusing exclusively on legality. Please also consider right/wrong in this instance. whatever else you like or dislike about your dad, he is being a thief and a cheat in this instance. The "hardworking decent guy" overlay does not in any way mitigate the deliberate misuse of the system. My opinion. cn
Illegals broke the fucking law as soon as they crossed over, this makes them all criminals. There should not be any second chance for any illegal immigrants. There needs to be an example set for illegal immigration. As far as there kids go, there here illegally and my opinion is so are there kids. Ship the whole family back. Like somone elce said, if they have the time to work or have kids, they have the time to get here the right way. Black, Japanese, Mexican or Russian, if its illegal its a fucking crime. Until the united states government starts taking care of all its LEGAL citizens, im totaly against any immigrants legal or not.
No thanks! I'm not interested in any hoser.