Whats your opinion on immigration??

And what I'm starting to find weird is how you're not even mentioning illegal immigrants anymore. It seems that you just have a problem with the younger generation of hispanics.. One would call that racist. I'm sure you would understand.
Most of my friends are young hispanic ppl. So no, im not racist. I just dont like the ones that have no consideration for anybody around them, and obviously dont care about being responsible young adults.
Most of my friends are young hispanic ppl. So no, im not racist. I just dont like the ones that have no consideration for anybody around them, and obviously dont care about being responsible young adults.

You are aware that young hispanics aren't the only ones that cause trouble right?
Your 18 and never heard of/been to a flyer before? You live under a rock or in a really small town. Look at this guys whole channel. Dyablo media 9/10/11 - YouTube I know him personally, he goes around and films flyers every weekend. And no I dont do drugs. The most ive probably done was Vicodin when my wisdom teeth came out.
I live in san antonio, Tx and have never heard of a flyer. My town is definitely not small. And I don't care to look at your video. If you want, you can look at my link though. white male rapist attacked 3 women while under police surveillance « innerstanding isness

Yup a white male raped three women.. Should I go jumping to conclusions and say that those white males should be thrown in prison for raping women? No.. Just like you shouldn't say that young hispanics tag shit up and throw "flyers". You have mentioned that you drinnk alcohol.. and your avatar throws me off. Why do you advertise cannabis if you don't smoke it?
I'm caucasian, throw massive parties (usually) at a venue though, and listen to hipster techno crap (dubstep lol). Oh! And I use to tag. But the graffiti was never gang related or anything. If you ever make it down to denver, you will see the true definition of graffiti and it is recognized my many different generations as art. Stereotypes and racism is ridiculous. The things that people hate are done by everyone equally. It is just done by masses in certain area and that is why it gains so much attention and creates all this nonsense hate for each other. Also, I am from Texas and do not relate the confederate flag to racism at all. It is simply a symbol that recognizes a certain time in history. Not slavery but a time in history when the southern states were allowed to make choices on their own without the federal government up their ass. Just as the federal government uses so many main stream excuses to weasel their way into issues that are not their business being in, that is exactly what happened with slavery and their take over of the southern states. don't get me wrong, i'm glad that slavery was abolished but if you were to look at the facts, that is not what the civil war was about. Jesus . . . I just don't understand why people are arguing on this thread about who has a right to live anywhere. Congratulations! You won the big lottery of life and were lucky enough to be born into this country that somebody, somewhere founded at some point! Why do you honestly care about who comes after you? Trust me, if any of you were so 'righteous', we would not be having this discussion because you wouldn't be here in the first place.
Your 18 and never heard of/been to a flyer before? You live under a rock or in a really small town. Look at this guys whole channel. Dyablo media 9/10/11 - YouTube I know him personally, he goes around and films flyers every weekend. And no I dont do drugs. The most ive probably done was Vicodin when my wisdom teeth came out.
marijuana is a schedule one drug. so either you have or you are on the wrong site. Try the pharmaceutical forums?
Ok my curiosity got the best of me and I watched your "flyer" vid.. It looks like the average stupid immature party that all races have to me.
I live in san antonio, Tx and have never heard of a flyer. My town is definitely not small. And I don't care to look at your video. If you want, you can look at my link though. white male rapist attacked 3 women while under police surveillance « innerstanding isness

Yup a white male raped three women.. Should I go jumping to conclusions and say that those white males should be thrown in prison for raping women? No.. Just like you shouldn't say that young hispanics tag shit up and throw "flyers". You have mentioned that you drinnk alcohol.. and your avatar throws me off. Why do you advertise cannabis if you don't smoke it?
Cannabis is not a drug. And yea im guessing in TX the party scene is different.
Ok my curiosity got the best of me and I watched your "flyer" vid.. It looks like the average stupid immature party that all races have to me.
Every week our local Fox news has been taking cameras to flyers because of all the kids getting shot and overdosing on drugs at them lately. Not your average teenage party. Especially not when joker and sleepy want to rob ppl for their $200 Nos tanks.
If the guy was using a weapon to rape these women with...yeah send him to prison. Some of those Hispanic girls are so awesome it'd drive any sane man to madness:)

the southern states were a bunch of fucking hypocrites.

they said they wanted the federal government out of the affairs of the states, but they made the largest federal government power grab ever with the fugitive slave act.

they demanded to be left alone, but if their slaves ran away, they used the long arm of the federal government to violate states' laws regarding fugitive slaves.

bunch of fucking three-tooth having, sister fucking, slack-jawed morons.

by the way, slavery was indeed a huge part of what the civil war was about, despite your historically false protestations.
Oh yeah? you must have learned that in history class. I bet they taught you a lot of other really cool facts in middle school too. Look, it's awesome that once again there is another generalization on this post thanks to your part but, it just goes to show that you completely missed the point of what i saying in the first place. Just another perfect example of people being stereotypical and therefore blind.
And to everybody- Cannabis is a CONSIDERED drug by the feds, the same feds that all of you love to talk shit about. You guys are just arguing for the sake of arguing. Cannabis is not a drug, it is a medicine. Want to argue that with me? Hit up NORML, or the majority of the users on this site and im sure they will tell you that your wrong.