I don't think the "illuminati" exist in the sense we are all talking about, but i do think that the world is run by a small percentage of extremely wealthy people and it has been for an extremely long time. The wealth being passed down from generation to generation. They know it is easiest to get what they want when they control the population. Give people (slaves) just enough so they can barely get by, give them new gadgets, toys and tv's to keep them from realizing that the world could be different now. We have the technology for everyone to live with at least a little bit of comfort, but the rich don't want that. The rich need people to die so the world doesn't become over populated. They need obedient workers so they themselves do not have to work.
This group of elite extremely wealthy people may have a certain religion or philosophy on life that they fallow, but i would assume it would be more along the lines of nihilism than satanism. They probably all realize by now that were just a spec of dust on a rock that randomly evolved into being, and they want the easiest life for themselves and for their offspring. Keeping the wealth in the family blood line would be a normal thing to do in my humble opinion. Do i blame them? Fuck yea i do, greedy fucking bitches.
What the world needs right now is population control, alternate renewable resources, and do abolish religion as truth and label as fantasy so we can get on with the exploration of the universe. At the moment this rock is all we have to survive on... we might not want to continue to destroy it until we find another rock to set up camp on.
Regardless, there really isnt anything we can do about it. They have given their slaves comfort, tv's, video games, amusement parks. We are comfortable slaves, why would we want anything to change? No need to worry, as rich as these people are... i don't think they take into consideration just how shitty its going to be when their game plan fails, the monetary system fails. Or... maybe they have thought about that... who knows really.
Dude Hep i was pretty drunk last night, honestly i dont really remember a whole lot and i didnt finish it... but i think i found it interesting enough to watch today, ill let you know after im done. But i need to work on this hangover first, ugh!