I somehow doubt RK 'dont give a fuck' about how other people are treated.
In regards to China as a whole, there are several things you need to understand about the Chinese and the Chinese culture. Its a totally different kettle of water out here. As a North European I will NEVER fully understand wtf is going on here...NEVER.
Re. my little business here, I do everything in my power to treat my workers right, I have even appointed a spokes person, which can speak on behalf of all the staff, said spokes person is hired on a 5 year agreement.
I have put up a 'complaint box' where they can submit complaints and requests about everything in regards to working conditions and living conditions. The only request so far is a guy who wanted a new tie
Most of the glass workers wear suit and tie at work, 'we are lamp workers', as they say....
I respect that you dont want to buy Chinese made glass, but please dont call it crap before you have actually seen it. Also,please dont complain about our work shop before you have actually been here and seen it first hand.