People that call ALL weed "Kush".


Well-Known Member
It bugs the shit out of me when people say things like "I only smoke kush". Really? I wonder why I saw you smoking some tangerine dream last week... I hate how young ppl seem to think that "kush" is a indicator of quality. To any ppl reading that are guilty of this: "Kush" is the name of a strain of genetics. Just because you have some top shelf weed does not automatically make it kush. Read the label on your bottle/bag. Im sure it has the name of the strain you are smoking.
Usually its people who buy some green from the weed man and know its not reggy will call it kush. It mainly those who dont know much about weed in the first place, but they love smoking it trying to be cool.
I have worked with a dude like that. Kush, Chronic, critical, most any generic term.
But when confronted He did not know the dif between Salvia and Sativa. What a tool.:wall:
Please correct me if im wrong but Kush is derived from the Hindu Kush Mountain Tops? Only strains linked to those plants are considered kush?
The only time I've heard somebody use "kush" to explain all weed was when a 15 year old kid came up to me trying to buy weed.
He was like "hey man do you puff that kush" while making a stupid joint holding motion.
My morals turned me away from making a quick buck so I just told the kid to scram.
Can't edit a quote. ;-)

I'm not talking about you. I was saying that kush threw in "bitch", you then quoted his post, he edited it in hopes that people wouldn't see his douchiness but was caught by your quote.

If you feel like I was calling you a douche, please re-read my post. You're a cool dude so I don't think you're a bad guy. :)