Is Trolling a Choice?


Well-Known Member
I have to admit, I never even heard of this. Been in the biz of websites since the beginning and am on every type of forum.

But, I have not seen this "trolling" before. I didn't even really get it, here. Everyone talks at length and accuses. But, when you find you are being run around in circles, when comments in one thread, contrdicts another, when attitudes are exposed and then blamed on other forum members, that's different! Wow. Here I thought you guys meant the usual potty mouth and petty insults and called that trolling.

But, no. I see now, it is a distinct phenom of the internet. Something new for jaded ole Doer? No, I don't like it. It seems so
anti-social. Like those kids that dropped the shopping cart on a lady from 3 stories up.

Does anyone know the why they do this? Does anyone know why we fight them and not just ignore it? For me it's like participating in train wreak. I want to choke the lights off the one who caused me to be in the wreak.

Bad parenting? Glee in others' discomfort?

Is trolling a choice?


Active Member
Some trolls are just trolls. Not everyone that makes troll-like comments are that way all the time. If you want a list of trolls to ignore just visit the forums of the web and compile lists. As far as RUI goes there are very few trolls on this site. And the few trolls we have here are even good at trolling.


Well-Known Member
Some trolls are just trolls. Not everyone that makes troll-like comments are that way all the time. If you want a list of trolls to ignore just visit the forums of the web and compile lists. As far as RUI goes there are very few trolls on this site. And the few trolls we have here are even good at trolling.
Oh, I have lists. Then I have lists to remember where the lists are. :)


Well-Known Member
Yep, those are safe driver rules. And we all get pretty reckess from time to time. :) But, I just wonder. Is trolling a compunction some kind? Is it learned or just the natually shittyness of youth?

A cheap thrill or is it a dangerous trait? Like Dalmer and the road kill. Dalmer was facinated with road kill as a child and now it is seen as as the worst warning to parents.

Is trolling the same as playing with road kill?


Ursus marijanus
Doer, there will always be sociopaths among us, and imo using roadkill or such to dowse them is as hopeless as our current meager catalog of earthquake precursors.
To your other question, the Internet is like a schoolyard at recess without adult supervision. Teasing, bullying and the other uglinesses of establishing a social order were naked, exposed for all to see in the schoolyard. The Net is no different, and the kids who got a rush of power from teasing and bullying then ... simply transferred their sport to this brave new medium. Ecce homo with the gloves off. cn


Well-Known Member
But, the message is there. I put it there. Let's not pre-suppose I have any other motives. You guys say it's everywhere. I say, it is not.

But, I stay away from the teeny-bopper sites.. Maybe that's it?


Well-Known Member
I always though trolling was people that made posts just to get a rise out of other people and then spend the whole thread saying dumb things and then trying to backpedal and say they didn't say them...what I don't get is that everyone knows we have the quote is hard to say you didn't type something you just typed...and the propensity for someone to just make another account when their first troll trial fails...
Makes it hard to have an actual argument...I mean who am I arguing with....?


Well-Known Member
I dont like the trolls but have to admit they are funny some times. Depends on my state of mind I suppose.


Well-Known Member
And there really are trolls everywhere...
I sometimes spend small blocks of time answering questions on yahoo answers and stuff like that, and people will ask all kinds of obviously nonsense inflammatory questions just so someone will fight with them...

I mean feel free to tell your beliefs and stick to your beliefs, but don't make up a story or belief just to get people to talk to you...


Well-Known Member
I dont like the trolls but have to admit they are funny some times. Depends on my state of mind I suppose.
Sometimes trolling can be fun for other members...
Then other times it is just annoying because what if I don't want to argue about nothing...

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
some people are born trollers, they cant help it. we should embrace them, and have parades celebrating their trollerings, and allow them to adopt also.