The Seed Collectors Thread


New Member
personally , i dont think RH has everything to do with cuts wilting after they are rooted in an attempt to harden them off.

not saying it doesnt play a roll... cause it does. still , im inclined to believe that a cutting's root mass (established , new) vs. material to keep alive (leaf , stem , any new growth) in something like a small cube (or rooter) needs to be very well established before hardening off can begin.

never ever had this problem in bubble cloners all the while making huge beards... & always w/o a dome ...& transplanted straight to tray #1 under 600w.

only having this issue with rapid rooters (nothing to do with brand) and domes.

i just set up a bubble cloner to test my theory. gonna grab 14 cuts in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

either way i need to solve the problem FAST ...& went ahead with 2.5 x 2.5 rockwool blocks with holes to get my root zone bulked up before transplant to flower.

imma soak those rw blocks in myco tea and transplant my rooters into them.

gonna root & veg as many as possibe ...and keep veg'd cuts at the ready production style.

working on it ;-)

Higher Medz

Well-Known Member
i got a new strain from Next Generation called Grapefruit Guava...anyone know about it?

the guava is supposed to be a clone only out of NY

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
wish i could find purple urkle seeds, whats the closests prob grandaddy s1 or does anyone know where to get PU seeds?
Top shelf has urkle s1s I believe. They haven't been in stock in a grip tho

But if would say try the querkle. Seems that everyone really likes her.

Damn hellraizer that sucks. Thanks for the heads up


Active Member
gud did you ever flower your gage testers i noticed your thread over at gage you seemed pretty pissed about gage gear ive only heard positive things so far was the smoke any good?


New Member
gud did you ever flower your gage testers i noticed your thread over at gage you seemed pretty pissed about gage gear ive only heard positive things so far was the smoke any good?
nothing. those plants did nothing. never seen anything like it. world's longest sex & re-veg ...which wasted months of my time & dedicated grow space.

its not their fault, no way, same with e$ko ...though im not running any more of his untested gear ever. never ever never never.

fuck test gear.

outside the fact i run production, my clients are left wanting if im not producing , & "testing" isnt helping my bottom line whatsoever , i see no honor in doing that shit when you (the grower) pay all the way till harvest.

like free beans such a gift. fuck me please.

gage rocks & , with plenty of fat reviews , people dig their gear.

my opinion isnt about the gear as much as im not testing for anyone. least m4k gave me the space to do my thing & that's much appreciated.

i need to make herb , not play with strains.

people can talk whatever shit they like... but sweet seeds aint never let me down ;-)


New Member
double white is the bomb.

skunky-est weed i ever smoked & dank dank (2x).

its like a skunk shot a stank nut right in your mouth.

veg is fast, clones great, stretches 2x, great yield, 8 weeks from clone, super rock hard nugz, no PM issues, & frosted yummy goodness.

1/4pz gone in 60 seconds. clammering for more of that double whizzle.

glad i saved a cut from the trash , almost unbelievable.



Well-Known Member
I had Mohan Ram witch is (White Widow x S.A.D. S1 (sweet Afghan Delicious)) and Black Jack (Jack Herer x Black Domina)

I did like the Mohan Ram a little the black jack pheno I had never ended up finishing on me... took her to 10 weeks still had clear trich's

Higher Medz

Well-Known Member
Cool...i might hold out on those then...just go for the elite stuff instead

time to roll a spliff of some of the last of my G-String milf
Jah Know!!!