trayvan martin

A day after killing Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman passed a police lie detector test when asked if he confronted the teenager and whether he feared for his life “when you shot the guy,” according to documents released today by Florida prosecutors.

According to a “confidential report” prepared by the Sanford Police Department, Zimmerman, 28, willingly submitted to a computer voice stress analyzer (CVSA) “truth verification” on February 27. *Investigators concluded that he “has told substantially the complete truth in regards to this examination.”

Zimmerman, the report noted, “was classified as No Deception Indicated (NDI).”

Along with questions about whether his first name was George and if it was Monday, Zimmerman was asked, “Did you confront the guy you shot?’ He answered, “No.” He was also asked, “Were you in fear for your life, when you shot the guy.” Zimmerman replied, “Yes.”

Before the CVSA test, Zimmerman--who was apparently not accompanied by legal counsel--signed a Sanford Police Department release stating that he was undergoing the examination “voluntarily, without duress, coercion, threat or promise.”

The lie detector test was requested by Chris Serino, a homicide investigator with the Sanford Police Department.*

For a guy that's such a bad liar, he did remarkably well on Serino's test. I'm now about 70/30 in Zimmerman's favor as to who attacked who.
Three weeks after the incident. I could be wrong, but I think one of the main members of the RIU lynch mob insists that Serino wanted to arrest and charge Zimmerman that very night? Do you think Serino might have been feeling a bit of pressure to arrest Zimmerman as the story gained national prominence?

"Serino's request for arrest was authored nearly three weeks after Trayvon Martin's death, as his shooting snowballed into a national story, accompanied by a flurry of misinformation about both the victim and the shooter.
Except it was taken the day after the shooting, no time to prepare or rehearse. It's a HUGE factor in the case, just like you would be saying it was if he'd failed it.

he had about 24 hours to rehearse, actually.

and it does nothing to clear up the lies and inconsistencies in his tall tale(s).
he had about 24 hours to rehearse, actually.

and it does nothing to clear up the lies and inconsistencies in his tall tale(s).
Reminds me of ignorant parents trying to explain Santa Clause or God to their children. "How is he telling the truth?" "He just is." "Daddy, how can Santa visit every child in one night? We can't travel that fast." "He just does, Timmy, he just does."