my mom has a large salvia plant....


Active Member
thats strange. i thought they were skinnier leaves.
mines darker skinnier
also the picture i posted is what the leaves look like on the rather big salvia plant that should be purple. but the plant hasn't bloomed and its about
2 1/2 feet tall. she says she trying to make it bloom.

EDIT also are you growing salvia? as you implied or is it just leaves you have that are dried or w/e


Active Member
The deal with salvia is that no one knows what the other geniouses do if you smoke it and if you smoke salvia in the day light you hardly trip. YOu have to pack it up good and use a propane lighter.

Also I've been growing some for a year and the leaves look way wider than those plants that is probably just regular mint.


Active Member
well the leaf size is about the size of a coaster. and id rather not just smoke the leaves but have an extract i can use, if you know of any simple methods id use that.

im pretty sure its in the salvia family because my moms go several mint plants and i can see that they arnt about 3 feet tall growing in a stalk like manor. id be able to get pictures if i had a digital camera at my disposal.

this is the closest looking picture i could find of the leaf shape and color:


Active Member
u have to like cook it down or sumthin... the more u cook it down the more of the extract there is.
hmm ok ill do some extensive google work. and when i can get a stove that i can use privatively ill do it, so im not playing mad scientist in my parents house.


Active Member
hahaha have a lil bbq when moms away. cook it out side and have sum ribs too...
ribs are the shit.

and i don't quite understand why it has to be done while at night or dose it being dark work just as well. say you have reached the starting of it can you go in to light?


Well-Known Member
i've really only have done it at night... id say it would be trippier because its dark?
i'd look into it more.


Well-Known Member
start out with sumthing low. like 5 or 10x then each time u can move up a dose...
thats the best way to do it....
10x i toook and the world looked fake... made from lego;s or sumthing lol