
Mouthbreather, wtf is trickle up? Are you trying to say that you think someone is saying that something called trickle up works? What the fuck is trickle up economy?

Its where all the really poor people are given large sums of cash in the form of benefits in the hopes that they will consume like never before.
Jobless = money
Jobless + kid = more money
Jobless + kids = even more money
Jobless + Kids + "disability" aka addiction = lots of money

Ahh, good ole government stimulus. Gotta love stimulating poor practices... But it helps the state to have jobless addicts with kids right? I hear they spend government money wisely.
"Making the world safe for democracy", was the cold war propaganda used as code for economic war against the third world in the form of FTAs. We started slacking, some third world countries started growing.

So FTA's are used to destroy other countries economically?
One more thing, before you pat yourself on the back as to how sucessful conservatively run states are on the basis of how California is flagging, how about pointing to where those conservatively run states are doing all so well.

North Dakota? I hear they have a surplus in their public account and Have NEVER run a deficit, EVER.
Mouthbreather, wtf is trickle up? Are you trying to say that you think someone is saying that something called trickle up works? What the fuck is trickle up economy?

Ask Unclebuck....He gave an instance of trickle up working...LOL!

You better question your leader....
If your kid is born an addict you get even MO' Money Mo' Money Mo' Money!!

Lol, didn't know that one but not at all surprised. So if you really want to make the government happy (they give money to people that make them happy right?) you'll be a single mother, have multiple drug addicted young children, have no job/income, and have no idea who the fathers are. Ahhhh, state priorities.
If it meant free money, I think I could elevate my weed smoking to addiction status. Just sayin'.

And the government cheese was fucking fantastic back in the 80's. When I lived in Oregon, my uncle used to get it and sell it to my parents so he could buy drugs, before he went to prison.
If it meant free money, I think I could elevate my weed smoking to addiction status. Just sayin'.

And the government cheese was fucking fantastic back in the 80's. When I lived in Oregon, my uncle used to get it and sell it to my parents so he could buy drugs, before he went to prison.

Everyone's got a crazy uncle!

Shhiit, my brother just had a baby.
I am in Cali, How do I get free shyt from the gov.
Please elaborate, because I am sitting here broke with no beer.. In my experience, Cali is EXPENSIVE AS HELL and nothing is FREE.


I am not an illegal or have EBT foodstamps.. and EBT is hardly giving anything away free, I don't want that shyt.

What do I have to fill out to have the gov, sending me a check every month.
I am in Cali, How do I get free shyt from the gov.
Please elaborate, because I am sitting here broke with no beer.. In my experience, Cali is EXPENSIVE AS HELL and nothing is FREE.


I am not an illegal or have EBT foodstamps.. and EBT is hardly giving anything away free, I don't want that shyt.

What do I have to fill out to have the gov, sending me a check every month.

PM Unclebuck for the proper paperwork.