Been down that road and from the personal experience, i would rather go near the king cobra to it´s radius of deadly attack more pleasingly than i would ever consider touching antidepressants again. If they help some people it´s fine by me, use them and im happy for you if you find youre salvation by chemically altering youre state of mind constantly. The way i defeated my depression - mushrooms, took them 2 years ago and was cured. Havent tried them since but will probably do so sometime in future. I took a low dose and it was efficent, depression didn´t go away instantly but it kinda started to fade slowly and i felt how each and every day felt like more worth living, all the underlying reasons for unhappiness and tought processes that would feed my depression were revealed to me and i could take step towards reprogramming that mess that was inside my head.
Why is pot illegal? Over the years i have found that the most simple anwsers seem to be most accurate and closer to truth. At the end of the day in todays society, it all boils down to profit. Think for a moment about how valuable commodities illegal drugs actually are for some organizations, and they share a common interest with lawful organizations by keeping it illegal. It´s a blissful equilibrium so the both sides could profit. And they do, day in, day out.