Removing Chlorophyll from extracts


Well-Known Member
So to my knowledge chlorophyll is mainly responsible for the bad taste. When i tried to make ISO hash/oil it tasted horrible and is why ive never bothered with it again.

However doing some surfing i stumbled across this its a protocol for the commercial extraction of chlorophyll from edible commercial canola oil. AKA this is food safe.

Basically they were using Phosphoric Acid or Sulfuric Acid to remove the chlorophyll. Monkey i cant get those crazy chemicals you say
Lol its PH Down. Easy to get/probably in your closet.

Now obviously the processess are different but i would be interested if anyone has extra stuff lying around to play around with trying to purify their Butter?,BHO,ISO,EtOH,etc.
i suggest soaking your buds in ice-cold water for about 60 mins, drying, THEN performing your solvent extraction. You can soak your plant material in an ice hash bag, so that any trichs that fall off are caught by the filters. The water will leach out a lot of the chlorophyll. After you have your extract (I suggest using hexane, as it's fairly selective and evaporates very cleanly, or chloroform, because it's the most efficient solvent for thc. always lab-grade chems!) filter it through activated carbon. You can get it at the pharmacy, its used for food poisoning, diarrhea, and some other stuff, and it's very common. It absorbs many impurities, including some of the leftover chlorophyll. What you should end up with is fairly potent, dark red oil.

If you want to go a step further, you can get some petroleum ether from the pharmacy or dry-cleaners. Dissolve your extract in ethanol or methanol, add an equal amount of petroleum ether and about the same amount of water. Stir it for a good 15 mins, then let it settle. The liquids will form three layers. You want to siphon off the top layer, containing the ether and cannabinoids, and evaporate it to leave yellow-red oil.

If you feel all mad-scientisty, you can also isomerize your oil by dissolving it in methanol or ethanol, adding 1 drop of concentrated sulfuric acid (hydrochloric might work), and refluxing for several hours. The acid is then neutralized and precipitated, and the extract is recovered by evaporation. You should look up the specifics yourself, i haven't done this procedure myself. This converts a lot of the inactive cannabinoids into active one, and makes your oil much more potent.

The only way to make it even more concentrated is through preparative chromatography. Acetylation could also make it more potent, but i don't know much about that...

So there, that's a bunch of techniques to purity your extracts, ranging from simple to more elaborate. I hope you find some of it useful, and as always, be careful with chemicals, and do your research! :D
oh, yeah, i forgot to mention, the techniques i just described also remove other impurities besides chlorophyll, like various plant waxes and carbohydrates.

I love how ppl get all "Im smart you're stupid" haha put ispropyl alcohol on a plant and there will be chlorophyll. Lets talk Jiu Jitsu im sure I can talk shit about how you dont know about body mechanics
Please tell me how you stop chlorophyll from being soluble in alcohol haha the 30 second thing? Im curious about your powers over nature and chemistry
id tell you but mr all pro brandawg92 thinks he knows shit.
why dont you walk away before i rip you to pieces with knowledge :)
mr "jiu jitsu" your a fucking tool, this is a growing site. go spread your childish bullshit somewhere else.
(oh and ive already had my oil tested at 98%+ cannabinoids)
lol one and only one tip
dont put chlorophyll in your extract to begin with, and you wont have to think about ways to remove it ;)

Chlorophyll is in all plants smart guy lol at you. Learn some science before trying to make fun of people. Chlorophyll is why plants are green.
I knew there had to be some reasonable ppl here who actually want to discuss instead of talk down.

I have a question. I have a very potent, heavy yielding chemdawg that I got from a very secretive acquainance. Had a buncha beans all looked identical when grown. They're very very dark green with very light green buds. Smells a bit like an og but yields way more and is just as stoney, maybe stonier. Looks like hybrid. Leaves are not fat but not slim. Any ideas, any chem growers here?
Haha rip me to pieces i still havent seen anything intelligent from you

I bet you're friendly as fuck in person, where theres risk of being smacked
Chlorophyll is in all plants smart guy lol at you. Learn some science before trying to make fun of people. Chlorophyll is why plants are green.

thats right chlorophyll is in all plants, but understanding polarity of solvents and the temperatures at which compounds are extracted, you can litterally REMOVE chlorophyll extraction capabilities.... but yah all know that already right? yah of course.