I'm talking to you Uncle Buck

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heh, well I can say that it is him for sure cause of the last few posts he tells information only he and I knew..him as in the last person who posted under DukeAnthony..I can also say without doubt that it is not unclebuck. Reason being is I tricked Dukeanthony into revealing his IP address and its not Oregon.

Why is that something to cheer about? I'd rather him be Bucky's cum rag.
because he said he was 16, I found out he was not, he asked me that he be banned and said he said needs to be banned in pm and pleaded with me that all his posts need to be deleted hes in deep shit, so I got him banned for saying he was 16. I am a nice guy what can I say.
I was really hoping the Duke was from Romney's all boy academy and getting buggered while he posted. It would explain him. Now I'm just confused.
I think he got all high and paranoid and wanted everything of his grow deleted here. Probably thought someone found out. I have been there, I felt for him. I helped him out even thou we were mortal enemies.
because he said he was 16, I found out he was not, he asked me that he be banned and said he said needs to be banned in pm and pleaded with me that all his posts need to be deleted hes in deep shit, so I got him banned for saying he was 16. I am a nice guy what can I say.

My deepest thanks. i appreciate it
Between the ban and some of the posts gone. A clean house (totally clean) TOR and a new hard drive
i'm good to go.
Nothing to see here

And the claim I made that banning me would make the server crash and the server actually crashing within 2 hours of banning me was just coincidental

No really it was
Well it would be possible to crash the server for about 5 minutes or so if it was done with some kinda crazy mysql query that fucked up the db and they had to restore it but we all know about restoring databases on this site...heh...so if that crashed the server yea...we woulda been rolled back. So yeah it definitely wouldn't of been the cause. That would just be a stupid, dangerous, and tedious way to ban someone.
That's not the problem. Uncle Buck batters me and then eats me without cooking it first.
I don't believe your a woman.

well somones a women i got stated already

because he said he was 16, I found out he was not, he asked me that he be banned and said he said needs to be banned in pm and pleaded with me that all his posts need to be deleted hes in deep shit, so I got him banned for saying he was 16. I am a nice guy what can I say.
I call bullshit. If he wanted to be banned he could have asked a mod and not give a reason.
He is 16. The loser would copy and paste as his entire post. He knew nothing. The moron once posted an article that was completely against what he was saying AND if he wasn't such an uninformed juvenile he would have known the entire site where the article was located was also against everything he was saying.
heh, well I can say that it is him for sure cause of the last few posts he tells information only he and I knew..him as in the last person who posted under DukeAnthony..I can also say without doubt that it is not unclebuck. Reason being is I tricked Dukeanthony into revealing his IP address and its not Oregon.
He told you and you believed him?
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