teabagger alert! – “I’m moving to Canada, the United States is too socialist"


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of all the liberal actors who said they would do the same if GWB got reelected.
Those asshats are still here...


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of all the liberal actors who said they would do the same if GWB got reelected.
Those asshats are still here...

Canada has socialized medicine, so in your comparison it would be like liberals saying they were moving to Nazi Germany if Bush were reelected.
I laugh when people say this, no matter if its liberal/conservative, or whatever reason. We sure want to secure our own borders but we got no problem blowin into someone elses country at the drop of the hat. All that " I love my country" stuff, goes right out the window I guess when things get tough. lolAmerican patriots:sleep:

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Reminds me of all the liberal actors who said they would do the same if GWB got reelected.
Those asshats are still here...
Alec Baldwin said he would leave the US and move to Canada if W got re-elected, he's still here.
Steven Baldwin said he would leave if Obama got elected, he's still here, suing Kevin Costner.
I, jokingly said in 2008, if Ron Paul doesn't get elected, I will leave the country. You know how guys are when they are sitting around the table smoking, drinking, playing poker, shooting off your mouth. Little did I realize...


Well-Known Member
when is rush limbaugh moving like he said he would? :lol:

for that matter, o'reilly said he would admit he is a n idiot if obamacare was upheld. yet, the day it was upheld he had laura ingraham host his show for him :lol:

fucking pussies.


Well-Known Member
Damn Communist medical system....Stay Away from this shit at all cost. I'm Canadian & I pay twice as much taxes you guy's are paying because at one point in Canadian history some red manage to get people to vote yes on that thing...now everybody rich & poor need to go through the waiting list to get their cancer treatment. When you're sick you get to wait for many hours in the doctor's waiting room because your taxes are subsidizing a crowd Welfare trying to get a free Benzodiazepines buzz to cure some imaginary disease


New Member
Damn Communist medical system....Stay Away from this shit at all cost. I'm Canadian & I pay twice as much taxes you guy's are paying because at one point in Canadian history some red manage to get people to vote yes on that thing...now everybody rich & poor need to go through the waiting list to get their cancer treatment. When you're sick you get to wait for many hours in the doctor's waiting room because your taxes are subsidizing a crowd Welfare trying to get a free Benzodiazepines buzz to cure some imaginary disease
Sounds amazing. I can't wait for my medical experience to as wonderful and efficient at a trip to the DMV.


Well-Known Member
Damn Communist medical system....Stay Away from this shit at all cost. I'm Canadian & I pay twice as much taxes you guy's are paying because at one point in Canadian history some red manage to get people to vote yes on that thing...now everybody rich & poor need to go through the waiting list to get their cancer treatment. When you're sick you get to wait for many hours in the doctor's waiting room because your taxes are subsidizing a crowd Welfare trying to get a free Benzodiazepines buzz to cure some imaginary disease
What is the waiting period in the USA if you have no insurance to cover your cancer treatments?

is it hours like you state in Canada. Or is it sometime after never?

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Sounds amazing. I can't wait for my medical experience to as wonderful and efficient at a trip to the DMV.
Or like dealing with an insurance company here in the US. I had Aetna try to deny my claim because I went to an ER without calling my PCP first. I had a compound fracture and I was supposed to wait for a call back at 7:30 PM? Assholes.

The whole idea of needing insurance for medical care is a scam to begin with.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
My favorite line: "rich and poor waiting in line."

So what, a rich person should receive care quicker than a poor one?


Damn Communist medical system....Stay Away from this shit at all cost. I'm Canadian & I pay twice as much taxes you guy's are paying because at one point in Canadian history some red manage to get people to vote yes on that thing...now everybody rich & poor need to go through the waiting list to get their cancer treatment. When you're sick you get to wait for many hours in the doctor's waiting room because your taxes are subsidizing a crowd Welfare trying to get a free Benzodiazepines buzz to cure some imaginary disease
My wife had a kindey transplant for free. If ya got a bone up your ass over our medical system your free to move, Canada won't stop ya. We all get the same coverage that OK with me. Are you sure you can make it on your own :/

I just retire after 31 years Military, I paid my fair share of taxes.


Well-Known Member
My wife had a kindey transplant for free. If ya got a bone up your ass over our medical system your free to move, Canada won't stop ya. We all get the same coverage that OK with me. Are you sure you can make it on your own :/

I just retire after 31 years Military, I paid my fair share of taxes.
We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada. And I think now, isn't that ironic?
Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor and U.S. vice-presidential candidate

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
God, Alex Baldwin was funny as hell. I still enjoy him. Whether it's getting arrested on a plane or screaming at his daughter, 'You PIG!' I glad not all libs are like that. My best friend is a lib and I still love her.