Would you stop using cannabis completely to make it legal for everyone?


Well-Known Member
If you stopped using cannabis 100%, no smoking, vaping, or eating it, also no hash, oils, or anything with THC in it for the rest of your life, but it became completely legal, no different than bread for everybody else, would you do it?
Hmm. No, because I'd forever be left thinking, "What if there was another way it could have been made legal?"

and I'm a selfish asshole.
does that mean if anyone one of us give it up? or it all of us give it up?

i can't help but wonder if all the pot smokers agree to not smoke pot and then they legalize it, your still left with no one smoking pot. =S
No. I'm not as butt hurt as most people are about it people illegal, it's still quite plentiful although overpriced sometimes. basically, it's not hard to find/smoke. i think prohibition is pretty lousy and ridiculous, but hey, never stopped me from smoking, shouldn't stop anyone else.
does that mean if anyone one of us give it up? or it all of us give it up?

i can't help but wonder if all the pot smokers agree to not smoke pot and then they legalize it, your still left with no one smoking pot. =S

He's a young man. OP do you mean give it all RIGHT NOW. MARCH.