Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

There are many Gods and just as many concepts about any of those Gods. Mid east God=all powerful creator. Norse Gods=more like angels but can be killed...etc...etc. The belief in many Gods predates the belief in one god. To me the most intelligent belief systems recognize the balance such as Yin/Yang all others lack even that small glimmer of reality. If God exist he is at least half evil. No way out of it.

Of course, I'm not talking about the demi-gods. Every culture has those as well. The Angels in the Architecture, spinning to infinity. And even the word god is a reduction of the word GOOD. I think the problem is simple. The human mind rejects simiplicity.

It has been the pride of the west to dismiss the other religions as false god. That's just snake oil of control. Divisivness, right?

This all hit me, when I started looking for it. I remember an account of a tribe in Brazil. After years of study of this pagan set of beliefs, the researchers were shocked when someone mention the Sky God in passing. They then found it was the one thing in their culture with no attibutes. Wasn't this or that. Male or Female, not an animal. They went on to find that all the forest demi-spirits we subject to this highest power.

They asked why they never said anything, had no rituals and very had few words about it?

The answer? It doesn't care about us. It only cares about the world. That is why they have the rituals for the demi-gods. Demi-gods.

In all the Omi-this, Omni-that, there no Omni-Love or compassion, anything like a human emotion. That's why I say, we cannot understand this with the mind. There is no Love or Hate. We humans try to explain the un-explainable and then fight over it.
I actually believed in God for awhile. I was considered "Christian," with no other denomination. I was going to church regularly for almost over a year and my youth group for nearly just as long.

My youth group, when I joined, was going over what kind of responses you should have when caught in a religious debate. I must have came at a bad time, because all of the stuff on the powerpoint that was trying to disprove the religion was way too believable. The responses our youth group leader had seemed... To be plucked from his head frantically in order to stick up for his "God."

Science is just way too apparent now-a-days for such a stupid concept. Do you guys not understand?

In places, I don't know where, I heard they weren't allowed to teach about dinosaurs in public schools because from a religious perspective.. Dinosaurs would have been God's first creation.. Oh wait.. Maybe Amino acids and single-cell organisms?
Christians fascinate me. With so many different denominations. Each claiming to be the "true way". It appeals to our basest need to feel 2 things. 1) to feel like we belong & 2) to feel superior to others.
Here are two really quick, easy and glaring points to ponder which influenced my decision to call bullshit on not just juedo-christian beliefs... but on religion altogether.

The serpent in the Genesis fable is a direct representation of the Babylonian creator god Marduk. What better way to subjugate a competing dogmatic doctrine than to absorb it and make it your primary protagonist which the god you are promoting prevails over???

**Marduk is just the Babylonian contemporary version of the Sumerian gods of Ea and Enil..... gotta keep that shit fresh you know. So the kids think it's hip and buy into it.

And look at Thor. The Norse god of lightning, thunder and strength and the PROTECTOR OF MANKIND. Wait... isn't the the schtick Jesus was trying to run a monopoly on??? The worship and reverence of Thor was in DIRECT competition with Christianity and considered a direct threat to the faith by missionaries. But the belief was so deep seated that even on pain of death missionaries could not wipe out the notion of Thor. So they invented Thorsday.... which turns into Thursday. Keep it present in the new tradition but nullify it's importance in order to pacify.

IMO, it's all bullshit. Shit invented and rehashed and reworked and upgraded. Personally I see religion as a scapegoat so people do not have to take responsibility for their own actions. You get to blame the devil for tempting you.... it aint your fault. The when you do fuck up you have a built in guilt control mechanism... you get to ask a wizard on a cloud to forgive you and all is good in the universe again.... While whomever or whatever you affect by your asshole action just gets to suck eggs because you got "right with Jesus" over the whole matter.
And how does harsh language help, again? It's as an emotionless subject as fraking to me.
WyoGrow, I believe that last paragraph of yours up there.

People use Religion out of fear of eternal darkness without any sort of interactive after-death soul-surfing. That's usually the main thing involved with Church's.


Fear is your only God.
Of course, I'm not talking about the demi-gods. Every culture has those as well. The Angels in the Architecture, spinning to infinity. And even the word god is a reduction of the word GOOD. I think the problem is simple. The human mind rejects simiplicity.

It has been the pride of the west to dismiss the other religions as false god. That's just snake oil of control. Divisivness, right?

This all hit me, when I started looking for it. I remember an account of a tribe in Brazil. After years of study of this pagan set of beliefs, the researchers were shocked when someone mention the Sky God in passing. They then found it was the one thing in their culture with no attibutes. Wasn't this or that. Male or Female, not an animal. They went on to find that all the forest demi-spirits we subject to this highest power.

They asked why they never said anything, had no rituals and very had few words about it?

The answer? It doesn't care about us. It only cares about the world. That is why they have the rituals for the demi-gods. Demi-gods.

In all the Omi-this, Omni-that, there no Omni-Love or compassion, anything like a human emotion. That's why I say, we cannot understand this with the mind. There is no Love or Hate. We humans try to explain the un-explainable and then fight over it.

Agreed. We are on the same page I think. Its all just human concepts in the end and if there is some great force its so far beyond us we will never grasp it fully.
That's right. The best difinition I ever heard was un-knowable. We can only try to know ourselves.
Here are two really quick, easy and glaring points to ponder which influenced my decision to call bullshit on not just juedo-christian beliefs... but on religion altogether.

The serpent in the Genesis fable is a direct representation of the Babylonian creator god Marduk. What better way to subjugate a competing dogmatic doctrine than to absorb it and make it your primary protagonist which the god you are promoting prevails over???

**Marduk is just the Babylonian contemporary version of the Sumerian gods of Ea and Enil..... gotta keep that shit fresh you know. So the kids think it's hip and buy into it.

And look at Thor. The Norse god of lightning, thunder and strength and the PROTECTOR OF MANKIND. Wait... isn't the the schtick Jesus was trying to run a monopoly on??? The worship and reverence of Thor was in DIRECT competition with Christianity and considered a direct threat to the faith by missionaries. But the belief was so deep seated that even on pain of death missionaries could not wipe out the notion of Thor. So they invented Thorsday.... which turns into Thursday. Keep it present in the new tradition but nullify it's importance in order to pacify.

IMO, it's all bullshit. Shit invented and rehashed and reworked and upgraded. Personally I see religion as a scapegoat so people do not have to take responsibility for their own actions. You get to blame the devil for tempting you.... it aint your fault. The when you do fuck up you have a built in guilt control mechanism... you get to ask a wizard on a cloud to forgive you and all is good in the universe again.... While whomever or whatever you affect by your asshole action just gets to suck eggs because you got "right with Jesus" over the whole matter.
I notice this to and when I began to truly study my faith I notice that many other God/men had performed the exact same miracles and even said the exact same things as Jesus. As a christen I read psalms alot. One day I found the egiption book of the dead and was blown away at just how similar it was to psalms but like most christens I just ignored it. Its God if you cant examine it and even facts are a trick of the devil if they are in any way contrary to "belief". No way to argue with that attitude. I know, I was one of them most of my life and only a big dose of reality can wake you up.
My grandfather was a minister in very large church in mexico city... My mom was raised by a nanney ...when I was 18 I drove 1500 mile's to meet him!! I was met at the door and told to wait.....when she returned she said I coul have a meeting the folling day after dinner...I left and never met him.......I do not go to church......jack
Another thing that always fascinated me about the difference between the Old and New Testament. The Old doesn't mention "the devil".... there are a couple indirect references theologians claim are evidence of the Devil in the old book. **That notion always cracked me up.... guys who study the bible so they can tell me what I plainly read isn't "what was really meant".** Now in the New Testament..... you can't get away from the devil. He's every damned place and sin is all by his influence and all bad thing happen because of him. Whereas in the Old, God did lots of heinous shit because we pissed him off. Everything, by admission of the bible itself, was "Gods will". Both good and evil. The New Testament was a extremely clever way to make God the nice guy and inventing a bad guy for us all to fear and hate. On top of just hammering the shit out of the notion of "hell" which isn't mentioned in over 2/3's of the OT and at that it isn't the hell that we know today. It was "sheol"... which is just a place where you cannot remember or praise God. This notion didn't scare enough people into straightening up and flying right though. Time to upgrade to place of eternal damnation, pain and torment.... yeah, that aught to do the trick.
And how about the Catholic Church abolishing the existence of Limbo?? A place where unbaptized children's souls went for eternity. Although not a fundamental concept in Roman Catholicism. It was still a real place, according to the church, for the better part of 2000 years. Right up till they decided to just do away with it. I mean can it be any more clear that this shit is made up or what. I can just hear the priest laying this logic on his flock of followers "yeah... umm, Limbo... umm, yeah... we were just kidding about that place. But the rest of this shit is 100% real"
Because a new age of science is still in progress and some refuse the truth. I'm not saying there is a god or not but the earth certainly didn't start 2,000 years ago.
Because a new age of science is still in progress and some refuse the truth. I'm not saying there is a god or not but the earth certainly didn't start 2,000 years ago.

Nah bro its 6000. The creationists think earth was started around 6000 years ago. Lol take em to the grand canyon, every step you take is hundreds if not thousands of years in the past.