The Main-Lining Thread

I am going to be working with about 32" of vertical space from shelf to light. Limited head room.... So far I've just assumed that would restrict me to undersized planters. But seeing how well your girls respond to training.... I think I can use a moderate sized pot and then train my branches to dip down below the level of the planter getting me back the vertical space used up by the planter. Does this sound feasible to you?

hell yeah, bond those bitches!
This is going to be a hugely usfeul thread for many here!Really nice having a quick refence to the overall method! I know it has changed how I look at my plants and am working on the technique to maximize my small cabinet space. I think YOUR style of this method and the way you have been able to share it are one of the biggest game changers to come along in quite some time. Hell you even have Sub playing with it and he is very resistant to change in his mthods, that has to say something. We need a hall of fame in the forums and this thread would be #1! Nice job again and thanks for sharing in such great detail your methods and insights, much respect.
Love watching your work, I have always grown in a main line type style but usually stop at 2 or 3 heads(1 time topping w lollipop), this 8-16 head style is amazing and a great expansion of my personal techniques that could work well with my expansion of space. thanks for opening more minds to this and sharing this style of growing
Excellent work... I can't wait to try this out for myself, I have four little guys going right now that are just waiting to get big enough.
I am going to be working with about 32" of vertical space from shelf to light. Limited head room.... So far I've just assumed that would restrict me to undersized planters. But seeing how well your girls respond to training.... I think I can use a moderate sized pot and then train my branches to dip down below the level of the planter getting me back the vertical space used up by the planter. Does this sound feasible to you?
sure does!
Thats sick mane..way better then getting all those popcorn buds that are really annyoing to see :wall: honestly i wouldnt mind tryin this at all. you happen to know any strains that would run this technique real well.thanks for your time bro pzz
The only thing I have to say is nugbuckets, YOU ARE GENIUS! You have just founded probably the single most important technique in low stress training history! Mad love and BIG UPS FROM BOULDER, CO
The only thing I have to say is nugbuckets, YOU ARE GENIUS! You have just founded probably the single most important technique in low stress training history! Mad love and BIG UPS FROM BOULDER, CO
i certainly didn't create it bro....i would never take credit for that.....i am just listening to the plants, and letting them tell me how it can be refined and improved, document, and share.......i just look at myself as a medium bro....but thank you for your kind words......welcome to riu brother......nugs
Tight thread. Sub mentioned it a couple of times on the weed nerd. When I saw the "4th of july" epi, at the end he mentioned the thread, so I decided to pop by. Now I'm 100% in. thx nb, sub!
Thanks for this thread Nugs! I wish that I had payed more attention to this method earlier in my grow. I would have loved to play with one of the Blue Widows doing this as they are seeming strong growers. :) Next time. :)
the tomato cages are normal cages just cut to spec?

i didnt think i was going to give the cages a try, but after reading this sticky i am DEF visiting the local big box home improvement store...any tips>!>!>