John Birch Society


Well-Known Member
I can see you have done some research on this,
yes our alien overlords do play a major role in this, I had left that out because I didn't want to lose anyone, but yes those who are running the NWO answer to our Alien overlords and do their bidding as a matter of fact many of those at the top of the NWO power structure are actually of reptilian bloodlines, they are alien human hybreds that are tasked with controlling us and being intermediarys between us and the aliens.
Aliens, always trying to keep the earth man down.


New Member
Do you guys have some quote that's not from the 1960's or from some senile old lady saying this commy plot shit? You do realize that sort invalidates this stuff and isn't representative of this whole organization. I mean I would really like to see them preaching such hate speech and I will be right along with you as far as hating on them, until then I could really care less and I sorta view this as blind hatred on your part. So in summary, still waiting on what they said or did that is so bad.

I mean, that is the question I am left with when reading through this thread as someone who doesn't know a whole lot about this (only bits a pieces)..I fail to see the case that is being made really, a lot of vagueness in here, and like any outsider reading this I am left with a lot of questions. So for the sake of the reader I ask that you make your case because this thread looks very confusing and disorganized from an outsider perspective I don't see the case that is being made so I conclude it is blind hatred at this point.


Well-Known Member
Do you guys have some quote that's not from the 1960's or from some senile old lady saying this commy plot shit? You do realize that sort invalidates this stuff and isn't representative of this whole organization. I mean I would really like to see them preaching such hate speech and I will be right along with you as far as hating on them, until then I could really care less and I sorta view this as blind hatred on your part. So in summary, still waiting on what they said or did that is so bad.

I mean, that is the question I am left with when reading through this thread as someone who doesn't know a whole lot about this (only bits a pieces)..I fail to see the case that is being made really, a lot of vagueness in here, and like any outsider reading this I am left with a lot of questions. So for the sake of the reader I ask that you make your case because this thread looks very confusing and disorganized from an outsider perspective I don't see the case that is being made so I conclude it is blind hatred at this point.
I hear the KKK has changed since the 60s as well

Maybe we should give racism another shot


Well-Known Member
Are you incapable of answering the quoted post or what? Make your case.
You made the same post yesterday and I answered it

Now the founders of the birch society quotes are not enough for ya?
Then I guess nothing will ever be

So why waste my time answering your questions. You are not interested in the answers

Just saying


New Member
You made the same post yesterday and I answered it

Now the founders of the birch society quotes are not enough for ya?
Then I guess nothing will ever be

So why waste my time answering your questions. You are not interested in the answers

Just saying
no you didn't answer them adequately, No I do not find this relevant cause every ding bat thought everything was a communist plot, No I do not find what old senile people in rocking chairs say to be representative an entire organization. I am all with you, I hate republicans and the kock borthers but I would love to see some evidence on this, again reading through this thread as an outsider I see nothing set in stone here, certainly nothing that even insinuates such, it seems like propaganda to me, there must be something so please provide that so myself and others reading this thread can understand your cause and so that you can spread the good word. Please reference my questions in my previous 2 posts and answer them adequately.


Well-Known Member
for my birthday I got a line 6 pod hd500
Jamming is fun as shit

Adequatly answering your questions with multiple quotes from the founders of the organisation is not
No amount of evidence is good enough for you
and i refuse to go down the road of being an asshole
Like when you were supporting Ron paul


New Member
for my birthday I got a line 6 pod hd500
Jamming is fun as shit

Adequatly answering your questions with multiple quotes from the founders of the organisation is not
No amount of evidence is good enough for you
and i refuse to go down the road of being an asshole
Like when you were supporting Ron paul
Actually any reputable evidence would be good enough for me, of which you have yet to provide. I am ready to jump on board here, I don't trust republicans so it shouldn't be that difficult. Your provided "evidence" is not sourced well or representative of a whole organization. Again I hate republicans, I don't know a lot about the John Birch Society but I should be an easy sell due to this. You have yet to sell me on this. I feel others in my position reading through this thread would feel the same way... So make your case....for your own causes sake..because at this point it just kinda seems like your a blabbering fool to any outsider.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Right but all that stuff about the JBS is old - 50 years old. There doesn't appear to be any recent things they have done collectively as a group that would suggest the way they are being described. The founders have died how long ago? I know 2 Puerto Ricans who are members and other non whites who are associated with them.


Well-Known Member
Right but all that stuff about the JBS is old - 50 years old. There doesn't appear to be any recent things they have done collectively as a group that would suggest the way they are being described. The founders have died how long ago? I know 2 Puerto Ricans who are members and other non whites who are associated with them.
yeah I heard the Klan will not take in some catholics as well

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
yeah I heard the Klan will not take in some catholics as well
Seriously bro, Deprave is correct. What has that group done recently (last decade at least ) that would lead you to your conclusions? I would rather place my efforts in a direction which is deserved. And I am curious of any recent info.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
That link does not appear to be racist or alarming to me. If there is something there I missed please point it out, I read it 2x and didn't notice anything.


Well-Known Member
beware agenda 21! it will affect your food supply, your property rights, and illegal immigration!

i love the scare tactics. it's the modern day equivalent of commies trying to poison our water supply with fluoride.

beware the globalists and agenda 21!

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Ok , Occupy movement has similar concerns. I find the Occupy Movement credible.
Detroit: Fight the Banks, Save Jennifer's Home!

Posted 5 hours ago on July 5, 2012, 2:56 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
via Occupy Our Homes and Occupy Detroit.
Join us as we protest the federal government's participation in the foreclosure epidemic and Fannie Mae's planned eviction of a Detroit family at the McNamara Federal Building at 477 Michigan Avenue in Detroit on Monday, July 9 at noon! Call Fannie Mae at (312) 368-6200 and demand that Fannie Mae call off the eviction of Jennifer Britt and her family! Click here for FB event.
More info: The big banks have been waging war on Detroit's neighborhoods, leaving homeless families and blighted, vacant homes in their wake. The banks' ongoing campaign of fraud, corruption, and greed has caused senseless destruction across Michigan, and in Detroit most of all. Jennifer Britt's story is one egregious example of this terrible phenomenon link to story