FinShaggy's back from Mexico (and not in pieces)


Well-Known Member
No it means I don't have money saved in the bank, like you asked dumbass.

I was answering your question.
I get jobs to pay rent and shit. I just don't save.

If I'm a vagrant, you're a vagrant. Because AGAIN. I pay for all the SAME shit you listed that you pay for. EXCEPT debt.
Dude, the definition of a vagrant is someone who moves from job to job, city to city, paying their way as they go. It doesn't mean homeless.


Well-Known Member
[h=2]va·grant[/h] adj \ˈvā-grənt\

[h=2]Definition of VAGRANT[/h]: having no fixed course : moving from place to place <a vagrant infection>


Well-Known Member
Dude, the definition of a vagrant is someone who moves from job to job, city to city, paying their way as they go. It doesn't mean homeless.
Well read the rest of your post. Because you described a bartering homeless person before :dunce:


Well-Known Member
So what does that mean, your money is in other people? You're just bumming? Like a vagrant, just trading services for room and board? Try to help me understand how you pay bills like car insurance. Do you have an actual job? I'm not insulting you, just wondering.
Don't get so defensive, For such a carefree life, you seem a little high strung.


Well-Known Member
Don't get so defensive, For such a carefree life, you seem a little high strung.
I'm not being defensive. I was describing, just like you did. I just didn't use a dictionary definition. I used you as a comparison to define.

And who said "Nigga Rich" means "Carefree"?
I'm manic. I'm supposed to be high strung. :dunce:


Well-Known Member
I'm not being defensive. I was describing, just like you did. I just didn't use a dictionary definition. I used you as a comparison to define.

And who said "Nigga Rich" means "Carefree"?
I'm manic. I'm supposed to be high strung. :dunce:
All I'm saying is I like to not freak out about shit and be high strung, so I like having money to fall back on so I'm not worried how I'm gonna keep the lights on and gas in my car. Fuck, I guess my original post shoulda just read "I can't wait till I have 6 weeks paid vacation so I can take three weeks off, get paid for it, and come home knowing another paid vacation is right around the corner.". I never really meant to insult your lifestyle, have a smoke on me.



Well-Known Member
No it means I don't have money saved in the bank, like you asked dumbass.

I was answering your question.
I get jobs to pay rent and shit. I just don't save.

If I'm a vagrant, you're a vagrant. Because AGAIN. I pay for all the SAME shit you listed that you pay for. EXCEPT debt.
:eyesmoke: wtf meta i don't get if you think you are funny or actually attempting some point by word play but wut?

Fin, me and my peeps proudly call ourselves Nomads. The Haters hate what they can't have, always have. I am restless myself. I feel torn between my love of new places and my beautiful Girlz but Mr Mellow and me got big plans :bigjoint:

We aim to get things set so by the end of Summer '13 harvest we just wander the planet starting in Costa Rica for about 6 months before we come back to another generation of beautiful Girlz again... it seems like a nice balance.


Well-Known Member
All I'm saying is I like to not freak out about shit and be high strung, so I like having money to fall back on so I'm not worried how I'm gonna keep the lights on and gas in my car. Fuck, I guess my original post shoulda just read "I can't wait till I have 6 weeks paid vacation so I can take three weeks off, get paid for it, and come home knowing another paid vacation is right around the corner.". I never really meant to insult your lifestyle, have a smoke on me.

You need to master your high dude that is all from the Fear you've been taught by a society of slaves who believe to their death that they are Free. :peace:


Well-Known Member
All I'm saying is I like to not freak out about shit and be high strung,
Again, I'm not worried about anything. Highstrung is my natural state of being.

Read better :D
Stop being so high strung, and stop freaking out about my highstrung-ness.


Well-Known Member
All I'm saying is I like to not freak out about shit and be high strung, so I like having money to fall back on so I'm not worried how I'm gonna keep the lights on and gas in my car.
Or you could stop acting like I didn't already mention what to do about those things :D

Fuck, I guess my original post shoulda just read "I can't wait till I have 6 weeks paid vacation so I can take three weeks off
Yes. Yes it should have. :D