Capt. Stickyfingers
Well-Known Member
I used to be able to beat Castlevania 4 without dieing, now I need passwords lol.[video=youtube;Y1mmrJMlOmY][/video]
Cot never played Mario because you are a young girl... those are PlayStation games . OH BTW i do stock as a hobby and for all you PS fan boys you better start buying more stuff because Sony is going bankrupt. They even had to sell their right to spider man for money, if you were wondering why the new spider man came out.
Mike Tyson punch out yesMega Man was always fun and so was Super Punch Out
Chrono Trigger was my sisters favorite game
On n64 my favorite game had to be golden eye 007 or Conkers Bad Fur Day
Watch this, it's pretty crazy.Mike Tyson punch out yes
Mike Tyson's Punch Out was the shit
Conkers bad fur day was my shit.I loved that game.I bought an original x box a while back just to get the remake.Mega Man was always fun and so was Super Punch Out
Chrono Trigger was my sisters favorite game
On n64 my favorite game had to be golden eye 007 or Conkers Bad Fur Day
yea that game movie and the championship was Mario lolAnyone remember The Wizard with Fred Savage and all the hype with Mario 3 before it was released? There was a store around called Children's Palace that had a Nintendo in a arcade style case with a pre release copy of Mario 3 before it hit the shelves, and you could play the game for like 3 mins. for 50 cents.
How is the N64 emulator? I never tried it since my N64 works fine and I have zelda OT and MM.. But it would be so badass to play them on my laptop when I'm not home.haha i have the n64 emulator on my laptop with pretty much every game on it and i also use a wired xbox 360 controller. i plugged it in for shits and giggles one day cause i noticed it was USB and wouldnt you know it the damn xbox symbol popped up on the screen. i actually beat zelda the ocarina of time on it twice lol. to this day my favorite game of all time.
haha i have the n64 emulator on my laptop with pretty much every game on it and i also use a wired xbox 360 controller. i plugged it in for shits and giggles one day cause i noticed it was USB and wouldnt you know it the damn xbox symbol popped up on the screen. i actually beat zelda the ocarina of time on it twice lol. to this day my favorite game of all time.