24 hour veg soonest I can flower...pics


Active Member
Old leave you might need your eyese checked! ... sure seems to me that Woodsmaneh and some of the others are saying not too grow in 24/0! The "Dude are you that fucking stupid" speaks for itself!
OK man I think I have wasted enough of my time on this kid all we did is try to help and now your calling me stupid. Thats not very nice at all. This forum is for helping people not knocking people down. Dont ever ever call anybody STUPID. I understand if your parents didnt raise you properly but you should know just by being in society that it is wrong but then again I really dont know how old you are but I am beginning to see. I am sorry for any misunderstanding on my part or if I did say (type) anything rude. Oh yeah lethalpiff I am sorry to you hat you had to witness all how this childish crap on this thread it usually isnt like this so dont let this run you away from this forum. Good luck on all your future grows.
Thanks oldleaves it's no problem just a little tention this topic has been causing tention for years..but I will keep posted on my grow and will ask for more advice along the way
I'll post pics in this thread every few days to get opinions on how they doing in the type of set up I have and if I could do better with what I have or if I'm on the right track....I've done hydro before but something about soil I really like maybe all the organic nutes you can use for soil and if there's and error you can always flush....

Go green!


Active Member
Idk man, I've done 24/0 and 18/6 but each one was with 2 different strains. There was a difference but that could be genetics alone. I think they should rest up. All things do.


Active Member
Thanks oldleaves it's no problem just a little tention this topic has been causing tention for years..but I will keep posted on my grow and will ask for more advice along the way
Hey right on man, cant wait to see more pics!!!!!!!!!! Its like this m4a2c0e guy says there is NO right or wrong way to grow everyone grows a little different than the other guy, but you sometimes take someone else's advice and make it your own (nothing wrong with that) if it works for you.:peace:

Grown n Oregon

Active Member
You talkin to me on the other page? Im a nasty kid who starts drama? If so, I hate to brake it to you son, but ive been at this and growing since the mid-80's. My kids are grown up and moved on and most likely older than you are.....making me, well..not a kid. This kid you are reffering to has served our country oversees since the cold war and have been to Iraq 4 times on service. Get your facts right before you start pounding the keyboard huh?


Active Member
You talkin to me on the other page? Im a nasty kid who starts drama? If so, I hate to brake it to you son, but ive been at this and growing since the mid-80's. My kids are grown up and moved on and most likely older than you are.....making me, well..not a kid. This kid you are reffering to has served our country oversees since the cold war and have been to Iraq 4 times on service. Get your facts right before you start pounding the keyboard huh?
Hey man relax. You are not that nasty kid. You shouldnt jump to conclusions before reading more carefully. The nasty kid i was referring to was nastynate420 hince the name nasty, and I really doubt you have kids older than me. Not that it matters because I dont feel it neccesary to talk about, but as for as your military rant I as well have served my country in Grenada-83, Gulf-90+91, Bosnia 95-97 and finally retired in June of 2000 so I did plenty of serving for a little over 27 years so dont try to use that crutch. Dont allow yourself to get so worked up its not good or your health. Be safe my friend.


Well-Known Member
do not veg for 24 hr. plants need a rest to reset go 18/6 or 20/4 but no more. What size light are you going to flower under will dictate what height you should veg to.
The look ok but I am with this guy, there is nothing you know that lives that does not grow when it sleeps.


Grown n Oregon

Active Member
good to see another service member on here. i didnt mean to be offensive to you sir, i honestly though that you were just another saggy pants kid who is a third of my age thinking that they know it all because the produced a little pot in mom and dads basement. i apoligize for my snide remarks. i ofton remind my grandkids that it wasnt long ago when parents use to discipline their kids and young bucks use to respect their elders..lol


Active Member
good to see another service member on here. i didnt mean to be offensive to you sir, i honestly though that you were just another saggy pants kid who is a third of my age thinking that they know it all because the produced a little pot in mom and dads basement. i apoligize for my snide remarks. i ofton remind my grandkids that it wasnt long ago when parents use to discipline their kids and young bucks use to respect their elders..lol
Hey man, no worries. As long as we can get on here and help someone else out. Sometimes it does led to bickering between two people strickly because of a difference of opinion, but thats life. Like my Dad and my Grandpa used to tell me ALL THE TIME "opinions are like assholes, eveybody has one and they usually stink" but thats life and we have to roll with it. Anyway, no worries my friend.

PS..... Good luck lethalpiff..........More pics.............


First of all guy, me and woods know exactly what were talking about. When you grow a plant at 24 hr photoperiod it is a good IDEA to turn lights to 18/6 for at least a week so you dont throw the plant into shock, which in turn CAN (not always) turn the plant into a herm. And trust me your not the only one that grows on a 24 hr light cycle. You are no exeption with your (monsters) LMFAO. But then again your probably one of those guys that is on this forum to just to stir up shit. Whatever though I guess it takes all kinds to make the world go round. Good luck to ya buddy.
The adult life cycle of the marijuana plant consists of two stages of growth. Vegetative and Flowering. The plant determines which of these stages of growth it should be in through the presence of a flowering hormone (phytochrome) which is sensitive to light. As long as light levels above 12-14 hours are maintained the flowering hormone will never be present in high enough levels to induce flowering in the plant. At any point during the plants life if the light is on for more than 12 hours a day it will cause the levels of flowering hormone to be reduced and the plant to revert to the vegetative growth stage. If a plant is reverted during flowering by irregular light patterns it can cause stress in the plant and stress can cause hermaphroditism. A plant can be maintained in vegetative growth without being allowed to flower indefinitely with no adverse effects.
Typically indoor growers who can control their light cycles will use either 18 hours of light per day or 24 hours of light per day. There are mythical claims that a darkness period is needed but there is no evidence to support this. Extremely healthy and potent marijuana is grown under 24-hour vegetative light. What is in dispute is whether the extra light hours bring a great deal of benefit compared with 18-hour light. Most 24-hour growers claim some increase in plant vegetation but few claim a large increase.

Just saying maybe this could help make it easier to some younger guys on here to understand on what you was trying to tell them :)