The Yorkshireman
Well-Known Member
I've just chucked a couple of those 'Smelly Cherry x Las's SLH' from the Boutique boys in to soak.
Cherryade sounds good to me.
Cherryade sounds good to me.
I've missed pages but you said you sent him some of your grow and it was the bunk? so like I said what went wrong? If everything had gone right there wouldn't have been any bunk, not complicated
I've just chucked a couple of those 'Smelly Cherry x Las's SLH' from the Boutique boys in to soak.
Cherryade sounds good to me.
Smelly Fingerez?
I'll av ya crop ya chop been and lived all over the world chav, so shall I send ya me address for the crop sendage lol
Lol were all the same Welsh/British Scottish/British and English/British and when any other nation comes at us we British lol
Haha i like it mate, got a few my self![]()
Smelly Fingerez?
Fuck me lad its a good job i neva had mouth full of asti lad im choking !!
When you ve spent 3 days trimmin prime bud lad your left with shit u missed wen lollipoppin and cant be fucked trimmin or dryin properly hence bunk ya hear me try it im sure you d feel the same haha
evening thing goog then????
The rhizo is bangin as a foliar feed but im not waterin with that any more id use root exel if u wanna try it lad ill send u sum u use .3ml to a litre and the stuff is the dogs nuts i dont know why it put me off before but since tryin it the roots are fuckin crazy even for airpots !!Do that mate, canna coco pro an the A&B thats all you need everythin else id say test an see how you like, but i would say the rhiz is good for you roots mate an stress ive always had nice roots an all my plants have never even flinched when ive potted up just kept growin the next day lol and its good for foliar feedin clones aswell and i soak my jiffys init.
You'l be happy with it mate trust me nice yield an can get taste with abit of effort like you said the ripen works an batshit 3eyes says works good to so go with 1 of those.
thanks mate i just think its somethin to do with not bein natural in coco compared to soil so you gotta try an make it as much as you can with ya micro life an such, things soils got, i dont no tho just my stoned thinkin.
does any1 rate the ionics bloom & the boost. i running out soon & was thinkin abt tryin something else. some u sayin earlier abt ph but ive found with the ionics it hovers around 7ph the whole grow. both meters work fine. gonna deffo try a coco gro next as its re usable & less ph troubles.
That's what I will do mate, I'll go the way of the ripen and prob experiment with the other things, I'm one of those that don't like to use boosters and think that complete base nutes are the way to go.
Ill have a look at the rhiz mate when I go down the local hydro shop and see what's in it, maybe as a foliar feed but if it raises ph like that I don't think I'd be watering it in I don't like to use ph down and try to use as little as possible of the stuff.
with the soil mate I think your bang on the microbe life and organics do it all for you, ease for flavour and stone isn't the hard part in soil, it's the veg time you lose and the weight that everybody swears by 20+oz is more than do-able in soil it's just the time it takes or the numbers with everything being that bit slower.
I've been spending some time contemplating an organic coco grow but don't know I'll lose time through trying it and can't afford to be doing those experiments just yet lol back up and running first I think mate
The only thing maybe stoppin me tryin the ripen 1st mate is it speedin things up lol i dont no but i dont like to rush things lol thats why im tryin the batshit next an then a banana extract ive herds good in coco if that aint good.
Thats the only down side to the rhiz mate is the raisin ph a load, apart from that i rate it, you could foliar feed with it all the time instead of puttin it in the mix tho never tried but think i might now cos the ph thing bothers me to, i even got some veg ph down(nitric acid) cos was worried about addin loads of phosphoric acid ph down for flower which was all i had 1st few grows cos thought it might fuck them up lol
If your thinkin of goin organic theres loads of peeps on here that could give you some recipes for some organic teas, or canna do a organic range just think its pricey mate.
prime bud is a diffrent smoke to popcorn lad hence why it neva matures + being flash dried does nt helpI've spent 3 days trimming mate and know exactly how it feels, the bottom smaller stuff might not get trimmed as vigorously as they would have on day1, but still trimmed none the less and as for the drying part the smaller stuff drys faster than the larger buds so drying shouldn't have been a problem, The way I took it was that you had sent the bunk of your crop, either way though if they were buds you sent and not trim out of the hash pile it still shouldn't have been shit.
that's why I was asking if something went wrong, my lower buds have never tasted shit before and they're usually the driest of the lot with them being smaller.
You chucked any in yet Pukka?
Ne1 still got the las pheno las has some plant disiese I dunno what they called but even he said no they are bad and I wouldn't risk sending any and spreadin the disease.