Are the red zig-zag papers any good?


Well-Known Member
never had a bad enough paper so bad i couldnt smoke it so i would say ya they are just fine


Well-Known Member
True..what i like most about them is the taste, but they dont stick good :/
just gotta roll em tight, after i seal the beeswax strip(most people call it glue) i hold a lighter about an inch away from it and move the joint back and forth to dry it.


Active Member
Are the zig-zag reds too thick though? Because i've tried rizla red and green, and they both had awful paper taste..


Well-Known Member
If their system is anything like Rizla, I'd avoid them. I've only smoked the blues, but look here

Further discussion

The blunts vs joints threads go off-topic and contain quite a few paper 'reviews' as well.

EDIT: Definitely, Rizal red... I still have half a pack in the cupboard for emergencies but to be honest I'd really rather not use them. I used to think RAws and having any paper preference was just being fussy but I honestly can't deal with those reds now.

It's about blue and silver. Though they went through a phase where they weren't sticking so good.


Red Zig-zags in the Uk are just extra thick and dont stick for shit, but to be honest papers are papers, just lick the hell out of the sticky bit and the'yre not too bad.


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about two different things? Never heard of red zig zags, but the orange pack is the same as regular zig zags, just longer