GHCC Care Center in Tucson was busted today


TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - Two men and two women have been arrested in a marijuana drug bust.

Sgt. Chris Widmer with Tucson Police tell KGUN9 that Counter Narcotics Alliance initiated an investigation into the sale of marijuana from the GHCC Care Center located at 3359 North Freeway.
After a two-month investigation, a search warrant was served at the business on July 10.

Each individual arrested was charged with one count of unlawful possession of marijuana and one count of unlawful possession of marijuana for sale.

Several pounds of high-grade marijuana were seized from the business as well. They also discovered an illegal indoor marijuana grow operation within the facility.

The names of the individuals arrested in this incident are not available for release at this time

This should be interesting to watch, since what they got arrested for is exactly what everyone is doing right now, and thinking they're legal.. They get the "patient's" card to validate that they are a mmj patient, then give them goods and simply ask for a donation to cover growing expenses.

This article explains it pretty clearly. From what I understand, asking for a donation equal to what it cost you to produce, is not illegal - simply you are reimbursing yourself for the cost of producing the goods. However, this is EXACTLY what they were arrested for.

It says that "exchanging a donation for marijuana pretty much amounts to marijuana sales".

They are arrested for doing exactly what everyone thinks is legal under this law. Just follow the link....

It possible that they may have been growing too much or too many plants for the cards they held. Or may have had too much cured product for the 5 patients they can legally care for (each).

I'll be watching this closely. If this stands, things will change quickly. People all over Craigslist and every local website are doing this EXACT same thing, in the exact same manner, thinking they are legal by calling it a "donation".
You are correct, everyone is breaking the law right now. You can not ask for a specific donation amount.
So it's just semantics. It's not the exchange of meds, but simply the way it's being done. That's all?

Every one of these places has a price list of "suggested donations", that reads like a Fukng restaurant menu, but if prices were not published do you suppose they would likely be operating within the law?

One thing I don't get....If you cannot mention a suggested donation amount, how would the grower/caregiver be assured to get fully reimbursed for the grow expenses?

It becomes rather silly, I picture a patient rolling out $20's very slowly until the caregiver accross the counter smiles with a wink and a nod, when a certain price point is hit, and the transaction is completed...without a discussion over money. That scenario is OK, I guess? Seems to me to be very little difference between what is OK and what is NOT OK.
So it's just semantics. It's not the exchange of meds, but simply the way it's being done. That's all?

Every one of these places has a price list of "suggested donations", that reads like a Fukng restaurant menu, but if prices were not published do you suppose they would likely be operating within the law?

One thing I don't get....If you cannot mention a suggested donation amount, how would the grower/caregiver be assured to get fully reimbursed for the grow expenses?

It becomes rather silly, I picture a patient rolling out $20's very slowly until the caregiver accross the counter smiles with a wink and a nod, when a certain price point is hit, and the transaction is completed...without a discussion over money. That scenario is OK, I guess? Seems to me to be very little difference between what is OK and what is NOT OK.

The clubs that know the law well wont post prices on leaf fly, the other half of them do like fucking idiots. Remember AZCS's menu ?? Now they dont list donation prices, of course they started doing this after they were raided.
I make suggestions such as "I usually get between 40 and 60 for this amount." This is legal.
I make suggestions such as "I usually get between 40 and 60 for this amount." This is legal.

I think care givers are fine and wont be bothered. It's the clubs that are getting busted, it's their fault though trying to act like dispensaries.
Put simply:
There can be no transaction of value unless you are that specific patient's caregiver.
That is the real law ask any legit legal council.
Every other interpretation is considered Grey area and does not provide immunity from prosecution, read the back of your new card....

Patients can trade meds etc but cash cannot be transferred.

Suggesting monetary values to anyone who is not your documented patient is illegal.
Some municipalities are trying to require caregivers to register with the city in which they are growing, solely for oversight purposes.

Selling to a patient that is not yours is a no no, but it's small time and doubtfully will draw attention with the bigger fish in AZ. Just not recomended because the one day that "patient" is a cop, technically it won't matter if they give you a penny.

Be careful all and if your going to make posts that can put others in harms way, please learn the fact first.
Put simply:
There can be no transaction of value unless you are that specific patient's caregiver.
That is the real law ask any legit legal council.
Every other interpretation is considered Grey area and does not provide immunity from prosecution, read the back of your new card....

Patients can trade meds etc but cash cannot be transferred.

Suggesting monetary values to anyone who is not your documented patient is illegal.
Some municipalities are trying to require caregivers to register with the city in which they are growing, solely for oversight purposes.

Selling to a patient that is not yours is a no no, but it's small time and doubtfully will draw attention with the bigger fish in AZ. Just not recomended because the one day that "patient" is a cop, technically it won't matter if they give you a penny.

Be careful all and if your going to make posts that can but others in harms way, please learn the fact first.

Where in the law is this based? I am not challenging just wish to see the legal basis for this opinion other than the DA or a police municipalities interpretation. Just like the concentrate opinion, is this merely an unchallenged shit opinion from the DA? Where in the law does it specifically state this?
Where in the law is this based? I am not challenging just wish to see the legal basis for this opinion other than the DA or a police municipalities interpretation. Just like the concentrate opinion, is this merely an unchallenged shit opinion from the DA? Where in the law does it specifically state this?
You are exactly right, the DA used those words to a T, that is why any legal council would recommend what I stated. If you get into trouble due to mmj who do you answer to? People under the DA, who most likely interpret the law as such. This is why CFCC is still up and running with out issues. All of their patients are registered to a caregiver. I'm not saying you won't beat the case but it's a case none the less.
You are exactly right, the DA used those words to a T, that is why any legal council would recommend what I stated. If you get into trouble due to mmj who do you answer to? People under the DA, who most likely interpret the law as such. This is why CFCC is still up and running with out issues. All of their patients are registered to a caregiver. I'm not saying you won't beat the case but it's a case none the less.

I am fucking sick of our laws being interpreted by the opposition who have zero legal authority to do so. I await these cases to go to trial and I hope the defendents don't plea out so we can get a real ruling or clarification on these issues from the only people who have the authority to do so, judges.
I am fucking sick of our laws being interpreted by the opposition who have zero legal authority to do so. I await these cases to go to trial and I hope the defendents don't plea out so we can get a real ruling or clarification on these issues from the only people who have the authority to do so, judges.

I could not agree more, there needs to be some clarification of the written laws to the general public.
Or at least easy access to clearly defined laws...
I could not agree more, there needs to be some clarification of the written laws to the general public.
Or at least easy access to clearly defined laws...

I think that more than anyone law enforcement needs a correct interpretation on these laws which they are using to harass Arizona citizens.
Clubs are dumb cause each employ with a card can only possess 2.5 oz out side of the card adress. 4 employees=10 oz so if they have 3 lbs in the club they broke the amount law. scales jars/baggies there got them busted for sales. the law wasnt followed is why they got busted.