TGA Strains Stable?

I'm sure the OP had good intentions when starting this thread but unfortunately it has been rendered useless by the inevitable TGA fanboi/hater pissing match. If the OP is still watching, my suggestion for him is to comb through some actual TGA grow journals and get real, unfiltered info:

FWIW I've grown (and documented) Querkle, Pandora's Box, Dairy Queen, Jack The Ripper, and am currently growing Qush. Pandora's Box will always remain in my garden. I only flowered one of them (thanks to our 3 plant limits) but have followed a few other grows that showed similar results to mine. Querkle showed 2 phenos from 2 plants and both were tasty, but I've since found better plants in the indica dominant/euphoric category. Dairy Queen showed 2 phenos from 2 plants and both were tasty too but I grew a tolerance quickly to her and won't grow her again, even though Ilove the high profile. JTR was OK based on the 1 pheno/plant I grew but I'd rather wait the extra 3 weeks for the Kali Mist high profile, which will also always be in my garden. Querkle and Dairy Queen both threw a couple of nanners VERY late in flower but did not grow balls or release pollen so I don't count that against them, nor would I dis any plant that did the same. JTR was fully seeded but that was my fault due to an experiment gone bad with Colloidal silver.
You do know that your preferred seed producer had/has a youtube show, right? I quit watching after he took extreme offense to people pointing out that his 'breeding notes' were actually just breeding articles that DJ short had written. I believe subby actually called someone an 'ass cunt' in the rant video that followed.

I also have internet access and am a member at multiple forums which allows me to do research to 'know something about a seed company' before I'd give them my business.

Look, you seem to want to continue this dialog like I have some axe to grind with the company at hand here which simply isn't the case. I couldn't care less about what beans anyone chooses to buy. There are breeders and chuckers and you're free to support whoever you'd like. Cheers!

Oh, and to finally answer your question, I do have some TGA genetics in my room right now. I'll name the linage, lets see if you can guess what I have:

(SSSC (Nevil's) X NL5 X Pluton X Purple Haze X Jack) x (Romulan X Cindy 99) x Deep Psychosis. Any idea how he included all that worked landrace into this cross ;)?

(SSSC (Nevil's) X NL5 X Pluton X Purple Haze X Jack) x (Romulan X Cindy 99) x Deep Psychosis.....................sounds like some unstable trash sub came up with.
why wound anyone take a chance on something so unstable as tga strains? if u look at him on youtube he lets you know wats hes about. a unstable person with unstable business trying to sell unstable seeds. a seed company that shakes the hell out of his males in a 5x5 breeding closet....never knew u had to shake the hell out the males in order to produce seeds. sub par seeds from a sub par seed company with herm genetics because he says he has the eye for dank. sub has the eye for messing up a great clone only strain.
i've grown my share of weed nerd gear.
even cuts from friends they "thought" were "superb".

note quotations.

in reality, dat gear no cut da mustard (unless you run a warehouse full).

my grinding penchant to roast weak electricity wasting gear aside , would love to have a killer JTR cut.

proven runner. nothing but. a true dick maker... cause that's what she said ;-)


check out my new 'tude order. shwing.

guess homie caught on and now has these package deals.

buy one , get one.

damn subby you so smart with those trends !

From the description of Jack the Ripper Jack the Ripper is a "Pluton X Purple Haze X Lambsbread X NL X Jack Herer X Romulan X Cindy 99BCGA"

So, that's like 7 sets of genetics, most of which are already hybrids, in one strain. That he then breeds with other ridiculous polyhybrids. So the only thing I really have to say about the whole thing is that with genetics like that, herms shouldn't even be considered a surprising mutation. A surprising mutation would be if it started getting up and walking around on its own. TGA claims to be about the 'science of dank' but it is pretty obvious that they are the equivalent of a 7 year old playing with his first chemistry set, just mixing everything that came in the box. There may be a lot of good potential phenos in any TGA strain, but clearly the best result for their seeds is simply to find a good mother to cut clones from, which is my optimum result from all the TGA freebies that attitude threw at me last month. However, even a hobbyist breeder should have the common sense to avoid introducing that kind of crapshoot genetics into their breeding stock.

Even furthermore, with breeding polyhybrids like that, even his best work is really just the result of other breeders' work. Any jackass (like me!) can buy two packs of stable hybrid seed from two different breeders, and then cross them, and you know you'll get mostly good phenos. But more than taking credit for anything, you should be thanking the breeders of your parent stock, who did the actual work in this case.

soooooooo true. he lets real breeders do all the work then tells all his followers he created a new strain or hybyrid but all hes done was made a cross work of others work with somebodies elses work. really not creating a new nothing jus crossing a cross with another cross which makes everything he produces very unstable.
soooooooo true. he lets real breeders do all the work then tells all his followers he created a new strain or hybyrid but all hes done was made a cross work of others work with somebodies elses work. really not creating a new nothing jus crossing a cross with another cross which makes everything he produces very unstable.

Basically a lot of cannabis breeders now look like rappers stealing tracks.
It does cut the mustard when you top and train your plants. You can get a really decent yeild with his gear. I agree there is a ton of good shit out there but if you dont know where to look its a good starting point and will give you dank. Im not a sub lover or none of that shit. I could give a fuck less about anybody on these forumns. But i feel the need to keep spreading the word because i dont like how people are saying its trash genetics when it obviously is not true. Unless your like bluntmassa who cant tell his head from his ass then you should know the difference.
i've grown my share of weed nerd gear.
even cuts from friends they "thought" were "superb".

note quotations.

in reality, dat gear no cut da mustard (unless you run a warehouse full).

my grinding penchant to roast weak electricity wasting gear aside , would love to have a killer JTR cut.

proven runner. nothing but. a true dick maker... cause that's what she said ;-)


check out my new 'tude order. shwing.

guess homie caught on and now has these package deals.

buy one , get one.

damn subby you so smart with those trends !


speaking of trends....after dna came out with purple trainwerck sub-par then came out with his own purple trainwerck...after the everone else came out with thier own cheese hybrids...sub-par had to come out with his own cheese cross....after nevil came out with jack herer ....sub- par used the grimms brothers work from jack herer seeds "c99" to create sub par seeds from. he has ever tried making an og wat trend has sub started. from wat ive seen he's a follower even his growing and breeding notes aint even his own. everything sub uses is work of he's using jamie high cbd strain to make a fake cbd crew strain.....sub's not a trend he follow them.
harlequin x has anyone seen these new mutant test seeds....sub-par had too many males in the breeding room and doesnt know how many or which male or males his harlequin cutting was crossed with. then he goes and says that there not test seeds. how many seed company give his testers seeds just to grow out now wanting to know how they came out. sounds like some backyard schwagg breeding to me
only sub ....shanti doesnt steal, nevil doesnt steal, steve doesnt steal, jim ortega doesnt steal, dj short doesnt steal.

And Charlie Daniels isn't a rapper. Go peruse the seedbank catalogs for the miles and miles of unworked F1s. Its become "clever" to get 2 "elite" clones, reverse one and call yourself a breeder. Which is technically true, as much as John Bobbitt was an actor.

I'm not saying people don't need to start somewhere, but I'd like to at least think a "breeder" has a fundamental understanding of genetics and a desire to create a stable strain. If you want to start somewhere, get a few diff nice IBL seed packs with predictable breeding traits and a couple books on genetics. I know its no where near as "baller", but oh well.
Right, like Vortex, acknowledged by a host of review sites as some of the best grass on planet earth hands down is all a bunch of overhyped BS and all these independent review sites were paid by TGA to print that. Yeah, sure. How stupid do you think people are? Why hasn't anyone mentioned Qrazy Train? Grow it myself perpetually and have had no such problems with stability, hermies or potency.
i was told the sub was moving his 5x5 grow room to another location.....and was told that he has some so called afg/pak male he's been working with. mybe one day the weak ass green queen cross will be released....i released the green queen cutting i got from one of my friends into the how can one call themselves a breeder if all they do is create unstable shit no one can even breed with. breeders create stable strains that can be used in a breeding program. sub produces a hybrid with seven different phenos which makes everything he creates unstable trash u cant breed.
You folks bashing TGA do realize you represent a significant minority, don't you? So a majority are clueless dumbasses who'll just smoke and grow anything and you few know better?
They all steal, when, "steal" is in the eye of the beholder.

who's work did jim ortega use when he created kush #4, who's work did nevil use when he created maple leaf, who's work did shanti use when he created white widow, who's work did dj short use when he created blueberry, who's work had breeder steve steal when he created sweet tooth?
What is the difference breeder or a pollen chucker anyhow?

it sure seems that almost every seed bank on attitude, sannies, world of seeds, carries 90-100% f1's.

It's really hard to find anyone line breeding any more. i just went through my seed stash and realized i have 37 strains in all, but only 4 of them are f2's or higher. Only 1 ibl in herijuana, 1 f7 in sannies jack (talk about uniform seed starts), a f3, and a f2.

If you find a quality male and are lucky/cool enough to get real 'elite' clone only clone(s) to cross it with and make seeds, more power to you. It takes a while to find just that. Put in more time to make f2's and line breed is what the "real breeders" should be doing imo.