How long until the anxiety goes away?


Well-Known Member
I've been smoking weed nearly every day for around seven months now. I recently found out that long-term marijuana use in people who are naturally nonanxious, will become anxious. The main reason I started was because of anxiety and an improved mood, but I found out what was causing my previous anxiety and I naturally do NOT have anxiety.

Anyways, given that I've smoked for almost seven months now of mostly high-quality bud (blue dream, blue skunk, sour diesel, jack herer.. just to name a few lol), how long of not smoking will it take before my anxiety dies down? My birthday is technically today now (13th) and I'm planning on tonight being my last night.

The anxiety when I'm not high isn't worth it. And sometimes I still even have anxiety when I am high. Saving money and feeling in control of my life again is worth a lot more than getting high.


Well-Known Member
Getting high is actually counter-productive for anxiety. Long-term marijuana users who normally would be nonanxious would start experiencing anxiety when sober. Which is exactly what's happening with me and it's annoying as fuck. It's just not comfortable. Plus I'll be able to save up a bunch of money. And today is my birthday, so I figured it's a perfect time to quit.


Well-Known Member
Getting high is actually counter-productive for anxiety. Long-term marijuana users who normally would be nonanxious would start experiencing anxiety when sober. Which is exactly what's happening with me and it's annoying as fuck. It's just not comfortable. Plus I'll be able to save up a bunch of money. And today is my birthday, so I figured it's a perfect time to quit.

so this is a " I'm quitting thread"?


Active Member
stay cool man, i hope it helps =)

i just smoke because i like how it makes me feel..... so can't really associate at all sorry.


Well-Known Member
I like how it makes me feel too, it just kinda gets old. Plus the memory problems and overall fogginess/stupidity and I can go back to saving a lot more money. The main point of the thread was the question.


New Member
More power to ya man. I have taken 4 or 5 yr breaks from MJ. It's not the center of my universe. When you say anxiety what exactly do you mean? Can't be in crowds? Moody? It takes me 3 to 4 months for everything to wear off, mainly this foggy mental thing, and this urge to strangle people just to listen to that sweet gurgle of doom......sorry. 3 or 4 months.


Well-Known Member
You've also been smoking for a lot longer than me probably. I just turned 20 today and have only been smoking consistently for about seven months, with a few, 3-5 day breaks.


New Member
Light dose of Zoloft (50mg) once a day offsets that rather easily if it was just MJ induced. Sometimes pharms play their part if taken in moderation.


Well-Known Member
look, if u get social anxiety heres a little something to go by,,,Just imagine everyone you see buck naked,the uglier the person or the fatter,the better,this way you can replace that anxiety with pure dusigust.I know it sounds terrible dosent it?It worked for me,Just try it.


New Member
I'm sayin take it WHILE quitting, the anxiety is not going to go away so quickly. Like a nicotine patch, it will help in the transition.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but I'd need to get a prescription, wouldn't I? Plus, you can get hooked to that type of shit.


Well-Known Member
This happened to me. I stopped smoking for 4-5 months and the anxiety faded off. I started smoking again like once a fortnight. The most often I smoke now is like once a week, I never smoke daily! Even now I get the odd panic attack or anxiety rush here and there, just got to learn to control it! Best of luck mate!