trayvan martin


Well-Known Member
my parents instilled me with morals and ethics.

and if i were to be a freeloading mooch, i certainly wouldn't brag about it, because unlike you i have a sense of this thing called shame.

you are a fucked up individual, and you are everything that's wrong with this country.
HA HA HA HE HE HE HA HA HA Oh fuck me !! Ha HA HA

Oh Shit. If that isn't the pot calling the the kettle a black moocher.... Ha HA HA HA HA HA HA

Bucky, you fuck me up ! LOL


Well-Known Member
HA HA HA HE HE HE HA HA HA Oh fuck me !! Ha HA HA

Oh Shit. If that isn't the pot calling the the kettle a black moocher.... Ha HA HA HA HA HA HA

Bucky, you fuck me up ! LOL
so the guy bragging about abusing the system gets a free pass here? you're still trying to tell this lie about me?

don't be jealous about my wife's wealthy family. i know you have this tale about how you're some type of STD ridden biker douche who has to pay hookers to get his dick wet, but there is no need for the class warfare.

my guess is that you're some type of narc or something, trying to fish information about me. well good luck. my treadmill business is doing just fine.


Well-Known Member
so the guy bragging about abusing the system gets a free pass here? you're still trying to tell this lie about me?

don't be jealous about my wife's wealthy family. i know you have this tale about how you're some type of STD ridden biker douche who has to pay hookers to get his dick wet, but there is no need for the class warfare.

my guess is that you're some type of narc or something, trying to fish information about me. well good luck. my treadmill business is doing just fine.
You are such a mooching douche bag !
Screw you and your information. No one needs to fish anything about your stupid existence because you have such a big mouth. You open your mouth and shit can't help but fall out. LOL Moocher ! HA HA HA


Well-Known Member
You are such a mooching douche bag !
Screw you and your information. No one needs to fish anything about your stupid existence because you have such a big mouth. You open your mouth and shit can't help but fall out. LOL Moocher ! HA HA HA
if i am a moocher, then you are a child molester.

i know how common it is for bikers who want to feel all big and bad to enlist underage sex slaves since they are too dirty/STD ridden to get any via normal channels.


Well-Known Member
if i am a moocher, then you are a child molester.

i know how common it is for bikers who want to feel all big and bad to enlist underage sex slaves since they are too dirty/STD ridden to get any via normal channels.
I can get more pussy than you could ever imagine. Ask your wife if she doesn't fantasize about being with a real man on a Harley instead of a weak little bitch that lets little kids rip him off ! You are such a little bitch...
I may come up your way and meet some brothers from Volksfront. If I do, I'll be sure and pay your kiddie diddling ass a visit !!


Well-Known Member
Me mad ? Hell no ! I LOL at you for hanging on to Bucky's nuts and calling me gayro. LOL
If you weren't so dumb you'd probably notice the only thing me and Buck actually agree on is that noobs like you are fun to troll.

Stop talking about Bucks nuts tho, like the last thread the more you post the more people see your blatant transference going're even trying to transfer the transference now.

The Fail Train is calling out for you, better get back on board.


Active Member
Did anyone post this one? (I'm not going through 862 pages)

"George Zimmerman Passed Police Lie Detector Test Day After Trayvon Martin Killing"

A day after killing Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman passed a police lie detector test when asked if he confronted the teenager and whether he feared for his life “when you shot the guy,” according to documents released today by Florida prosecutors.

According to a “confidential report” prepared by the Sanford Police Department, Zimmerman, 28, willingly submitted to a computer voice stress analyzer (CVSA) “truth verification” on February 27. Investigators concluded that he “has told substantially the complete truth in regards to this examination.”

Zimmerman, the report noted, “was classified as No Deception Indicated (NDI).”

Along with questions about whether his first name was George and if it was Monday, Zimmerman was asked, “Did you confront the guy you shot?’ He answered, “No.” He was also asked, “Were you in fear for your life, when you shot the guy.” Zimmerman replied, “Yes.”

Before the CVSA test, Zimmerman--who was apparently not accompanied by legal counsel--signed a Sanford Police Department release stating that he was undergoing the examination “voluntarily, without duress, coercion, threat or promise.”

The lie detector test was requested by Chris Serino, a homicide investigator with the Sanford Police Department."

I can predict the idiocy coming next... ;)


Well-Known Member
yes we already discuss this stress test. Very different then a lie detector test. Its a reason they can't use these things in court ( for both sides )


Well-Known Member
Woman accuses Zimmerman of child molestationA woman identified only as Witness 9 tearfully told Florida authorities investigating George Zimmerman for the fatal shooting of an unarmed teen that he molested her for 10 years, starting when she was 6, according to a new round of evidence released Monday.The woman, who was not a witness to the killing of Trayvon Martin, made her explosive statement to investigators for the state attorney in March, a month after the shooting.Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, is charged with second-degree murder in the killing of Trayvon, 17, who was walking from a store to the home of his father's fiancée. The two got into an altercation that ended with the teen's death on Feb. 26.He is out on $1 million bond. A judge had revoked his previous $150,000 bond in June when prosecutors showed that Zimmerman and his wife, Shellie, tried to hide their assets from the court.The woman's 27-minute recorded interview is part of evidence released by prosecutor Angela Corey's office.The woman, who said she is a relative of Zimmerman, recounts incidents that she said began when she was 6 and he was 8. She said the sexual abuse began when she and her sister went to stay with Zimmerman and his family.She said Zimmerman assaulted her numerous times, groping her with his hands, kissing her, fondling her inside her pants and inserting his fingers in her vagina."I wanted to make it stop, but I didn't know how," the woman tearfully told investigators. She said she never said anything about the alleged abuse because she was scared.Zimmerman's attorney, Mark O'Mara, had argued that the interview should not be released. O'Mara wrote in a motion that the statement "is not relevant" to the shooting death of Trayvon Martin and would "serve to reignite and potentially enhance the widespread public hostility toward Mr. Zimmerman."The woman, whose identity has not been disclosed, said her family and Zimmerman's family were always together.She said the last incident occurred when she was 16 and they were both in a house his family owned in Lake Mary, Fla. She said he told her to lay on a bed, then laid down next to her and tried to massage her. She said they were clothed, but she said she felt his erection. She said she ran out of the room and house.The woman said that in 2005, when she was 20, she told her sister that "something happened," but didn't provide details. Her sister told her parents, who confronted Zimmerman. At the time, he allegedly said, "I'm sorry," but they never discussed it further, she said.Zimmerman's family wanted to sweep everything under the rug, the woman said. The families still got together, but she said Zimmerman stopped attending many of those functions.She said she came forward now because, "For the first time in my life, I'm not afraid of him."Attorney Benjamin Crump, lawyer for the Martin family, said Monday "as the state attorney previously stated, she (witness 9) certainly would be a rebuttal witness very similar to that in the Sandusky trial showing that he (Zimmerman) has a history of violence and manipulation. Zimmerman's mentality is very relevant to this trial."The woman told Sanford police in a telephone interview released in May that Zimmerman and his family are racist against blacks. In that interview, she refused to identify herself."Growing up he and his family always made statements that they did not like black people unless they act white," she told police.But she said she never saw Zimmerman do anything specific that showed he was racist.Recordings released Monday included 145 phone calls Zimmerman had while in jail.In one conversation Zimmerman spoke with an unidentified person who told him that Zimmerman's friend and defender Frank Taaffe said that "he has an interested party" who was willing to pay for his legal defense as long as Jose Baez was co-counsel.Baez represented Casey Anthony, the Florida woman who was tried and acquitted in the 2008 death of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, last summer.Zimmerman quotes O'Mara as saying, "if you want him to be co-counsel just have him be your counsel because I will excuse myself."Zimmerman in the recording said, "I told him no, absolutely not."


Well-Known Member
Woman accuses Zimmerman of child molestationA woman identified only as Witness 9 tearfully told Florida authorities investigating George Zimmerman for the fatal shooting of an unarmed teen that he molested her for 10 years, starting when she was 6, according to a new round of evidence released Monday.The woman, who was not a witness to the killing of Trayvon Martin, made her explosive statement to investigators for the state attorney in March, a month after the shooting.Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, is charged with second-degree murder in the killing of Trayvon, 17, who was walking from a store to the home of his father's fiancée. The two got into an altercation that ended with the teen's death on Feb. 26.He is out on $1 million bond. A judge had revoked his previous $150,000 bond in June when prosecutors showed that Zimmerman and his wife, Shellie, tried to hide their assets from the court.The woman's 27-minute recorded interview is part of evidence released by prosecutor Angela Corey's office.The woman, who said she is a relative of Zimmerman, recounts incidents that she said began when she was 6 and he was 8. She said the sexual abuse began when she and her sister went to stay with Zimmerman and his family.She said Zimmerman assaulted her numerous times, groping her with his hands, kissing her, fondling her inside her pants and inserting his fingers in her vagina."I wanted to make it stop, but I didn't know how," the woman tearfully told investigators. She said she never said anything about the alleged abuse because she was scared.Zimmerman's attorney, Mark O'Mara, had argued that the interview should not be released. O'Mara wrote in a motion that the statement "is not relevant" to the shooting death of Trayvon Martin and would "serve to reignite and potentially enhance the widespread public hostility toward Mr. Zimmerman."The woman, whose identity has not been disclosed, said her family and Zimmerman's family were always together.She said the last incident occurred when she was 16 and they were both in a house his family owned in Lake Mary, Fla. She said he told her to lay on a bed, then laid down next to her and tried to massage her. She said they were clothed, but she said she felt his erection. She said she ran out of the room and house.The woman said that in 2005, when she was 20, she told her sister that "something happened," but didn't provide details. Her sister told her parents, who confronted Zimmerman. At the time, he allegedly said, "I'm sorry," but they never discussed it further, she said.Zimmerman's family wanted to sweep everything under the rug, the woman said. The families still got together, but she said Zimmerman stopped attending many of those functions.She said she came forward now because, "For the first time in my life, I'm not afraid of him."Attorney Benjamin Crump, lawyer for the Martin family, said Monday "as the state attorney previously stated, she (witness 9) certainly would be a rebuttal witness very similar to that in the Sandusky trial showing that he (Zimmerman) has a history of violence and manipulation. Zimmerman's mentality is very relevant to this trial."The woman told Sanford police in a telephone interview released in May that Zimmerman and his family are racist against blacks. In that interview, she refused to identify herself."Growing up he and his family always made statements that they did not like black people unless they act white," she told police.But she said she never saw Zimmerman do anything specific that showed he was racist.Recordings released Monday included 145 phone calls Zimmerman had while in jail.In one conversation Zimmerman spoke with an unidentified person who told him that Zimmerman's friend and defender Frank Taaffe said that "he has an interested party" who was willing to pay for his legal defense as long as Jose Baez was co-counsel.Baez represented Casey Anthony, the Florida woman who was tried and acquitted in the 2008 death of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, last summer.Zimmerman quotes O'Mara as saying, "if you want him to be co-counsel just have him be your counsel because I will excuse myself."Zimmerman in the recording said, "I told him no, absolutely not."
OMG and WTF...I knew Zimmerman just felt creepy to me for some odd reason other then killing an unarmed teen... Now come to find out this guy is a molester as well..Good fucking grief...and his own family at that. Hey people give this creep more of the money you work for. DISGUSTING


Well-Known Member
OMG and WTF...I knew Zimmerman just felt creepy to me for some odd reason other then killing an unarmed teen... Now come to find out this guy is a molester as well..Good fucking grief...and his own family at that. Hey people give this creep more of the money you work for. DISGUSTING
and who would have ever guessed that the zimm family didn't like blacks who don't act "white enough"?



Well-Known Member
and who would have ever guessed that the zimm family didn't like blacks who don't act "white enough"?

I'm still tripping on how the family tried to hide the molester in the family...Fuckin creepy. Touch my child you won't have to worry about the jury, police, judge, court or any of that shit..I might but you certainly won't..I hate anyone who fucks with kids..INSTANT HATE


Well-Known Member
desert dude will be here soon to defend the practice of child molesting. modrama will soon be by to explain to us how child molestation is just surprise sex, essentially. some other righty will explain to us that zimm is allowed to put his penis where he wants, and it's other people's responsibility to stay out of the way of it, just like his bullets.
