My 1st grow


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU :D

Time for another update, so it's day 21 of flower, I've managed to get my light a little higher, but if the plants get any taller, they will have to be tied down,
They're all filling up with bud & the smallest of the 3 is dripping in crystals, they're loving the canna terra flores,

Pics to follow:

Here's crystal (as I have named her)



Well-Known Member
omg GG i'm speechless!!!

those buds are coming along very nicely!!! the way those are progessing you might be able to harvest sooner then you think!!!

keep up the great work on the updates, the pictures are wonderful!! :mrgreen: xx


Well-Known Member
Very beautiful plants there grass!! Havent seen or heard from here in aminute but very nice update! OMG those are looking yummy!! I'm sure your like omg I have to wait another +month ..!!! Sucks lmfao but well worth it , it seems so far.


Well-Known Member
those are some killer lookin plants!! good job with them... im hoping mine will turn out that nice!! :)


Well-Known Member
omg GG i'm speechless!!!

those buds are coming along very nicely!!! the way those are progessing you might be able to harvest sooner then you think!!!

keep up the great work on the updates, the pictures are wonderful!! :mrgreen: xx
Hi T :D :D

Thanx for stopping by :D
Yes I was thinking the same myself, I also think I may have a few seeds cooking in there too with them being slight hermie, I wouldn't mind tbh :D
Thankyou for your kind comments xxxx

Very beautiful plants there grass!! Havent seen or heard from here in aminute but very nice update! OMG those are looking yummy!! I'm sure your like omg I have to wait another +month ..!!! Sucks lmfao but well worth it , it seems so far.
Thanx for stopping by clean :D
& thankyou for the comments, I know I aint really been around had abit abit of stuff to sort out - a mothers work is never done :lol:

I know I keep getting tempted to snip a little off :oops:

Thanx for dropping by you 2 xxxx


Well-Known Member
you may want to wait awhile before starting the snipping. others condemn it but i say go for it (just don't get carried away!) - it is my opinion that "bud tasting" is one of the many fringe benefits we growers can indulge in - provided we keep it to limited quantities.


Well-Known Member
Looks Awesome :weed:
Thankyou very much for stopping by & commenting Alto :D

you may want to wait awhile before starting the snipping. others condemn it but i say go for it (just don't get carried away!) - it is my opinion that "bud tasting" is one of the many fringe benefits we growers can indulge in - provided we keep it to limited quantities.
Mmmmm, think I may treat myself to a pre harvest taster tomorrow then :D


Well-Known Member
don't be disappointed if it tastes terrible and just gives you a headache though...
Think I'll give it a miss then :lol:

I've got some hash to be going on with til it's ready,

I just have to keep telling myself - wont be long now, wont be long ........


Well-Known Member
Think I'll give it a miss then :lol:

I've got some hash to be going on with til it's ready,

I just have to keep telling myself - wont be long now, wont be long ........
if you don't have any - i would hold off (or get a little) - before you know it your precious ladies could be hacked to pieces and we'll all be in tears!