CHEESE BOMB need help and tips


Well-Known Member
okay.....well lets brain storm here. what soil are you planning to use. I'm willing to walk you through this grow as much as I can. What nutrients? Think about planting in a 16oz party cup with about 5 holes in the bottom so you can get a nice strong rootball going. Also ho big is this mini GH? If you would like you could start it in your closet or something under the earlier mentioned lamp you have and veg it for a couple weeks. If you do this you MUST harden it off or it will get stressed from the climate/lighting change. Do you kno how to harden a plant off? Also if you do start outdoors you are not going to want to do it in direct sunlight this time of year because it my be too intense for the sprout. What I do is expose it to 1 hour of sunlight the first day I see the first(round) set of leaves then 2 hours the next day, 3hours the next, 4 hours the next and so on until I feel they are ready to receive full sun. Also which method are you choosing to germinate?


New Member
okay.....well lets brain storm here. what soil are you planning to use. I'm willing to walk you through this grow as much as I can. What nutrients? Think about planting in a 16oz party cup with about 5 holes in the bottom so you can get a nice strong rootball going. Also ho big is this mini GH? If you would like you could start it in your closet or something under the earlier mentioned lamp you have and veg it for a couple weeks. If you do this you MUST harden it off or it will get stressed from the climate/lighting change. Do you kno how to harden a plant off? Also if you do start outdoors you are not going to want to do it in direct sunlight this time of year because it my be too intense for the sprout. What I do is expose it to 1 hour of sunlight the first day I see the first(round) set of leaves then 2 hours the next day, 3hours the next, 4 hours the next and so on until I feel they are ready to receive full sun. Also which method are you choosing to germinate?
Im germinating with 2 strips of wet kitchen roll on a small plate and with cling film so no moisture evaporates and put in my boiler room will check them in 9 hours to see if thay need more water then will keep checking till i see it crack and hear is a pic of my mini greenhouse i made and it is 2 1/2ft in with and 4 ft in hight and the soil I'm using is multi purpose professional compost


Well-Known Member
Yeah that is how I germinate......just make sure that the paper towel is MOIST not saturated because that might cause the seed to mold . And to be quite frank. All it takes is 1 windy day to shred that GH to pieces but we will work on that later. Just worry about the plants as of now. You know what soil you will be using?


New Member

  • multi purpose professional compost and i also have some clay ball's but i fort that they are for hydro sets only also i never get any strong wind in my garden but just to make sure i will peg the gh down also i made that in 30 mins with bamboo and string haha lol



Well-Known Member
I have never used a medium like that. you are in the uk right? Idk what you guys have available but compost has too much nutrient matter in it for a fresh seed. I would go buy some potting soil WITHOUT time released fertilizer. Something organic would be preferable. Anything that says "feeds for up to....." is no good for sprouts/seedlings. this is what I use013.jpg it is called Kellogg's Patio Plus All Natural Potting Soil. it is cheap and has a neutral ph and perfect for seedlings.


Well-Known Member
something with a fair amount of perlite will do. Anything with alot of bark will become too acidic in the long run. Any organic potting soil will do tho I guess. As long as when you squeeze it doesnt become hard. Fluffy soil is good. When I'm buying soil I just punch a hole in the bag and squeeze a handful and inspect it for insect/bugs and too see if there is any bark or sharp gravel in there.....if so i move on to the next brand.


Well-Known Member
Whoa! what was that grown under?? that nug looks really light(weight wise). I also see you do not like to let them go all the way....still has a bunch of white pistils. I am curious as to if there is a reason for this?
This plant first off is a freak.
Secondly, hairs usually turn brown when they die, these hairs did not.
That is a dry bud you are looking at.
Also this plant was grown under a 1000w hps with other strains, all the other strains performed as they should have and as im use to which is big hairy dank dense super sugary buds. This is why i said this strain is SHIT earlier.


Well-Known Member
I try to let this strain go beyond their flowering time recommendation, but started pushing out them real late nanners, Bomb seeds says that this is a lightning fast finisher 6-8 weeks. I took it as far as i could which was around 60 days.
It is shit mate! Has nothing to do with me and everything to do with bomb seeds and the strain its self.
Here is female seeds c99 from the same tent as cheese bomb.


Well-Known Member
Oh okay now I get it. Must have been a bad pheno. I have 2 stunted plants flowering outdoors right now. I'm expecting them to look like that cheese bomb. These plants are about the height of two pop cans stacked on top of each other....maybe even shorter. And they have been growing outdoors in 4 and 5 gallon pots for over 2 months now. i'll probably just harvest em, dry em, and donate em. depending on the quality. hope they look more like the second pic


New Member
my dad just bought me a greenhouse its mutch better bigger and will be going to get some potting soil tmoz will keep this post updated


Well-Known Member
Lol, Billy, what the hell is up with you using all sorts of different fonts every post? You meaning to do that?