Well-Known Member
okay.....well lets brain storm here. what soil are you planning to use. I'm willing to walk you through this grow as much as I can. What nutrients? Think about planting in a 16oz party cup with about 5 holes in the bottom so you can get a nice strong rootball going. Also ho big is this mini GH? If you would like you could start it in your closet or something under the earlier mentioned lamp you have and veg it for a couple weeks. If you do this you MUST harden it off or it will get stressed from the climate/lighting change. Do you kno how to harden a plant off? Also if you do start outdoors you are not going to want to do it in direct sunlight this time of year because it my be too intense for the sprout. What I do is expose it to 1 hour of sunlight the first day I see the first(round) set of leaves then 2 hours the next day, 3hours the next, 4 hours the next and so on until I feel they are ready to receive full sun. Also which method are you choosing to germinate?