New atempt at breading!!! Jernal or gernal

thump easy

Well-Known Member
Today i like to bread area 51= skywalker og x alien og + master cinderella 99 = Princess Layeais.jpg
White fire + area 51 = Blanka from street fighterstreet_fighter_blanka.jpg
Bananna og + Cherry pie x duraban poison x og kush = ice cream sundaygirlscouticecream.jpg
Area 51 + Yoda og = The empire strikes back!!!! empire.jpg

i will post pics of males and females i got the gsc outside next to the two males... im scared of pollination in my room... I hope this works if not back to the drawing boardbreading 001.JPG

ow shit scrach that princess leia fuck me man!!!! why arent anyone running these cuts or genetics out hear in cali????? what the fuck man!!! you need me to blow some of these genetics up.. over hear!!!!
If being a nerd means being educated then yes I guess I am


yiest??? r we doing hooch??? lolz sweet sweet genetics i asked the top dogs for beens at a hole sale for collectives lolz i got the finger fuck it if you cant beat them join them!!!!
yiest??? r we doing hooch??? lolz sweet sweet genetics i asked the top dogs for beens at a hole sale for collectives lolz i got the finger fuck it if you cant beat them join them!!!!

Man, you REALLY can't spell, lol. But that's alright, I hope you get a ton of beans.
well i nevor thought of name it after it was born i dont have kids of my own but if the baby was in the oven i would probly be picking out the name... not all chilldren are angles they come out NOTORIOUS some times hopefully with good selection i might get something THUMPTORIOUS.. hahahaha just kidding it all in the name of fun.... !!! but thanks for the insight!!!
hmm!!! what are the crosses?? and who is the breader? well im thankfull for the heads up ill look it up.. but the batter up gsc
That leia is alredy out and called Leia OG!!! just a heads up!!

oh shit i just looked it up your right!!! Y aint these genetics making it over this way?????? first time i hear of it.. well im have to run that one day???? fuck me what i need that strain gage green man my friends to tell you the truth dont do gage green im give it a give gage green a shot!!!!!
Do it nothin but legit genetics and Super Stable strains BOMB! all i can say!

I will i just got to finish these strains out i got to many man time to start given shit away just so shit dont get lost for realz keeping a few thow i love a few of them well all of them but keeping but i cant stop just to wounder wen i first started in water lil did i know i had champs fromt he get go nevor have i came back to those yielding numbers of bomb bomb and still on my hunt for shit like that but today if i ever comeacross something amazing i will know not to just let it die out!!!!!! yes i will come around to you guys or your favorite genetics im kurious about a few i seen...