Organic Feeding 101.

No experience doing it, but i always read people simply adding more molasses to feed the herd as long as it is still being aerated. Personally, i use within 24 to 36 hours (plenty frothy) and any leftovers goes into the regular house plants or tossed in the yard.

"And for the compost tea and the banana tea do you need a bubler in the water?"

Addingaeration will help the tea mature faster as most aerobic organisms have a higher metabolic rate than anaerobic organisms do. Anaerobic bacteria also created nasty compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, which is lethal in small concentrations. At 1-10ppm it can irritate the mucus membranes. At 10-50ppm it can cause dizziness, nausea, headache, vomiting and upper respiratory irritation. At a concentration of 1000ppm it is instantly lethal in one breath. Nasty stuff.... and it's highly flammable. Now, scary shit aside. Most of the activity at the root level is aerobic anyway. So why not introduce aerobic bacteria and their metabolic products to your roots via tea??? Besides.... letting your tea go anaerobic smell like shit.
No experience doing it, but i always read people simply adding more molasses to feed the herd as long as it is still being aerated. Personally, i use within 24 to 36 hours (plenty frothy) and any leftovers goes into the regular house plants or tossed in the yard.

honestly, im using pure sugar cane honey, from day 1 in flower to harvest, and getting great results. i add a tablespoon in, with about 5L of water, every watering (weekly or so). way frostier buds.
i thought useing uncomposted organic materials . was unsafe because of pathogens

well first, im no doctor, or biologist, or whatever. but id imagine the uncomposted organic material would have to have the pathogen already, for it to be an issue. seeing as how i use previous pot plants as my primary organic matter, if they had pathogens, i would have smoked them already....

otherwise, i dont see much issue. it is how nature keeps its own dirt fresh, by composting organic materials (+ bugs and everything)

Either way, i feel pretty healthy. =)
i havent had any problems with pathogens,
all that happens is the micro organisms feeds and breaks down the organic matter its a natural process once all the sugars and material is broken down the microbes go dorment anyways i beleive until more organic material is added..
good question though ill have to reasearch into that one abit more deeply,,
if it went anaerobic now and gets moldy and whatnot like if you leave a lid on a bucket full of organic material breaking down thats a different story very bad stuff growing in there!!
now, on the other hand, when i placed fan leaves over the top of the soil, as a mulch (and just to get rid of the mountain of leaves i had), i did notice some of it start to mold up, and being above the dirt, and in contact with the air, id imagine some spores do get into the air, not so smart if indoors i suppose.

i wont be doing that again, not just for the possibility of spores, but it attracts insects too. maybe they can smell the funk?

either way, composting pot plants still is a great way to get those nutrients back, and into the next plants. i will keep chopping, grinding, cutting, and breaking it down, to put under the soil.
if you have access use seaweed,
it has tons of nutes plus the hormones which is the greatest and bugs hate it as a liquid!!
Hey nick good post, i have a question about your banana tea. It says 4 peels, is that 4 bananas or a single banana

4 entire bananas! i try to get big bananas, and id even use more, maybe 5 bananas per liter instead of 4? the recipe is great and does WONDERS. ive yet to have a potassium deficiency in any plant since ive been doing this. its a nice boost, cheap, and apparently, its long lasting, and not toxic if used in excess.

I will say this, stop atleast 2 weeks before to harvest, ive gotten banana tasting pot since using this. its not a bad taste, when the pot itself was a berry or something, but some other strains taste funky with a hint of banana...
Iv came up with my own great soil, half super soil , half jet black organic soil with my own perlite mix and some clay pellets for good airation , I used organic roots for half, fox farm happy frog for another, and put a couple in only super soil, my mix is killing it, I'm just over the second week of veg and this double koosh is already as wide as or wider than the 5 gallon pots ther in,, super stoked, I'll post some pics ,
Iv came up with my own great soil, half super soil , half jet black organic soil with my own perlite mix and some clay pellets for good airation , I used organic roots for half, fox farm happy frog for another, and put a couple in only super soil, my mix is killing it, I'm just over the second week of veg and this double koosh is already as wide as or wider than the 5 gallon pots ther in,, super stoked, I'll post some pics ,

Everything Iv said about growing is fake,, I'm in no way growing sweet stinky canibus